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Neurobiology of Disease
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1435

Neurobiology of Disease

Preceded by Neurobiology of disease / edited by Sid Gilman. 2007.

Progress in Medical Geology
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 340

Progress in Medical Geology

This volume represents a compendium of research conducted by international scholars who participated in the 2nd Symposium on Advances in Geospatial held during “The 5th International Conference on Medical Geology” in Arlington, Virginia, USA, in 2013. The research topics dealt with here mainly focus on the new scientific field of medical geology used to address a variety of human health issues and diseases specifically related to geological materials and earth-system processes. This volume will be of interest to those who wish to learn about current and historical health issues relating to geological materials or other environmental factors. It also represents a useful guide to learning the interdisciplinary approach to problem-solving in the field of medical geology.

The Promise of Low Dose Naltrexone Therapy
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 224

The Promise of Low Dose Naltrexone Therapy

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2008-12-15
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  • Publisher: McFarland

Naltrexone is an opiate antagonist drug developed in the 1970s and approved by the FDA in 1984 for opiate and drug abuse treatment. When used at much lower doses in an off-label protocol referred to as low dose naltrexone (LDN), the drug has been shown to halt disease progression in Crohn's disease and certain cancers, to reduce symptoms in multiple sclerosis and autism, and to improve numerous autoimmune and neurodegenerative conditions, including Parkinson's disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Grounded in clinical and scientific research, this book describes the history of naltrexone, its potential therapeutic uses, its effects on the immune system, its pharmacological properties, and how the drug is administered. It also lists fillers and compounding pharmacies, doctors who prescribe LDN, and patient resources, and includes interviews with LDN patients and researchers.

Climbing Higher
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 244

Climbing Higher

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2005-01-04
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  • Publisher: Berkley

Television icon and New York Times bestselling author Montel Williams reveals his true story of struggle and triumph in this frank and compelling memoir. In 1999, after almost twenty years of symptoms, Montel Williams, a decorated naval officer and Emmy Award-winning talk show host, was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Like others suffering from the devastating disease, he was struck with denial, fear, depression, and anger—but he is battling back. Graced with strong values, courage, and hard-won wisdom, he shares his insights in this powerful book on the divergent roads a life can take, and recounts how he rose to meet the challenges he's faced. Surprising, searing, and deeply personal, Climbing Higher is as honest and inspiring as its author.

Medical and Health Information Directory, 2000
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1762

Medical and Health Information Directory, 2000

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2000
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Cérebro de Farinha - Edição Revista e Aumentada
  • Language: pt-BR

Cérebro de Farinha - Edição Revista e Aumentada

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2022-04-13
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  • Publisher: Leya

Se pensa que a doença de Alzheimer é uma doença genética, prepare‑se para uma boa surpresa: não é. Em Cérebro de Farinha, o Dr. David Perlmutter revela um dos segredos mais bem guardados da medicina: os hidratos de carbono destroem o cérebro, podem conduzir à demência, depressão, PHDA, epilepsia, ansiedade, dores de cabeça crónicas, diminuição da líbido e muito mais. O destino do seu cérebro é ditado por aquilo que come todos os dias. As doenças degenerativas são causadas em primeiro lugar por inflamações, que têm origem no consumo de alimentos hipercalóricos, sobretudo os que contêm glúten ou elevado teor de açúcares. Felizmente, podemos contrariar a decadênci...

그레인 브레인(개정증보판)
  • Language: ko
  • Pages: 597

그레인 브레인(개정증보판)

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2023-02-24
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  • Publisher: 시공사

전 세계 30개국 100만 독자가 선택한 화제의 책 《그레인 브레인》7주년 개정증보판! ★ 아마존, 뉴욕타임스, 월스트리트저널, USA투데이 베스트셀러 1위 ★ 조선비즈, 매일경제, 동아일보, 한국경제 등 국내 주요 언론 주목 ★ 윌리엄 데이비스, 마크 하이만, 메멧 오즈, 크리스티안 노스럽, 버니 S. 시겔 추천 “탄수화물이 우리의 뇌를 파괴한다.” 2013년 저명한 신경과 의사인 데이비드 펄머터 박사의 한마디에 전 세계가 술렁였다. 우리가 매일 즐겨 먹는 밥, 빵은 물론 통곡물, 과일과 같은 소위 건강한 탄수화물이 알츠하이머병, A...

  • Language: hu
  • Pages: 430


„David Perlmutter neurológus és táplálkozástudós, számos könyv szerzője a „gabonaagyúságról” írta új könyvét. Mondanunk sem kell, hogy zajos nemtetszés-nyilvánítások közepette… Ez a könyv – tetszik vagy sem – egy újabb repedést ütött a nyugati táplálkozás piramisán. Pedig nem tett semmi rosszat, csak összefoglalta a kutatók által már jól ismert tényeket arról, hogy az Alzheimer-kór és általában a demenciák, illetve a Parkinson-kór és egyéb neurodegeneratív betegségek fő okozói a finomított szénhidrátok. .. A szerző pontról pontra levezeti, hogyan okoz a finomított szénhidrátok fogyasztása először inzulinrezisztenciát, m...

Response Report from U.S. Department of Energy Hearings on Proposed Salt Site Nominations
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 202
Cerebro de pan (edición revisada y actualizada)
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 291

Cerebro de pan (edición revisada y actualizada)

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019-04-11
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  • Publisher: GRIJALBO

La devastadora verdad sobre los efectos del trigo, el azúcar y los carbohidratos en el cerebro (y un plan de 30 días para remediarlo). El destino de tu cerebro está en tus manos. Cuando este libro se publicó por primera vez, no sólo conquistó rápidamente el primer puesto de todas las listas de los más vendidos alrededor delmundo, sino que inició una revolución capaz de transformar la vida de más de 1 millón de lectores. El renombrado neurólogo David Perlmutter destapa un tema que había estado enterrado en la literatura médica durante largo tiempo: los carbohidratos están destruyendo nuestro cerebro. Y no sólo los carbohidratos malos, sino aquellos considerados saludables, co...