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Pendidikan Anti Korupsi
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 162

Pendidikan Anti Korupsi

Buku Pendidikan Anti Korupsi ini hadir sebagai panduan komprehensif dalam memahami, mencegah, dan memberantas praktik korupsi yang telah menjadi ancaman serius bagi pembangunan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Melalui pendekatan edukatif, buku ini mengupas secara mendalam tentang konsep dasar korupsi, jenis jenisnya, serta faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan seseorang atau kelompok terjerumus dalam tindakan korupsi. Selain itu, buku ini juga membahas dampak negatif korupsi terhadap sistem pemerintahan, ekonomi, dan kehidupan sosial, serta menyoroti peran penting pendidikan dalam membangun kesadaran dan budaya antikorupsi sejak dini. Dilengkapi dengan studi kasus, kebijakan antikorupsi, serta strategi efektif dalam mencegah korupsi, buku ini menjadi referensi penting bagi akademisi, mahasiswa, tenaga pendidik, dan masyarakat umum. Dengan membaca buku ini, diharapkan pembaca dapat memahami pentingnya nilai-nilai integritas, transparansi, dan akuntabilitas dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Pendidikan antikorupsi bukan hanya tugas pemerintah, tetapi juga tanggung jawab kolektif seluruh elemen masyarakat dalam mewujudkan bangsa yang lebih bersih dan berkeadilan.

Rohis dari dua perspektif
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 101

Rohis dari dua perspektif

Rohis (Rohani Islam) adalah organisasi yang bergerak dalam pengembangan rohani Islam, potensi diri dan bergerak dalam berdakwah. Buku ini menawarkan pengenalan apa itu Rohis bagi yang belum pernah bergabung dan juga pertanyaan-pertanyaan seputar Rohis yang sering muncul. Buku ini juga menawarkan dua perspektif yang bertentangan terhadap Rohis, permasalahan yang selama ini terjadi dan juga solusinya. Buku ini juga ditulis oleh dua penulis yang berbeda perspektif sehingga buku ini bisa terhindar dari bias perspektif agar bisa dibuat netral sebisa mungkin. Buku ini bisa menjadi refleksi kritis yang menarik bagi teman-teman yang ingin mengkaji soal Rohis. Berikut komentar mereka “Karya bagus, permulaan yang diharapkan mampu memprovokasi (motivasi yang sangat kuat) untuk menjelajah Islam yang sophiscated. Tak menggurui namun mengajak dialog dalam Islam RahmatanLil’Alamin”. –Kyai Romo Indarwanto, BA.,Drs.,SH.,M.Si.,Ph.D “Buku ini sangat bermanfaat bagi kita yang selalu memohon kepada Allah untuk diberikan jalan yang lurus, cocok untuk membangun langkah hijrah menjadi lebih baik”. –Muhammad Nur Fauzan, Presiden EM UB 2018

Digital Entrepreneurship
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 208

Digital Entrepreneurship

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019-08-02
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  • Publisher: Springer

Digital technologies have become a new economic and social force, reshaping traditional business models, strategies, structures, and processes. Digital entrepreneurship, which focuses on creating new ventures and transforming existing businesses by developing novel digital technologies or their novel usage, is seen as a critical pillar for economic growth, job creation, and innovation by many countries. Further, digital technologies have also enabled the growth of the sharing economy, linking owners and users and disrupting the previous dualism of businesses and customers.This volume discusses the management of new technology-based firms and technology projects initiated in academic or industrial contexts. The contributions feature new theoretical concepts, ethical considerations, empirical data analysis (qualitative and quantitative), archival and historical methods, design science approaches, action and field research, as well as management science methods, informatics and cybernetics.

Energy Efficiency Financing and Market-Based Instruments
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 313

Energy Efficiency Financing and Market-Based Instruments

This book is devoted to investigating the policy design and effectiveness of financial and market-based instruments to promote energy efficiency financing. The concept of this monograph is to present the latest results related to energy efficiency funding schemes, energy efficiency obligations, voluntary agreements, auction mechanisms, and Super Energy Services Companies (Super ESCOs) in major jurisdictions across the world. The book focuses on financial and market-based instruments as they deliver a price signal, which provides an incentive for firms to invest in innovation or implement more energy-efficient technologies and deliver energy savings while minimizing costs. Such instruments can have significant advantages for the government, supporting the fiscal sustainability of the government’s energy efficiency efforts, requiring less enforcement than regulation and according the market flexibility to select the most cost-efficient technologies. This book is highly recommended to researchers, policy experts, and business specialists who seek an in-depth and up-to-date integrated overview of energy efficiency financing.

Roads to Geometry
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 532

Roads to Geometry

Now available from Waveland Press, the Third Edition of Roads to Geometry is appropriate for several kinds of students. Pre-service teachers of geometry are provided with a thorough yet accessible treatment of plane geometry in a historical context. Mathematics majors will find its axiomatic development sufficiently rigorous to provide a foundation for further study in the areas of Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometry. By using the SMSG postulate set as a basis for the development of plane geometry, the authors avoid the pitfalls of many “foundations of geometry” texts that encumber the reader with such a detailed development of preliminary results that many other substantive and elegant results are inaccessible in a one-semester course. At the end of each section is an ample collection of exercises of varying difficulty that provides problems that both extend and clarify results of that section, as well as problems that apply those results. At the end of chapters 3–7, a summary list of the new definitions and theorems of each chapter is included.

Research Handbook on Environmental Sociology
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 355

Research Handbook on Environmental Sociology

This Research Handbook presents the state of the art of empirical sociological research on the causes of, and solutions to, pressing environmental problems. It provides cutting-edge insights into some of the most urgent challenges facing humanity, including anthropogenic climate change and environmental pollution. The contributors argue that profound collective efforts to protect the environment are vital for sustainable development and offer practical solutions to specific contemporary issues.

A Systems Approach to Language Pedagogy
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 159

A Systems Approach to Language Pedagogy

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019-04-05
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  • Publisher: Springer

This volume represents the first attempt in the field of language pedagogy to apply a systems approach to issues in English language education. In the literature of language education, or more specifically, second or foreign language learning and teaching, each topic or issue has often been dealt with independently, and been treated as an isolated item. Taking grammar instruction as an example, grammatical items are often taught in a sequential, step-by-step manner; there has been no “road map” in which the interrelations between the various items are demonstrated. This may be one factor that makes it more difficult for students to learn the language organically. The topics covered in this volume, including language acquisition, pedagogical grammar, and teacher collaboration, are viewed from a holistic perspective. In other words, language pedagogy is approached as a dynamic system of interrelations. In this way, “emergent properties” are expected to manifest. This book is recommended for anyone involved in language pedagogy, including researchers, teachers, and teacher trainers, as well as learners.

Dance Dramaturgy
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 201

Dance Dramaturgy

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2015-08-18
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  • Publisher: Springer

Ten international dramaturg-scholars advance proposals that reset notions of agency in contemporary dance creation. Dramaturgy becomes driven by artistic inquiry, distributed among collaborating artists, embedded in improvisation tasks, or weaved through audience engagement, and the dramaturg becomes a facilitator of dramaturgical awareness.

Environmental and Energy Policy and the Economy
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 274

Environmental and Energy Policy and the Economy

This volume presents six new papers on environmental and energy economics and policy in the United States. Rebecca Davis, J. Scott Holladay, and Charles Sims analyze recent trends in and forecasts of coal-fired power plant retirements with and without new climate policy. Severin Borenstein and James Bushnell examine the efficiency of pricing for electricity, natural gas, and gasoline. James Archsmith, Erich Muehlegger, and David Rapson provide a prospective analysis of future pathways for electric vehicle adoption. Kenneth Gillingham considers the consequences of such pathways for the design of fuel vehicle economy standards. Frank Wolak investigates the long-term resource adequacy in wholesale electricity markets with significant intermittent renewables. Finally, Barbara Annicchiarico, Stefano Carattini, Carolyn Fischer, and Garth Heutel review the state of research on the interactions between business cycles and environmental policy.

Imperfect Markets and Imperfect Regulation
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 413

Imperfect Markets and Imperfect Regulation

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019-03-19
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  • Publisher: MIT Press

The first textbook to present a comprehensive and detailed economic analysis of electricity markets, analyzing the tensions between microeconomics and political economy. The power industry is essential in our fight against climate change. This book is the first to examine in detail the microeconomics underlying power markets, stemming from peak-load pricing, by which prices are low when the installed generation capacity exceeds demand but can rise a hundred times higher when demand is equal to installed capacity. The outcome of peak-load pricing is often difficult to accept politically, and the book explores the tensions between microeconomics and political economy. Understanding peak-load p...