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One thinks of the arts in Nazi Germany as struggling in an oppressive system, yet evidence has repeatedly shown that conditions were far more favourable than we assume. Potter conducts a historiography of Nazi arts, examining writings from the last seven decades to demonstrate how historical, moral, and intellectual conditions have sustained a distorted characterization of cultural life in the Third Reich. Showing how past research has revealed the decentralized nature of Nazi arts policies, Potter argues that the insulation of academic disciplines allowed outdated presumptions about Nazi micromanagement of the arts to persist.
Recent scholarship has broadened definitions of war and shifted from the narrow focus on battles and power struggles to include narratives of the homefront and private sphere. To expand scholarship on textual representations of war means to shed light on the multiple theaters of war, and on the many voices who contributed to, were affected by, and/or critiqued German war efforts. Engaged women writers and artists commented on their nations' imperial and colonial ambitions and the events of the tumultuous beginning of the twentieth century. In an interdisciplinary investigation, this volume explores select female-authored, German-language texts focusing on German colonial wars and World War I...
Nazi art looting has been the subject of enormous international attention in recent years, and the topic of two history bestsellers, Hector Feliciano's The Lost Museum and Lynn Nicholas's The Rape of Europa. But such books leave us wondering: What made thoughtful, educated, artistic men and women decide to put their talents in the service of a brutal and inhuman regime? This question is the starting point for The Faustian Bargain, Jonathan Petropoulos's study of the key figures in the art world of Nazi Germany. Petropoulos follows the careers of these prominent individuals who like Faust, that German archetype, chose to pursue artistic ends through collaboration with diabolical forces. Reade...
A fascinating and exciting reevaluation of the 17th-century novels of Eberhard Happel
Artists and creators in interactive art and interaction design have long been conducting research on human-machine interaction. Through artistic, conceptual, social and critical projects, they have shown how interactive digital processes are essential elements for their artistic creations. Resulting prototypes have often reached beyond the art arena into areas such as mobile computing, intelligent ambiences, intelligent architecture, fashionable technologies, ubiquitous computing and pervasive gaming. Many of the early artist-developed interactive technologies have influenced new design practices, products and services of today's media society. This book brings together key theoreticians and practitioners of this field. It shows how historically relevant the issues of interaction and interface design are, as they can be analyzed not only from an engineering point of view but from a social, artistic and conceptual, and even commercial angle as well.
An exploration of the career of Franz Radziwill, investigating the question of art in a Nazi context
"Offering a fresh perspective on the cultural transition between Weimar- and National Socialist-era Germany, this interdisciplinary volume explores the fate of modernism following the censorship of the Nazi years. Presenting essays on architecture, painting, cabaret, typography, and commercial design, the volume explores how modern styles like New Vision photography, Dada, and Neue Sachlichkeit coexisted with established artistic modes and generated a productive tension that persisted during the Nazi era. Bridging photography, moving image, and painting, Aesthetics in Transition provides a deeper understanding of the complex interplay between tradition and modernity in early-20th-century Germany"--
Hydrological Systems Modeling is a component of Encyclopedia of Water Sciences, Engineering and Technology Resources in the global Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), which is an integrated compendium of twenty one Encyclopedias. This 2-volume set contains several chapters, each of size 5000-30000 words, with perspectives, applications and extensive illustrations. It carries state-of-the-art knowledge in the fields of Hydrological Systems Modeling and is aimed, by virtue of the several applications, at the following five major target audiences: University and College Students, Educators, Professional Practitioners, Research Personnel and Policy Analysts, Managers, and Decision Makers and NGOs.
Schizophrenie – kaum ein anderer psychiatrischer Krankheitsbegriff wurde in der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts so intensiv und kritisch diskutiert. Auch innerhalb der Psychiatrie herrschte alles andere als Einigkeit über den Begriff, die Ursachen und Behandlungsmethoden. Von den ersten Berichten psychotherapeutischer Behandlungen bis hin zu den Erfahrungsschilderungen von Betroffenen rekonstruiert Sandra Schmitt, wie sich die Vorstellungen von Schizophrenie nach 1945 veränderten, welche Rolle die Psychoanalyse dabei spielte und wie die Psychiatrie darüber in eine Krise geriet und sich durch methodische Verwissenschaftlichungen wieder stabilisierte. Die Studie beschreibt die Zirkulation von Wissen und die Etablierung neuer Deutungen des Schizophreniekonzeptes und liefert so einen Beitrag zur Wissens- und Kulturgeschichte der Psychiatrie in Ost- und Westdeutschland.
Der Aufschwung der Psychiatrie in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts ging mit zahlreichen Verwerfungen einher. Erstens war festzustellen, dass moderne Strömungen in der Kunst, Auffälligkeiten des Sexualverhaltens sowie andere unangepasste soziale Verhaltensweisen psychiatrisiert wurden. Hier spielte das in den 1890er Jahren entwickelte Konzept der Psychopathie eine wichtige Rolle wie auch der Querulantenwahn. Viele Psychiater nutzten diese Expansionsbestrebungen, um sich - initiiert durch die Revolution - in politischen Diskursen mit neuen gesellschaftpolitischen Entwürfen zu profilieren. Zweitens sind Begriffs- und Wissenszirkulationen feststellbar. So wurde z.B. der Begriff der Sc...