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Researcher Bonnie Gaunts continues the line of research begun by John Michell into the geometric design of Stonehenge, the Great Pyramid and the Golden Proportions. Chapters in this book cover the following topics: the amazing number 144 and the numbers in the design of the New Jerusalem; the Great Pyramid, Stonehenge and Solomon's Temple display a common design that reveals the work of a Master Designer; the amazing location of Bethlehem; how the process of photosynthesis reveals the sacred design while transforming light into organic substance; how the Bible's number code (gematria) reveals a sacred design; more.
This first book on the sacred geometry of these two ancient and mystical sites, the Great Pyramid and Stonehenge, is a fascinating study of the geometry and inner mathematics encompassed by and encoded in these structures. Gaunt concludes that the numbers encoded into these ancient structures are modern man's tangible link with antiquity, and that together, Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid may be a window through which the secrets of the universe and the origins of creation can be glimpsed.
Sir Issac Newton searched more than half a lifetime for the secret code that he suspected was in the original texts the Old and New Testaments. He died without ever finding it. That sacred code now reveals the story of Jesus Christ - His part in the work of creation; His coming as the babe of Bethlehem; and His glorious second coming as the promised King on David's Throne. The exciting message that was encoded into the original text tells the time of His coming and the Earth's Great Millennium! Today we are living in the time that was prophesied. This book takes us on an exciting journey into the secrets of that code and its astounding message!
Long out-of-print, Cramp's 1966 classic book on flying saucer propulsion and suppressed technology is available again. Cramp wrote Space, Gravity and the Flying Saucer in 1954 and was Vice-President of the British UFO Research Association (BUFORA). This is a highly technical look at the UFO phenomenon by a trained scientist. Cramp first introduces the idea of anti-gravity and introduces us to the various theories of gravitation. He then examines the technology necessary to build a flying saucer and examines in great detail the technical aspects of such a craft. Cramp's book is a wealth of material and diagrams on flying saucers, anti-gravity, suppressed technology, G-fields and UFOs.
Researcher Bonnie Gaunt continues her search on Gematria and Bible codes. In this book, Gaunt makes a new discovery of the numeric patterns in the Gematria of the Bible and their relationship to the 3:4:5: triangle, the earth, moon and sun, presents an exquisite display of evidence of the magnificent Author of Creation and His time-line for the blessing of man. Using the Number Code, it is found that the parable of the Good Samaritan is, in fact, a time prophecy, telling the time of Jesus' return. His miracles of healing and of turning water into wine have been encoded with evidence of the time and the work of the beginning of the great 'Third Day'. The Number Code takes us on a journey from Bethlehem to Golgotha, and into the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, the Kingdom of God and the building of the New Jerusalem.
According to ancient records, the patriarchs and founders of the early civilisations in Egypt, India, China, Peru, Mesopotamia, Britain and the Americas were colonised by the Serpents of Wisdom who arrived in these lands after abandoning their beloved homelands and crossing great seas. While bearing names denoting snake or dragon, these Serpents of Wisdom oversaw the construction of magnificent civilisations within which they and their descendants served as the priest kings and as the enlightened heads of mystery school traditions. This book recounts the history of these 'Serpents' and why they are returning now.
This second volume of short stories continues to view man as the strangest of all creatures. His actions are often dictated by reflex, more often by needs and desires, sometimes by well thought out plans and quite often by on the spot decisions. Man often may seem the most irrational of all creatures and his deeds can make one wonder if he is, as touted, the highest form of life. A man's thoughts are always more strange than his actions for thoughts have no physical or spiritual limits, no set rules that must be followed, no constraints that have to be obeyed, and no fear of being discovered. Within this small anthology of short stories, you will have the opportunity to travel a variety of s...
The reprint of Wilkin's classic book on the megaliths and mysteries of South America. This book predates Wilkin's book Secret Cities of Old South America published in 1952. Mysteries of Ancient South America was first published in 1947 and is considered a classic book of its kind. With diagrams, photographs and maps, Wilkins digs into old manuscripts and books to bring us some truly amazing stories of South America: a bizarre subterranean tunnel system; lost cities in the remote border jungles of Brazil; legends of Atlantis in South America; cataclysmic changes that shaped South America; and other strange stories from one of the world's greatest researchers.
The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors has been out of print but sought after for many years. A small part of it was reprinted in The Book Your Church Doesn't Want You to Read in 1994. Many people are unaware that before Christianity there were 15 other religions that also had a savior who died for their sins, then arose from the dead.
This book is Childress' thorough examination of the early hollow earth stories of Richard Shaver, and the fascination that fringe fantasy subjects such as lost continents, UFOs, and the hollow earth have had on people. Shaver's rare 1948 book, I Remember Lemuria is reprinted in its entirety, and the book is packed with illustrations from Ray Palmer's Amazing Stories issues of the 1940s. Childress discusses famous hollow earth books and delves deep into whatever reality may be behind the stories of tunnels underground.