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Ekonomi Teknik merupakan perpaduan antara Ilmu Ekonomi dan Ilmu Keteknikan, adalah ilmu yang ditujukan untuk menganalisa aspek-aspek ekonomi dan teknis dari usulan investasi yang dapat berupa pengadaan atau pembelian aset, perencanaan investasi baik untuk proyek industri maupun proyek di sektor publik. Buku ini membahas konsep-konsep dan teknis analisis untuk menentukan kelayakan ekonomi dari sudut pandang ongkos/biaya (cost) atau keuntungan (profit) maupun manfaat (benefit). Buku ini ditujukan untuk mahasiswa yang berlatar belakang Teknik dengan berbagai program studi, Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Statistika dan program studi lainnya yang menawarkan mata kuliah serupa. Walaupun buku ini pada dasarnya diperuntukan kepada mahasiswa, namun buku ini cukup relevan untuk dibaca oleh para pemangku kebijakan, praktisi bisnis, wirausaha, engineer yang seringkali harus mengambil keputusan untuk permasalahan teknis dengan pertimbangan ekonomi.
Applied Econometrics takes an intuitive, hands-on approach to presenting modern econometrics. Wide-ranging yet compact, the book features extensive software integration and contains empirical applications throughout. It provides step-by-step guidelines for all econometric tests and methods of estimation, and also provides interpretations of the results. The second edition of this popular book features expanded topical coverage, more coverage of fundamental concepts for students new to the subject or requiring a "refresher", integrated finance applications throughout, as well as the addition of Stata to the software coverage (already featuring EViews and Microfit). New chapters include: - Limited Dependent Variable Regression Models - Identification in Standard and Cointegrated Systems - Solving Models This is an ideal book for undergraduate and master's economics or finance students taking a first course in applied econometrics. A companion website for this book is available at which contains: - Data files for students - PowerPoint slides for lecturers
This book shows how the change of water paradigm has become urgent, and provides evidence for new policies that expand water balance to green and virtual water. The issue of water security concerns drinking water supply but also food safety, linked to agricultural policy. Both rain-fed and irrigated agriculture play complementary roles in food security, and the water issue implies a holistic view of water resources. This view constitutes the book's backstory. The reader will find original ideas that can be applied everywhere because the example of Tunisia is typically a basis to illustrate a universally prevalent situation. The book deals with other important issues: desalination, wastewater recycling, water quality, groundwater overdraft, water savings, governance, knowledge valuing, education, information: upgrading the whole water systems for the future implies emancipation of the whole society.
Convexity of sets in linear spaces, and concavity and convexity of functions, lie at the root of beautiful theoretical results that are at the same time extremely useful in the analysis and solution of optimization problems, including problems of either single objective or multiple objectives. Not all of these results rely necessarily on convexity and concavity; some of the results can guarantee that each local optimum is also a global optimum, giving these methods broader application to a wider class of problems. Hence, the focus of the first part of the book is concerned with several types of generalized convex sets and generalized concave functions. In addition to their applicability to n...
Praise For Strategic Supply Chain Management: "This book shows convincingly that a robust supply chain strategy is critical for business success in today's uncertain economic environment. Cohen and Roussel explain not only what makes for a good supply chain strategy but also how to put that strategy into practice." -- Jim Miller, VP, Worldwide Operations, Google "Strategic Supply Chain Management loudly and clearly makes the case that successful companies' supply chain strategies are closely aligned with their competitive differentiation and operating models. The book uses in-depth examples that bring these concepts to life and demonstrate that one size doesn't fit all. Anyone who thinks ope...
Managing Knowledge Assets and Business Value Creation in Organizations: Measures and Dynamics provides an advanced, state-of-the-art understanding of the links between the knowledge assets dynamics and the business value creation. This publication focuses on the theory, models, approaches, methodologies, tools and techniques for measuring and managing organizational knowledge assets dynamics supporting and driving business performance improvements. This comprehensive work is a substantial contribution to the field in terms of theory, methodology and applications to replicate, support and challenge existing studies and offer new applications of existing theory and approaches.
This book presents a comprehensive and substantial overview of the emerging field of food safety engineering, bringing together in one volume the four essential components of food safety: the fundamentals of microbial growth food safety detection techniques microbial inactivation techniques food safety management systems Written by a team of highly active international experts with both academic and professional credentials, the book is divided into five parts. Part I details the principles of food safety including microbial growth and modelling. Part II addresses novel and rapid food safety detection methods. Parts III and IV look at various traditional and novel thermal and non-thermal processing techniques for microbial inactivation. Part V concludes the book with an overview of the major international food safety management systems such as GMP, SSOP, HACCP and ISO22000.
The recent outbreaks of E.coli and BSE have ensured that the issue of meat safety has never had such a high profile. Meanwhile HACCP has become the preferred tool for the management of microbiological safety. Against a background of consumer and regulatory pressure, the effective implementation of HACCP systems is critical. Written by leading experts in the field, HACCP in the meat industry provides an authoritative guide to making HACCP systems work effectively.This book examines the HACCP in the meat industry across the supply chain, from rearing through to primary and secondary processing.