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How Fast Can a Falcon Dive? explores the world of raptors in a way that will appeal to bird lovers and biology enthusiasts alike. This colorful volume is complete with more than fifty-five color and black and white images from photographers and artists around the world. In a reader friendly question and answer format, ornithologist Peter Capainolo and science writer Carol A. Butler define and classify raptors, explore the physical attributes of birds of prey, view how their bodies work, and explain the social and physical behaviors of these species-how they communicate, hunt, reproduce, and more. Capainolo, who received one of the first falconry licenses issued in New York state at age eighteen, relates his personal experience in falconry to describe raptor training and husbandry where the human-bird interactions are complex. From stories of red-tailed hawks making their homes on the ledges of Manhattan skyscrapers to their role in protecting California's vineyards from flocks of grape-loving starlings, How Fast Can a Falcon Dive? explores how these avian predators interact with people and with their environment.
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.
Includes entries for maps and atlases.
Durant els anys setanta, sis dels dotze fills d'en Don i la Mimi Galvin van ser diagnosticats amb esquizofrènia. La vida de somni americà que havien construït es va ensorrar sense previ avís per donar pas a un futur marcat pels abusos, la violència i la vergonya social. Robert Kolker ens explica la història de tots els membres d'aquesta família, del seu amor i esperança, i repassa de manera brillant el llegat científic incalculable que han deixat i que ha permès entendre i avançar en el tractament i l'explicació d'aquesta malaltia a les futures generacions. Els nois de Hidden Valley Road és un text sensible i impactant que es llegeix amb la fluïdesa de les millors novel·les.
"In this book, the first in English about Nasir al-Din Shah, Abbas Amanat gives us both a biography of the man and an analysis of the institution of monarchy in modern Iran. Amanat poses a fundamental question: how did monarchy, the center-piece of an ancient political order, withstand and adjust to the challenges of modern times, both at home and abroad? Nasir al-Din Shah's life and career, his upbringing and personality, and his political conduct provide remarkable material for answering this question.
Erano una famiglia perfetta, sono precipitati all’inferno. Stati Uniti, metà del secolo scorso. La famiglia Galvin è la personificazione del sogno americano: Don e Mimi mettono al mondo dodici figli – dieci maschi e due femmine – sani e intelligenti, campioni negli sport e nella musica. Ma le cose, con l’adolescenza, cominciano a non andare come dovrebbero. Uno dopo l’altro, sei dei ragazzi iniziano a mostrare comportamenti strani e aggressivi, in una spirale di allarme, violenze e angoscia che si conclude con una diagnosi di schizofrenia. In un’epoca in cui psicanalisti, genetisti e biologi si scontrano per affermare le proprie teorie sull’origine della malattia mentale, i Galvin si trovano protagonisti di una ricerca che a tutt’oggi non ha dato risposte precise, tra manicomi, misure contenitive, psicofarmaci ed elettroshock. Attraverso la loro vicenda, realmente accaduta, Robert Kolker offre un pungente, incredibile viaggio nella realtà della malattia mentale, e uno spaccato dei progressi scientifici che hanno tentato di far luce su uno dei mali più oscuri e universali dell’essere umano.