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"A realist novel that explores the effect that witnessing a terrorist assassination has on a sixteen-year-old girl's life"--Provided by publisher.
Re-Visioning Terrorism: A Humanistic Perspective is an interdisciplinary collection of essays that aims to offer a plurality of visions on terrorism, expanding its meaning across time and space and raising new questions that explore its multifaceted occurrences. The different ideological, philosophical, and cultural perspectives emerging from the essays and the variety of humanistic disciplines involved intend to provide a complex and even contradictory picture that emphasizes the fact that there cannot be a univocal conception and response to terrorism, in either the practical or the intellectual domain. The editors borrow the concept of rack focus response from cinema to create an innovati...
This volume contains a selection of papers based on presentations given at the international conference entitled "The European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages: Achievements and Challenges", co-organised by the Council of Europe, The Government of Spain, The Government of the Basque Country And The University of the Basque Country, which was held in Bilbao (Spain) on 20 and 21 April 2009. This work looks at the future prospects of the charter in the light of the experience gained over the first decade of the charter's existence. it is evident that governments bear the primary responsibility in preparing for ratification and in applying the charter, and this is illustrated by case studies for some states parties To The charter. However, regional and local authorities also play a very important role in relation To The charter as they are confronted on a daily basis with the use and protection of minority languages
Ramón Zallo offers us with this informative book an overall synthesis of Basque culture, society and history. Thanks to its contents it may be destined to become a road map for understanding some keys about the country of the Basques. The author starts from a broad concept of Basque culture which, while it is not very well known, is proportionally very rich for such a small country. He conceives it as a whole culture and as having a history of its own, although it is very closely related to its surroundings. And its trajectory indicates the need to prioritize its development and singularity in this global world full of uncertainty. In Part One he traces (and vindicates) the cultural and spa...
This volume offers a critical examination of the cartographic assumption that there is a rich array of functional projections whose hierarchical order is fixed and determined by Universal Grammar. The contributions discuss the nature of these hierarchies and their relation to the central theoretical goal of explanatory adequacy.
The chapters included in this volume examine a number of modern and contemporary travel and mobility narratives produced in the different languages of Iberia, whether they offer accounts of Iberia itself or portray other geographical or human contexts. Illustrating the diversity of forms characteristic of travel writing, the texts discussed in the book feature representations of travel and mobility as presented in novels, films and other literary and cultural manifestations such as comics, plays and journalistic chronicles. Additionally, the volume incorporates a section of creative responses to the tropes of travel and mobility by contemporary Iberian authors in English translation. Thus, t...
The Spanish novel in a turbulent century.
Godoten esperoan, edo gizakiaren xelebretasun trajikoa gordin antzezturik (birritan, behin eta berriro, ez da deus gertatzen). Bide galdu batean, Vladimir eta Estragon esperoan daude, berek ere garbi ez daukatelarik zinezko esperantzaz ari diren ala denbora eta etsipena engainatu beharrez. Eta jardun dihardute, hutsartea betetze aldera. Hitzak. Zentzurik gabeak dirudite batzuetan. Baina ez dira hitzak zentzugabe direnak. Aitzitik, zentzuz beterik daude: zentzugabetasun unibertsalaz, besteak beste. Eta kondenatuta daude giza bufoiok, errepikatzera kondenatuak: burutazioak, mugimenduak, eszena osoak errepikatzera, lehena berriz ere, lehena berriz ere… Eta birritan, berriro, Godot ez zaie etorriko. Eta haatik ez die artean ere alde egingo hura etortzeko esperantzak. Zinez erremedio gabea, xelebrea, gizakia.
Kartografiak bere baitan biltzen du errealitateen eta irudimenaren arteko hartuemana: mapak ez dira errealitatea, baina errealitatearen irudi bat ematea dute helburu. Autorea errealitate baten, bere errealiatearen, kartografia egiten saiatu da liburuan. Asko eta askotarikoak dira errealitateak, bai, baina ez oso diferente; azken finean denok gara gizaki. Autorearena ez da besteen errrealitateetatik oso aldendurik egongo. Lurralde batzuk ondo marraztuta daude, sateliteen eta ordenadoreen bidez egiten diren modukoak dira: ahalik eta zehatzen. Beste batzuk, aldiz, zirriborroak, besterik ez. Terra Incognita franko agertzen da, halabeharrez, antzinako mapetan bezalaxe, nork ezagutzen du oso-osorik bere burua eta bere ingurua?