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The Story Grid
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 495

The Story Grid

WHAT IS THE STORY GRID? The Story Grid is a tool developed by editor Shawn Coyne to analyze stories and provide helpful editorial comments. It's like a CT Scan that takes a photo of the global story and tells the editor or writer what is working, what is not, and what must be done to make what works better and fix what's not. The Story Grid breaks down the component parts of stories to identify the problems. And finding the problems in a story is almost as difficult as the writing of the story itself (maybe even more difficult). The Story Grid is a tool with many applications: 1. It will tell a writer if a Story ?works? or ?doesn't work. 2. It pinpoints story problems but does not emotionally abuse the writer, revealing exactly where a Story (not the person creating the Story'the Story) has failed. 3. It will tell the writer the specific work necessary to fix that Story's problems. 4. It is a tool to re-envision and resuscitate a seemingly irredeemable pile of paper stuck in an attic drawer. 5. It is a tool that can inspire an original creation.

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 229


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2022-09-06
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  • Publisher: Hachette UK

From the master of Story, Dialogue, and Character, ACTION offers writers the keys to propulsive storytelling. ACTION explores the ways that a modern-day writer can successfully tell an action story that not only stands apart, but wins the war on clichés. Teaming up with the former co-host of The Story Toolkit, Bassim El-Wakil, legendary story lecturer Robert McKee guides writers to award-winning originality by deconstructing the action genre, illuminating the challenges, and, more importantly, demonstrating how to master the demands of plot with surprising beats of innovation and ingenuity. Topics include: Understanding the Four Core Elements of Action Creating the Action Cast Hook, Hold, Pay Off: Design in Action The Action Macguffin Action Set Pieces The Sixteen Action Subgenres A must-add to the McKee storytelling library, ACTION illustrates the principles of narrative drive with precision and clarity by referencing the most popular action movies of our time including: Die Hard, The Star Wars Saga, Dark Knight, The Matrix, and Avengers: Endgame.

Världens äldsta historia : hjältar, gudinnor och myter under 300 000 år
  • Language: sv
  • Pages: 531

Världens äldsta historia : hjältar, gudinnor och myter under 300 000 år

En kylslagen majdag för ett sekel sedan gjorde ynglingen Einar Kjellén en makalös arkeologisk upptäckt. Under mossan på en uppländsk bergknalle hittade han världens äldsta bildberättelse, dold sedan bronsåldern. I myllrande hällristningsscener återges där en mytisk hjältes skeppsfärd till undergången vid världens kant. Jonathan Lindström följer upp Sveriges långa historia med ännu en pionjärgärning när han med stor inlevelse tar sig an det muntliga berättandets historia. Med hjälp av ny forskning återskapar han inte bara bronsåldershjältens äventyr utan lyckas även rekonstruera människans berättarkultur under hundratusentals år. Vi får möta Islands första sagoförfattare, verklighetens Homeros, boskapsnomadernas skalder och mammutstäppens dansande schamaner. Följ med på ett svindlande forskningsäventyr som för oss bakåt i historien till de kvinnor som sjöng vid längesedan slocknade eldar under en stjärnhimmel som själva tiden vridit ur led.

Story - Ecrire des dialogues pour la scène et l'écran
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 309

Story - Ecrire des dialogues pour la scène et l'écran

  • Categories: Art
  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017-05-24
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  • Publisher: Armand Colin

Animateur de séminaires à la renommée internationale et auteur d’un best-seller consacré à l’écriture de scénario, Robert McKee présente ici les grands principes de l’écriture de dialogues pour la page, la scène et l’écran. De nombreuses analyses de scènes dramatisées et de conflits en tout genre illustrent son propos : en littérature (Loin des yeux, Gatsby le Magnifique, Mademoiselle Else, Le Musée de l’innocence...), au théâtre (Qui a peur de Virginia Woolf, Un tramway nommé désir, Jules César, Un raisin au soleil...), à la télévision (Breaking Bad, House of Cards, True Detective, Les Soprano...) et au cinéma (Le Grand Sommeil, Coups de feu sur Broadway, G...

로버트 맥키의 액션
  • Language: ko
  • Pages: 514

로버트 맥키의 액션

  • Categories: Art
  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2024-03-11
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  • Publisher: 민음인

“독자와 관객을 사로잡는 <액션> 스토리텔링은 어떻게 만들어질까?” 「스타워즈」 「매트릭스」 「미션 임파서블」 「어벤져스」 스토리텔링의 거장 로버트 맥키가 알려 주는 매력적이고 긴장감 넘치는 ‘액션’의 모든 것 「반지의 제왕」의 피터 잭슨, 픽사&디즈니 크리에이티브팀 등 수많은 시나리오 작가, 소설가, 극작가, 프로듀서, 감독들을 가르쳐 온 스토리텔링의 거장 로버트 맥키가 액션 장르에 특화된 창작 비법을 알려 주는 『로버트 맥키의 액션』이 민음인에서 출간되었다. 이 책은 지난 25년간 글쓰기 분야의 ...

  • Language: de
  • Pages: 421


  • Categories: Art

Robert McKee lehrt seit über dreißig Jahren die Kunst des Schreibens. In seinem neuen Buch Dialog erläutert er, wie man Figuren auf der Bühne, in Film und Fernsehen sowie in Prosatexten eine individuelle, glaubwürdige und überzeugende Stimme gibt. Er deckt Fehler und Mängel auf, erforscht ihre Ursachen und zeigt, wie wirkungsvolle Rede entwickelt werden kann. Um die diversen Techniken der Dialoggestaltung zu illustrieren, zitiert und analysiert er Szenen und Passagen aus Romanen (u. a. Der große Gatsby, Out of Sight, Das Museum der Unschuld), Theaterstücken (u. a. Julius Cäsar, Der Gott des Gemetzels, Wer hat Angst vor Virginia Woolf?), Kinofilmen (u. a. Gladiator, Sideways, Lost i...

El diálogo
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 317

El diálogo

Robert McKee, uno de los profesores de guión más prestigiosos del mundo, vuelve con un libro magistral donde nos recuerda que es la voz, el diálogo entre personajes, lo que los hace humanos, lo que consigue que parezcan vivos y creíbles. Cualquier fallo en su concepción, en el fondo o en la forma, por falta de naturalidad, por exageración o por cualquiera de los muchos motivos que el autor señala con ejemplos, puede entorpecer, o arruinar del todo, una obra. El diálogo se dirige tanto al escritor de narrativa como al dramaturgo y al guionista de cine, vídeo y cualquiera de los nuevos formatos que llegan hoy a la pantalla. Partiendo de una amplia experiencia, ofrece también estudios...

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 354


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-05-25
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  • Publisher: Twelve

The long-awaited third volume of Robert McKee’s trilogy on the art of fiction. Following up his perennially bestselling writers' guide Story and his inspiring exploration of the art of verbal action in Dialogue, the most sought-after expert in the storytelling brings his insights to the creation of compelling characters and the design of their casts. CHARACTER explores the design of a character universe: The dimensionality, complexity and arcing of a protagonist, the invention of orbiting major characters, all encircled by a cast of service and supporting roles.

Making Muslim Space in North America and Europe
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 287

Making Muslim Space in North America and Europe

Focusing on the private and public use of space, this volume explores the religious life of the new Muslim communities in North America and Europe. Unlike most studies of immigrant groups, these essays concentrate on cultural practices and expressions of everyday life rather than on the political issues that dominate today's headlines. The authors emphasize the cultural strength and creativity of communities that draw upon Islamic symbols and practices to define "Muslim space" against the background of a non-Muslim environment. The range of perspectives is broad, encompassing middle-class professionals, mosque congregations, factory workers in France and the north of England, itinerant Afric...

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 308


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2016-07-12
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  • Publisher: Twelve

The long-awaited follow-up to the perennially bestselling writers' guide Story, from the most sought-after expert in the art of storytelling. Robert McKee's popular writing workshops have earned him an international reputation. The list of alumni with Oscars runs off the page. The cornerstone of his program is his singular book, Story, which has defined how we talk about the art of story creation. Now, in Dialogue, McKee offers the same in-depth analysis for how characters speak on the screen, on the stage, and on the page in believable and engaging ways. From Macbeth to Breaking Bad, McKee deconstructs key scenes to illustrate the strategies and techniques of dialogue. Dialogue applies a framework of incisive thinking to instruct the prospective writer on how to craft artful, impactful speech. Famous McKee alumni include Peter Jackson, Jane Campion, Geoffrey Rush, Paul Haggis, the writing team for Pixar, and many others.