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Significant places and spaces, from Granada and Catalonia to Buenos Aires and the Chicago Columbian Exposition
Encourages a deep reading of a selection of essential Spanish films.
With its analytic focus on the cultural production by Tibetans-in-exile, this volume examines contemporary Tibetan fiction, poetry, music, art, cinema, pamphlets, testimony, and memoir. The twelve case studies highlight the themes of Tibetans’ self-representation, politicized national consciousness, religious and cultural heritages, and resistance to the forces of colonization. This book demonstrates how Tibetan cultural narratives adjust to intercultural influences and ongoing social and political struggles in exile.
Bringing together works by Salvador Espriu, Juan Goytisolo, Mercè Rodoreda, Esther Tusquets, and Juan Marsa that portray memory as a disorienting narrative enterprise, Colleen Culleton argues that the source of this disorientation is the material reality of life in Barcelona in the immediate post-Civil War years. Barcelona was the object of harsh persecution in the first years of the Franco regime that included the erasure of marks of Catalan identity and cultural history from the urban landscape and made Barcelona a moving target for memory. The literature and film she examines show characters struggling to produce narratives of the remembered past that immediately conflict with the domina...
Chronicling sixteenth-century Spain to the present day, Beyond Human aims to decentre the human and acknowledge the material historicity of more-than-human nature. The book explores key questions relating to ecological equity, justice, and responsibility within and beyond Spain in the Anthropocene. Examining relations between Iberian cultural practices, historical developments, and ecological processes, Maryanne L. Leone, Shanna Lino, and the contributors to this volume reveal the structures that uphold and dismantle the non-human–human dichotomy and nature-culture divide. The book critiques works from the Golden Age to the twenty-first century in a wide range of genres, including comedia,...
Aquesta bibliografia, ordenada de manera alfabètica a partir dels noms dels autors de llibres i articles sobre Mercè Rodoreda, presenta una descripció detallada del contingut de més de dos-cents estudis sobre l’obra de l’escriptora. A més de la narrativa, durant la primera dècada del segle XXI s’han publicat molts més estudis sobre les obres de teatre, la poesia, la pintura i l’obra periodística dels primers anys de l’escriptora. També s’hi inclou una llista àmplia d’edicions i traduccions, així com un índex d’obres. L’objectiu d’aquesta obra és analitzar i difondre l’important corpus de producció acadèmica que hi ha disponible sobre una autora que repres...
This bibliography, listed alphabetically by authors of books and articles on Mercè Rodoreda, offers a detailed description of the content of more than two hundred studies on her work. In addition to Rodoreda’s narrative, the last decade has seen many more studies of her theater, poetry, painting, and early journalism. Also included is a comprehensive listing of editions and translations, as well as an index. The intention is to analyze and diffuse the great body of academic production on this worldwide representative of Catalan culture, with the hope that future studies can profit by a reading of pertinent existing scholarship on the subject. There are various kinds of publications, from ...