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The Ministry of Truth
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 226

The Ministry of Truth

The Ministry of Truth scrutinizes the information market in the era of the attention economy calling on citizens, public educators and politicians to action in averting the role of BigTech in critical infrastructure. Through phenomena such as influencers, ‘fake news’, and covid conspiracies, the authors reveal how social platforms control facts, feelings and narratives in our time to such a degree that they are the de facto arbiters of truth. BigTech seemingly controls the information infrastructure and also decides what we pay attention to. The authors suggest hope for a more democratic internet through their systematic analysis of the largest players of the information age. The aim is ...

Reality Lost
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 159

Reality Lost

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2018-09-07
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  • Publisher: Springer

This open access book looks at how a democracy can devolve into a post-factual state. The media is being flooded by populist narratives, fake news, conspiracy theories and make-believe. Misinformation is turning into a challenge for all of us, whether politicians, journalists, or citizens. In the age of information, attention is a prime asset and may be converted into money, power, and influence – sometimes at the cost of facts. The point is to obtain exposure on the air and in print media, and to generate traffic on social media platforms. With information in abundance and attention scarce, the competition is ever fiercer with truth all too often becoming the first victim. Reality Lost: M...

Literature and the Experience of Globalization
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 337

Literature and the Experience of Globalization

The breathing of culture -- Globalization becomes everyday life -- Literature as a challenge to globalization -- Knowledge as creative lying -- Memories for the future -- The creative dynamics of translation -- Embodied worlds -- Travelling places -- On the move

The Navy List
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 276

The Navy List

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2009
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Super Bitches and Action Babes
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 369

Super Bitches and Action Babes

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2014-08-23
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  • Publisher: McFarland

With actress Pam Grier's breakthrough in Coffy and Foxy Brown, women entered action, science fiction, war, westerns and martial arts films--genres that had previously been considered the domain of male protagonists. This ground-breaking cinema, however, was--and still is--viewed with ambivalence. While women were cast in new and exciting roles, they did not always arrive with their femininity intact, often functioning both as a sexualized spectacle and as a new female hero rather than female character. This volume contains an in-depth critical analysis and study of the female hero in popular film from 1970 to 2006. It examines five female archetypes: the dominatrix, the Amazon, the daughter, the mother and the rape-avenger. The entrance of the female hero into films written by, produced by and made for men is viewed through the lens of feminism and post-feminism arguments. Analyzed works include films with actors Michelle Yeoh and Meiko Kaji, the Alien films, the Lara Croft franchise, Charlie's Angels, and television productions such as Xena: Warrior Princess and Alias.

Antisemitism in Online Communication
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 151

Antisemitism in Online Communication

The normalisation of hate speech, including antisemitic rhetoric, poses a significant threat to social cohesion and democracy. While global efforts have been made to counter contemporary antisemitism, there is an urgent need to understand its online manifestations. Hate speech spreads easily across the internet, facilitated by anonymity and reinforced by algorithms that favour engaging--even if offensive--content. It often takes coded forms, making detection challenging. Antisemitism in Online Communication addresses these issues by analysing explicit and implicit antisemitic statements in mainstream online discourse. Drawing from disciplines such as corpus linguistics, computational linguis...

Tekster uden grænser
  • Language: da
  • Pages: 476

Tekster uden grænser

Litteraturen har altid rejst verden rundt, pa tvAers af kulturer og sprog - den har altid vAeret globaliseret. Denne bog handler om, hvordan vi lAeser litteratur i en globaliseret kultur. Og den beskriver hvorfor litteraturens globalisering er enestaende og uundvAerlig.Ludvig Holberg, Karen Blixen og Bruce Chatwins litterAere vAerker er globaliserede, men ikke i okonomisk eller politisk forstand. De udfordrer grAenser pa en rAekke andre, vAesentlige omrader: Kroppen, erindringen, geografien, sproget, tanken - selv sandheden - udsAettes for overskridelse og nyfortolkning i litteraturen. Med sproglig fantasi og provokerende betydninger afprover litteraturen, hvordan vi tAenker og sanser.Tekster uden grAenser kombinerer vigtige historiske forudsAetninger og litterAere grundbegreber med grundige og nytAenkende tekstlAesninger. Bogen kan bruges bredt i undervisning - og af alle der interesserer sig for litteraturens rolle i dagens kultur.

Dialog, kontrol & engagement
  • Language: da
  • Pages: 250

Dialog, kontrol & engagement

Afhandlingen undersøger et hypermoderne og populært fænomen; coaching indenfor tre rammer; kontrolsamfundets kapitaldrevne orden, som et organiseringsprincip (i en organisatorisk kontekst) og som en ledelsesdisciplinering. På baggrund af den franske filosof, Gilles Deleuze (og til dels Felix Guattari), anvendes en filosofisk metode (betegnet som en firleddet pragmatik og transcendental empirisme), hvorfra der udvikles et teoretisk diagram, der analyserer hvilke affekter og udfordringer coaching afstedkommer indenfor de respektive tre rammer.

Bornelitteratur i sprogundervisningen
  • Language: da
  • Pages: 68

Bornelitteratur i sprogundervisningen

Sprogforum har tradition for med mellemrum at sAette litteraturpAedagogikken inden for fremmed- og andetsprog pa dagsordenen. I dette nye temanummer fremhAeves for forste gang sAerligt bornelitteraturen i sprogundervisningen.

Abne sider
  • Language: da
  • Pages: 122

Abne sider

Det nye nummer af Sprogforum er pa gaden med artikler om blandt andet fremmedsprogspAedagogik, sigtet med en sproglov, sociolingvistik, dansk som andetsprog og sakaldt lorner-autonomi. Lige fra Sprogforums forste nummer har tidsskriftet vAeret redigeret som temanumre. Vi har dog ogsa modtaget artikler der ikke direkte har relateret sig til et temanummer, og som vi har bragt under den faste rubrik Abne Sider. Til vores store glAede er antallet til Abne Sider steget i lobet af arene, hvilket vi ser som et resultat af at Sprogforum er blevet mere kendt og anvendt i de sprog- og kulturpAedagogiske undervisnings- og forskningsmiljoer. Da vi imidlertid kun bringer en Abne Sider-artikel pr. nummer, har vi haft en del artikler pa lager som risikerede at blive ret gamle inden vi kunne bringe dem. Vi har derfor med dette nummer valgt at bringe flere af disse artikler og gore hele nummeret til Abne Sider.