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This volume examines the ten most popular fictional narratives in early modern Europe between 1470 and 1800. Each of these narratives was marketed in numerous European languages and circulated throughout several centuries. Combining literary studies and book history, this work offers for the first time a transnational perspective on a selected text corpus of this genre. It explores the spatio-temporal transmission of the texts in different languages and the materiality of the editions: the narratives were bought, sold, read, translated and adapted across European borders, from the south of Spain to Iceland and from Great Britain to Poland. Thus, the study analyses the multi-faceted processes of cultural circulation, translation and adaptation of the texts. In their diverse forms of mediality such as romance, drama, ballad and penny prints, they also make a significant contribution to a European identity in the early modern period. The narrative texts examined here include Apollonius, Septem sapientum, Amadis de Gaula, Fortunatus, Pierre de Provence et la belle Maguelonne, Melusine, Griseldis, Aesopus’ Life and Fables, Reynaert de vos and Till Ulenspiegel.
Containing the proceedings of the 14th Conference on Studies, Repairs and Maintenance of Heritage Architecture (STREMAH 2015), this book provides the necessary scientific knowledge required to formulate regulatory policies and to ensure effective ways of preserving the architectural heritage. First held in 1989, the STREMAH conference attracts an extensive range of quality contributions from scientists, architects, engineers and restoration experts from all over the world dealing with various aspects of heritage buildings. The conference proceedings cover a wide range of topics related to the historical aspects and the reuse of heritage buildings, as well as technical issues on the structura...
Traditional narratives hold that the art and architecture of the Iberian Peninsula in the late 15th century were transformed by the arrival of artists, objects, and ideas from northern Europe. The year 1492 has been interpreted as a radical rupture, marking the end of the Islamic presence on the peninsula, the beginning of global encounters, and the intensification of exchange between Iberia and Renaissance Italy. This volume aims to nuance and challenge this narrative, considering the Spanish and Portuguese worlds in conjunction, and emphasising the multi-directional migrations of both objects and people to and from the peninsula. This long-marginalised region is recast as a ‘diffuse arti...
This is an extensive listing of almost everything published about the fourteenth century Spanish "Libro de buen amor" by Juan Ruiz, Archpriest of Hita. It is essentially the same as the online bibliography at http: // but it also contains a history of this project starting in the 1970's and a listing of other bibliographies on this work of literature. In addition, it can be used in conjunction with the e-book version (which has a search engine) "A Bibliography for the Book of Good Love, Third Edition" found at
This book provides essential information on Mexico’s Holocene and Anthropocene climate and vegetation history. Considering the geography of Mexico – which is home to a variety of climatic and environmental conditions, from desert and tropical to high mountain climates – this book focuses on its postglacial paleoecology and paleoclimatology. Further, it analyses human intervention since the middle Holocene as a major agent of environmental change. Offering a valuable tool for understanding past climate change and its relationship with present climate change, the book is a must-read for botanists, ecologists, palaeontologists and graduate students in related fields.
El Sendebar es una vieja colección de cuentos que hunde sus raíces en Oriente y que ha ido sobreviviendo gracias a su capacidad de permanente actualización y transformación. Salvar la vida gracias al arte de contar es, en esencia, su hilo conductor. La Historia de los siete sabios de Roma, nombre que adopta la versión española, pertenece a la denominada rama occidental, en la que el ambiente orientalizante del modelo se va trasladando a una ficticia corte imperial romana. Su larga vida editorial se inició en el taller zaragozano de los hermanos Hurus en las últimas décadas del siglo XV y prosiguió hasta el siglo XX, en un continuo camino en la que se vio sometida a numerosas transformaciones materiales y textuales hasta confluir en la literatura popular de pliegos de cordel.
This title includes a number of Open Access chapters.The field of plant physiology includes the study of all chemical and physical processes of plants, from the molecular-level interactions of photosynthesis and the diffusion of water, minerals, and nutrients within the plant, to the larger-scale processes of plant growth, dormancy and reproduction
Aquest llibre presenta una reflexió acadèmica i professional al Campus de la Diagonal amb un ampli ventall d’idees urbanístiques que permeten establir un nou escenari universitari i millorar la relació amb la ciutat..Durant els anys seixanta i setanta del segle passat es varen realitzar diversos projectes d’edificis i recintes universitaris de gran interès (de Carlo, Candilis, Sert). També es varen publicar notables estudis sobre la relació entre la ciutat i la universitat..Feia, però, força anys que aquestes qüestions no semblaven ocupar l’agenda d’arquitectes, urbanistes i responsables universitaris. Per això sembla tan oportú l’esforç de recollir en aquestes poc més de dues-centes planes tot un seguit de riques reflexions i de projectes, tant aquells que responen a encàrrecs concrets de la UB i de la UPC, com aquells que han realitzat un conjunt d’estudiants per recosir i fer ciutat d’una munió d’edificis, sovint de caràcter abstret i poc permeable, tallats per una avinguda de grans dimensions i disposats sense cap visió de conjunt.
Chivalric romance assumed a leading role in 16th-18th-century Iberian prose. This book examines the Memorial das Proezas da Segunda Távola Redonda (1567) from the theoretical perspective of memory studies. By analyzing transtextual relations and textual representations of memory, it shows how Jorge Ferreira de Vasconcelos' text should be read both as a product and a generator of 16th-century literary and cultural memory.