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Health Informatics
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 527

Health Informatics

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2022-07-29
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  • Publisher: CRC Press

"True wellness innovation requires the recruitment of multi-disciplinary participants. This book breaks the mold with examples from healthcare experts and other professionals who have leveraged informatics to better the lives of their constituents." — Jason Helgerson, Founder & CEO, Helgerson Solutions Group LLC Developed for those training in academic centers as well as for those already "out in the field," this book looks at how attorneys, behavioral health experts, business development experts, chief information officers, chief medical officers, chief nursing information officers, consumer advocates, cryptographic experts, futurists, geneticists, informaticists, managed care executives, nurses, pharmacists, physicians, public health professionals, software developers, systems security officers, and workforce experts are collaborating on a "team-based," IT-enabled approach to improve healthcare.

The Real Business of Blockchain
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 326

The Real Business of Blockchain

Blockchain is transforming business. What's your strategy? Leaders of forward-thinking organizations are exploring how blockchain can transform the way they create and seek value. Whether it's used to streamline multiparty processes, create and trade new assets, or leverage artificial intelligence and the internet of things, blockchain enables entirely new business opportunities. This is just the start. As blockchain becomes more widely adopted, it has the potential to radically change the way companies and societies operate, as transformative a paradigm shift as the launch of the internet. The Real Business of Blockchain is one of the first books on this transformative technology written fo...

The Year in Tech, 2021: The Insights You Need from Harvard Business Review
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 84

The Year in Tech, 2021: The Insights You Need from Harvard Business Review

A year of HBR's essential thinking on tech—all in one place. From 5G networks to biometric marketing and from augmented reality to AI wearables, new technologies are reshaping business on the factory floor and in the C-suite. What should you and your company be doing now to take advantage of the new opportunities these technologies are creating—and avoid falling victim to disruption? The Year in Tech 2021: The Insights You Need from Harvard Business Review will help you understand what the latest and most important tech innovations mean for your organization and how you can use them to compete and win in today's turbulent business environment. Business is changing. Will you adapt or be l...

HBR's Year in Business and Technology: 2021 (2 Books)
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 277

HBR's Year in Business and Technology: 2021 (2 Books)

The biggest technology and management ideas of the year, all in one place. This collection of the top ideas, insights, and best practices from the past year of Harvard Business Review will keep you up-to-date on the most cutting-edge, influential thinking driving business today. The two-book set brings together HBR's 10 Must Reads 2021 and The Year in Tech 2021: The Insights You Need from Harvard Business Review. The Must Reads volume assembles the definitive articles on topics in including leadership, strategy, and innovation from HBR's vast array of experts. The Insights book will help you understand today's most essential thinking on fast-moving technologies, and they mean for your organization. Together these books will equip you to successfully lead your business today as you prepare to reinvent your company for the future.

Güncel İşletmecilik Araştırmaları 3
  • Language: tr
  • Pages: 319

Güncel İşletmecilik Araştırmaları 3

Küreselleşme, günümüz iş dünyasında yoğun rekabetin temel nedenlerinden biri olarak öne çıkmakta olup, işletmelere hem yeni fırsatlar sunmakta hem de ciddi tehditler getirmektedir. Bu bağlamda işletmeler, işletme işlevlerini en etkili şekilde kullanma zorunluluğunu hissetmektedirler. Dolayısıyla, işletmeler, kendilerini ve sundukları ürün veya hizmetleri sürekli olarak yenilemek için araştırmalar yapma gerekliliği duymaktadırlar. Bu değişimlerin temel itici gücü, bilgi üretimi ve iletimindeki teknolojik ilerlemelerdir ve bu gelişmeler işletmecilik teorilerini ve uygulamalarını kökten etkilemektedir. İşletmeler hem iç faktörler hem de dış çevreleriyle olan ilişkileri bu değişimlerden hızla etkilenmektedir. İşte bu noktada, bu değişikliklerin merkezinde insan faktörü bulunmaktadır. Başka bir deyişle, değişimin en fazla etkilendiği ve değişime en fazla etki eden unsur insandır. Bu eser ve serisi, işletmecilikle ilgili en güncel görüşlere, gelişmelere ve ilgili konulara disiplinler arası bir bakış açısıyla yaklaşmayı ve farkındalık yaratmayı hedeflemektedir.

Perspectivas do Direito Privado Brasileiro
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 292

Perspectivas do Direito Privado Brasileiro

A sociedade contemporânea passa por mudanças de forma cada vez mais veloz e isso afeta especialmente o direito privado, como responsável pela disciplina das relações privadas em seus conceitos fundamentais. Dentro dessa perspectiva, é muito frequente que se reconheça falhas no sistema e se propõe mudanças especialmente dentro da legislação. Nesse sentido, foi instituída pelo Ato do presidente do Senado Federal nº 11/2023, uma Comissão de Juristas com a tarefa de elaboração de um anteprojeto de Lei para revisão e atualização da Lei nº 10.406, de 10 de janeiro de 2002 (Código Civil). Essa comissão apresentou ao Senado Federal um anteprojeto de reforma do Código Civil com...

웹3 시대와 새로운 기회
  • Language: ko
  • Pages: 595

웹3 시대와 새로운 기회

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2024-08-14
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  • Publisher: 더퀘스트

당신은 여전히 웹3가 헛소리라 치부하고 다가올 미래에 뒤쳐질 것인가? 제대로 시작하지 않은 웹3 패러다임 전환, 그러나 기업과 세상은 벌써 움직이고 있다! -웹3 산업의 최고 권위자에게 듣는 가장 전문적이며 최신의 기술 및 방향 -인공지능, 메타버스, NFT, 토큰, DeFi, 게임...웹3 세상의 콘텐츠와 비즈니스 모델 -스티브 워즈니악, 댄 슐먼, 래리 서머즈, 클라우스 슈밥 등의 압도적 찬사 -출간 즉시 아마존 베스트셀러 등극, 전 세계 베스트셀러 『블록체인 혁명』 후속작 세상의 변화는 언제나 갑자기 찾아오듯 당신이 모르게 세...

The Zoological Record
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1432

The Zoological Record

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2001
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Criptomoedas - bitcoin, ethereum e altcoins - mais do que um mercado promissor
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 90

Criptomoedas - bitcoin, ethereum e altcoins - mais do que um mercado promissor

Este livro está composto por cinco partes. Um breve histórico do Bitcoin, suas características e sua proposta social, na parte I. Na sequência, conceitos fundamentais para entendimento básico sobre o mercado de criptoativos, parte II. Já na parte III, as análises técnica e fundamental, gerenciamento de riscos e estratégia de compra e venda de criptos. Seguindo para a parte IV, assunto de suma importância e talvez o principal tema deste livro, a psicologia dos ciclos de mercado e finalizo apresentando a metodologia que utilizo para realizar meus investimentos e trades, passando pelo meu dia a dia com o uso de ferramentas e dados On-Chain nas operações de investimentos.

Banking & Innovation 2016
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 238

Banking & Innovation 2016

In diesem Buch zeigen Innovationsexperten der deutschen Banking- und Finance-Szene aus Wissenschaft und Praxis neue strategische, organisatorische, kulturelle, technische und methodische Problemlösungen in der Bankbranche. Diese Lösungen sind zum Teil bankenspezifisch, zum Teil wurden sie aus anderen Branchen auf den Bankenbereich übertragen. Führungskräfte und Entscheider in Banken und Versicherungen, die kreativ und vor allem langfristig denken und handeln, erhalten hier wertvolle Anregungen. Dieser Band enthält 15 Beiträge, die sich mit neuen Ideen einer strategisch-vertrieblichen Ausrichtung sowie einer strategisch-strukturellen Ausrichtung, mit kulturell-personalwirtschaftlich und technisch-vertrieblich orientierten Themen sowie methodischen Vorgehensweisen im Banking beschäftigen.