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These are the proceedings of the First International Conference on Compu- tional Logic (CL 2000) which was held at Imperial College in London from 24th to 28th July, 2000. The theme of the conference covered all aspects of the theory, implementation, and application of computational logic, where computational logic is to be understood broadly as the use of logic in computer science. The conference was collocated with the following events: { 6th International Conference on Rules and Objects in Databases (DOOD 2000) { 10th International Workshop on Logic-based Program Synthesis and Tra- formation (LOPSTR 2000) { 10th International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming (ILP 2000). CL 2000 c...
1 The tenth anniversary of the LOPSTR symposium provided the incentive for this volume. LOPSTR started in 1991 as a workshop on logic program synthesis and transformation, but later it broadened its scope to logic-based program development in general, that is, program development in computational logic, and hence the title of this volume. The motivating force behind LOPSTR has been the belief that declarative paradigms such as logic programming are better suited to program development tasks than traditional non-declarative ones such as the imperative paradigm. Speci?cation, synthesis, transformation or specialization, analysis, debugging and veri?cation can all be given logical foundations, ...
The book contains the proceedings of the 12th European Testis Workshop and gives an excellent overview of the state of the art in testicular research. The chapters are written by leading scientists in the field of male reproduction, who were selceted on the basis of their specific area of research. The book covers all important aspects of testicular functioning, for example, Sertoli and Leydig cell functioning, spermatogonial development and transplantation, meiosis and spermiogenesis. Even for those investigators who were not present at the workshop, this volume provides a clear impression of the topics discussed during that meeting.
Alan Robinson This set of essays pays tribute to Bob Kowalski on his 60th birthday, an anniversary which gives his friends and colleagues an excuse to celebrate his career as an original thinker, a charismatic communicator, and a forceful intellectual leader. The logic programming community hereby and herein conveys its respect and thanks to him for his pivotal role in creating and fostering the conceptual paradigm which is its raison d’Œtre. The diversity of interests covered here reflects the variety of Bob’s concerns. Read on. It is an intellectual feast. Before you begin, permit me to send him a brief personal, but public, message: Bob, how right you were, and how wrong I was. I sho...
Includes tutorials, lectures, and refereed papers on all aspects of logic programming, The Joint International Conference and Symposium on Logic Programming, sponsored by the Association for Logic Programming, includes tutorials, lectures, and refereed papers on all aspects of logic programming, including theoretical foundations, constraints, concurrency and parallelism, deductive databases, language design and implementation, nonmonotonic reasoning, and logic programming and the Internet.
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation, VMCAI 2002, held in Venice, Italy in January 2002. The 22 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 41 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on security and protocols, timed systems and games, static analysis, optimization, types and verification, and temporal logics and systems.
This volume contains the proceedings of AMAST 2002, the 9th International Conference on Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology, held during September 9–13, 2002, in Saint-Gilles-les-Bains, R ́eunion Island, France. The major goal of the AMAST conferences is to promote research that may lead to setting software technology on a ?rm mathematical basis. This goal is achieved through a large international cooperation with contributions from both academia and industry. Developing a software technology on a mathematical basis p- duces software that is: (a) correct, and the correctness can be proved mathem- ically, (b) safe, so that it can be used in the implementation of critical systems,...
This volume contains the proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Veri?cation, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation (VMCAI 2003), held in New York city, January 9–11, 2003. The purpose of VMCAI was to provide a forum for researchers from three communities—Veri?cation, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation—that will facilitate interaction, cross-fertilization, and the advance of hybrid methods that combine the three areas. With the g- wingneedforformaltoolstoreasonaboutcomplex,in?nite-state,andembedded systems, such hybrid methods are bound to be of great importance. Topics covered by VMCAI include program veri?cation, static analysis te- niques, model checking, program certi?cation, type systems, abstract domains, debugging techniques, compiler optimization, embedded systems, and formal analysis of security protocols. VMCAI 2003 was the fourth VMCAI meeting. The previous three were held as workshops (Port Je?erson 1997, Pisa 1998, and Venice 2002). It is the success of the last meeting, and the wide response it generated, that made it clear the time had come to make it an annual conference.
The thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Logic Based Program Synthesis and Transformation, LOPSTR 2002, held in Madrid, Spain in September 2002. The 15 revised full papers presented together with 7 abstracts were carefully selected during two rounds of reviewing and revision from 40 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on debugging and types, tabling and constraints, abstract interpretation, program refinement, verification, partial evaluation, and rewriting and object-oriented development.
This volume contains the papers from the Seventh International Workshop on Logic Program Synthesis and Transformation, LOPSTR '97, that took place in Leuven, Belgium, on July 10–12, 1997, 'back to back' with the Fourteenth International Conference on Logic Programming, ICLP '97. Both ICLP and LOPSTR were organised by the K.U. Leuven Department of Computer Science. LOPSTR '97 was sponsored by Compulog Net and by the Flanders Research Network on Declarative Methods in Computer Science. LOPSTR '97 had 39 participants from 13 countries. There were two invited talks by Wolfgang Bibel (Darmstadt) on 'A multi level approach to program synthesis', and by Henning Christiansen (Roskilde) on 'Implicit program synthesis by a reversible metainterpreter'. Extended versions of both talks appear in this volume. There were 19 technical papers accepted for presentation at LOPSTR '97, out of 33 submissions. Of these, 15 appear in extended versions in this volume. Their topics range over the fields of program synthesis, program transformation, program analysis, tabling, metaprogramming, and inductive logic programming.