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Remembering Katyn
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 121

Remembering Katyn

Katyn– the Soviet massacre of over 21,000 Polish prisoners in 1940 – has come to be remembered as Stalin’s emblematic mass murder, an event obscured by one of the most extensive cover-ups in history. Yet paradoxically, a majority of its victims perished far from the forest in western Russia that gives the tragedy its name. Their remains lie buried in killing fields throughout Russia, Ukraine and, most likely, Belarus. Today their ghosts haunt the cultural landscape of Eastern Europe. This book traces the legacy of Katyn through the interconnected memory cultures of seven countries: Belarus, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, and the Baltic States. It explores the meaning of Katyn as site and symbol, event and idea, fact and crypt. It shows how Katyn both incites nationalist sentiments in Eastern Europe and fosters an emerging cosmopolitan memory of Soviet terror. It also examines the strange impact of the 2010 plane crash that claimed the lives of Poland’s leaders en route to Katyn. Drawing on novels and films, debates and controversies, this book makes the case for a transnational study of cultural memory and navigates a contested past in a region that will define Europe’s future.

Polish Literature in Transformation
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 314

Polish Literature in Transformation

This volume emerged from the conference "Polish Literature Since 1989" held at the University College London School of Slavonic and East European Studies. It shows how the profound political and economic transformation that has taken place in Poland since the end of communism in 1989 has affected literary culture and literary scholarship, such as: changing conceptions of Polish nationhood and identity * the impact of European integration (since 2004) * the effects of migration * revised conceptions of the foreign or the marginal, and new understandings of what is understood by emigre or emigrant literature * sensitivity to issues of gender and sexual identity, as well as the impact of feminism and queer studies * the huge impact of revived interest in the Jewish heritage, in Holocaust memory, and in Polish-Jewish relations. (Series: Polonistik im Kontext - Vol. 2)

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 674


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2012-08-02
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  • Publisher: Penguin UK

This landmark book uncovers for the first time in detail one of the greatest horrors of the twentieth century: the vast system of Soviet camps that were responsible for the deaths of countless millions. Gulag is the only major history in any language to draw together the mass of memoirs and writings on the Soviet camps that have been published in Russia and the West. Using these, as well as her own original research in NKVD archives and interviews with survivors, Anne Applebaum has written a fully documented history of the camp system: from its origins under the tsars, to its colossal expansion under Stalin's reign of terror, its zenith in the late 1940s and eventual collapse in the era of glasnost. It is a gigantic feat of investigation, synthesis and moral reckoning.

Iron Curtain
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 735

Iron Curtain

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2012
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  • Publisher: Penguin UK

In the long-awaited follow-up to her Pulitzer Prize-winning "Gulag," acclaimed journalist Anne Applebaum delivers a groundbreaking history of how Communism took over Eastern Europe after World War II and transformed in frightening fashion the individuals who came under its sway.

  • Language: zh-CN
  • Pages: 179


希特勒剛走,史達林就來了! 面對鋪天蓋地的黨政機器,拒絕活在謊言下的人還有什麼指望? 穿越冷戰與歷史的迷障,首度揭開鐵幕的神祕面紗。 你真的認識共產黨嗎? 破壞制度、分化社群、滲透媒體、打壓人民, 蘇聯老大哥如何全面接管東歐? 東歐老百姓為何服從,又為何抵抗? 如果《血色大地》有續作,肯定是安愛波邦的《鐵幕降臨》──── 安愛波邦熟悉東歐,理解極權,更洞悉人性, 最重要的是,天生善於說書的她,有著娓娓道盡一切的敘事功力。 「本書滿是我應該要知道、卻從不曉得的事。」 ──《耶路...

Political Discourse in Central, Eastern and Balkan Europe
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 278

Political Discourse in Central, Eastern and Balkan Europe

This edited volume offers new insights into contemporary political discourses in Slavic speaking countries by focusing on discursive and linguistic means deployed in relevant genres, such as parliamentary discourse, commemorative and presidential speeches, mediated communication, and literal and philosophical essays. The depth of the linguistic analysis reflects different levels of linkage between language and social practice constituting the discourse. The theoretical and methodological approaches discussed range from interactional pragmatics over corpus linguistics to CDA. The chapters contain original language material in Russian, Polish, Czech, Croatian, Serbian and Macedonian, and the authors address issues such as the affiliation to different political and social groups within parliamentary settings, national identity, gender and minorities, as well as cultural memory and reconciliation.

Od cara do
  • Language: pl
  • Pages: 384

Od cara do "cara"

Państwo, posługując się polityką historyczną, przesądza spory wokół historii, ma monopol na ustalanie prawdy. Panowanie państwa nad przeszłością poprzez odpowiednią reglamentację wiedzy na jej temat, odpowiednie komentarze wiedzy tej towarzyszące, to zarazem forma politycznej kontroli – tym skuteczniejsza, im słabiej jest rozwinięte w danym państwie społeczeństwo obywatelskie. Spreparowana z pomocą usłużnych historyków wiedza o przeszłości ułatwia państwu przekonywujące wyjaśnianie obywatelom aktualnych problemów i oswajanie ich z przyszłymi ewentualnościami. Popularne określenie polityka historyczna, mające genealogię niemiecką (Geschichtspolitik), ni...

  • Language: pl
  • Pages: 666


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2006
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Początek wojny niemiecko-sowieckiej i losy ludności cywilnej
  • Language: pl
  • Pages: 132

Początek wojny niemiecko-sowieckiej i losy ludności cywilnej

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2003
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Узники Донбасса и Саратова
  • Language: pl
  • Pages: 312

Узники Донбасса и Саратова
