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COVID-19 sparked the largest global crisis of the 21st century, extending well beyond public health. For some, the impact was swift and dramatic, with the pandemic pushing tens of millions into poverty and creating extreme food insecurity; for others, the transformations are still bubbling under the surface. Efforts to arrest the spread of COVID-19 entailed far-reaching forms of government intervention and the extensive use of new technologies. Questions thus remain as to whether the societal changes brought about by COVID-19 will endure in the post-pandemic period. The return of geopolitics, along with the war in Ukraine and tensions in Asia, have further complexified an already complex glo...
Discussing illegal drugs without taking into account its criminal context is a difficult proposition. Certain questions come back repeatedly: Does doing drugs really lead to delinquency? Do some drugs have criminal properties? Why would a drug addict turn to crime? What are the best methods of intervention in dealing with individuals who have serious drug habits? The third edition of Drogue et criminalité : Une relation complexe (Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal), translated here for the first time in English, presents an overview of the complex relationship between drugs and crime, avoids cursory affirmations to the effect that psychoactive substance use necessarily leads to cri...
Readers will be able to gain a deeper understanding of how different approaches to harm reduction can create a stronger foundation for more effective policies and legislation. Scholars from law and social sciences collaborate with frontline organizations as well as with individuals with lived experience to reflect diverse perspectives, and transform how society addresses substance-related challenges. Each chapter provides unique findings, drawing from examples of harm reduction strategies implemented for opioids, cannabis, and tobacco in Canada and beyond. While harm reduction has been a central aspect of the legal and policy responses to all three substances, its application has varied sign...
This book calls attention to the impact of stigma experienced by people who use illicit drugs. Stigma is powerful: it can do untold harm to a person and place with longstanding effects. Through an exploration of themes of inequality, power, and feeling ‘out of place’ in neoliberal times, this collection focuses on how stigma is negotiated, resisted and absorbed by people who use drugs. How does stigma get under the skin? Drawing on a range of theoretical frameworks and empirical data, this book draws attention to the damaging effects stigma can have on identity, recovery, mental health, desistance from crime, and social inclusion. By connecting drug use, stigma and identity, the authors in this collection share insights into the everyday experiences of people who use drugs and add to debate focused on an agenda for social justice in drug use policy and practice.
Includes some material previously published in French under title: La paternitae au XXIe siaecle. Quaebec: Presses de l'Universitae Laval, 2009.
Embodied VulnerAbilities in Literature and Film includes a collection of essays exploring the ways in which recent literary and filmic representations of vulnerability depict embodied forms of vulnerability across languages, media, genres, countries, and traditions in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. The volume gathers 12 chapters penned by scholars from Japan, the USA, Canada, and Spain which look into the representation of vulnerability in human bodies and subjectivities. Not only is the array of genres covered in this volume significant— from narrative, drama, poetry, (auto)documentary, or film— in fiction and nonfiction, but also the varied cultural and linguistic coordinates of the literary and filmic texts scrutinized—from the USA, Canada, Spain, France, the Middle East, to Japan. Readers who decide to open the cover of this volume will benefit from becoming familiar with a relatively old topic— that of vulnerability— from a new perspective, so that they can consider the great potential of this critical concept anew.
Un guide pour vous aider à mieux accompagner votre proche Les membres de l’entourage d’un proche ayant une dépendance à l’alcool ou aux drogues ont tendance à s’oublier et à s’épuiser dans une relation devenue toxique. Ils vivent souvent une situation dramatique qui nécessite attention et traitement. Ce livre les convaincra que prendre du temps pour soi ne signi e pas abandonner la personne ayant une dépendance, mais est plutôt la meilleure façon de l’aider. Avec des conseils simples, pratiques, Chantal Plourde et Myriam Laventure offrent aux personnes qui vivent avec un proche ayant une dépendance du soutien pour évaluer et comprendre leur situation. Elles présenten...
Les enjeux de diversité ethnoculturelle, religieuse et autochtone soulèvent d’importantes questions concernant les conditions du vivre-ensemble dans une société plurielle. Cet ouvrage se veut à la fois rétrospectif et prescriptif dans les façons de repenser les administrations publiques au Québec et au Canada.
Concevoir la question des drogues illicites en dehors de leur contexte criminel est difficile. Certaines questions reviennent immanquablement: prendre de la drogue pousse-t-il vraiment à la délinquance? Existe-t-il des drogues aux propriétés criminogènes ? Pourquoi un toxicomane se tourne-t-il vers la criminalité ? Quelles sont les meilleures façons d’intervenir auprès des personnes qui ont de graves problèmes de consommation? Cette troisième édition présente la relation complexe entre drogue et criminalité, évitant les énoncés sommaires qui voudraient que l’usage de substances psychoactives mène nécessairement au crime. Elle met ainsi en lumière les contextes politiqu...