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Enhancing our understanding of how people and places are affected by globalization at the level of everyday interactions within ’Nordic Peripheries’, this book sheds light on local particularities as well as global confluences, by illuminating how gender, mobility and belonging contribute to ruptures and/or stability in the lives of men and women living in and/or moving within these northern localities. Crossing disciplinary and geographical boundaries the focus of the book is specifically on how global processes shape and influence the Nordic countries at the social level: Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Finland, as well as the Faroe Islands. The book starts from the premise that the ...
This mapping presents a selected overview of existing research on gender, education and population flows in the Nordic peripheral areas. These areas are faced with a series of challenges that cannot be analyzed nor solved without taking a gender perspective into account. The challenges relate to, for instance, altered living conditions caused by global changes, stagnated or negative economic development, decrease in the amount of workplaces (particularly in the traditionally male-dominated professions) as well as, not least, migration and depopulation which is partly due to the fact that the young people of the area (especially the women) move to bigger cities to educate themselves. The challenges in question are not only significant in relation to the viability and cohesion of the areas, but also for the men and women who live there and their mutual social relations.
This book provides a comprehensive treatment of the role Nordic countries have played as exporters and importers of gender equality policies, and of how Europeanisation has framed the development and harmonisation of legislation and politics between the countries, with global consequences. The diverse range of contributors present the argument that the European Union increasingly exerts influence on Nordic equality policy, without undermining the recent significance of the Nordic countries’ gender policy as models for countries all over the world . It demonstrates that differentiation and variation at national and regional levels in the Nordic countries, as well as in Europe in general, ma...
This book provides an in-depth view on Bourdieu’s empirical work, thereby specially focusing on the construction of the social space and including the concept of the habitus. Themes described in the book include amongst others: • the theory and methodology for the construction of “social spaces”, • the relation between various “fields” and “the field of power”, • formal construction and empirical observation of habitus, • the formation, accumulation, differentiation of and conversion between different forms of capital, • relations in geometric data analysis. The book also includes contributions regarding particular applications of Bourdieu’s methodology to traditional and new areas of research, such as the analysis of institutional, international and transnational fields. It further provides a systematic introduction into the empirical construction of the social space.
During the Danish Presidency for the Nordic Council of Ministers in 2015, attention was drawn towards challenges and best practice examples in relation to gender, education and population flows in peripheral areas throughout the Nordic countries - Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Iceland and the autonomous countries, Greenland, the Faroe Islands and Åland. The present report summarises the findings and conclusions which are covered in the existing Nordic research and literature within the field, as well as the experience and professional responses, which were presented during the course of the common dialogue and exchange of experience.
This book investigates the importance of gender and resistance to silences and denials concerning human rights abuses and historical injustices in narratives on transnational memories of three violent conflicts in Indonesia. Transnational memories of violent conflicts travel abroad with politicians, postcolonial migrants and refugees. Starting with the Japanese occupation of Indonesia (1942–1945), the war of independence (1945–1949) and the genocide of 1965, the volume analyses narratives in Dutch and Indonesian novels in relation to social and political narratives (1942–2015). By focusing on gender and resistance from both Indonesian and Dutch, transnational and global perspectives, the author provides new perspectives on memories of the conflicts that are relevant to research on transitional justice and memory politics.
Enhancing our understanding of how people and places are affected by globalization at the level of everyday interactions within ’Nordic Peripheries’, this book sheds light on local particularities as well as global confluences, by illuminating how gender, mobility and belonging contribute to ruptures and/or stability in the lives of men and women living in and/or moving within these northern localities. Crossing disciplinary and geographical boundaries the focus of the book is specifically on how global processes shape and influence the Nordic countries at the social level: Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Finland, as well as the Faroe Islands. The book starts from the premise that the ...
Denne kortlægning præsenterer en selekteret oversigt over eksisterende forskning og faglitteratur om køn, uddannelse og befolkningsstrømme i yderområderne i de nordiske lande. De nordiske lande står overfor en række udfordringer, som ikke bør/kan forstås, og ej heller løses, uden at medtænke et kønsperspektiv. Det drejer sig bl.a. om ændrede levevilkår som følge af globale forandringer, stagnerende eller negativ økonomisk udvikling, nedgang i antallet af arbejdspladser (især i de traditionelle mandefag) samt ikke mindst migration og affolkning, hvilket blandt skyldes, at områdernes unge (især kvinderne) flytter til de større byer for at tage en uddannelse. Der er tale om udfordringer, som ikke bare har stor betydning for områdernes levedygtighed og sammenhængskraft, men også for de mænd og kvinder, der bor her, og for deres indbyrdes sociale relationer.
This book provides a comprehensive treatment of the role Nordic countries have played as exporters and importers of gender equality policies, and of how Europeanisation has framed the development and harmonisation of legislation and politics between the countries, with global consequences. The diverse range of contributors present the argument that the European Union increasingly exerts influence on Nordic equality policy, without undermining the recent significance of the Nordic countries' gender policy as models for countries all over the world . It demonstrates that differentiation and variation at national and regional levels in the Nordic countries, as well as in Europe in general, matt...
På hvilken måde kan man tale om et klassesamfund i Danmark i dag? Og betyder klasse overhovedet noget i det nuværende samfund? Hovedpointen i bogen Det skjulte klassesamfund er, at skarpe sociale skel fortsat eksisterer - de er blot mindre åbenlyse end tidligere. Inspireret af Pierre Bourdieus ideer om social differentiering og med byen Alborg som empirisk holdepunkt undersøger forfatterne, hvordan klassesamfundet og klasseidentitet har betydning i danskernes hverdag - og hvordan den enkelte iscenesætter og kommunikerer sit klassemæssige tilhørsforhold via symbolske grænsedragninger og gennem de mange valg, der samlet set definerer ens livsstil, forbrug, smag, kulturelle præferencer samt moralske og politiske holdninger. Samtidig illustreres det, hvordan klasse også viser sig som en erfaring, vi hver især bærer i kroppen. Bogen vil være af interesse for alle, der beskæftiger sig med eller interesserer sig for klasser og social ulighed.