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Trans-Generational Plasticity
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 143

Trans-Generational Plasticity


Every Creature Has a Story
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 258

Every Creature Has a Story

We are surrounded by an astounding variety of lifeforms. Over millennia, they have evolved to exploit unique niches, in the process developing features and skills that set them apart.Have you ever wondered what price the giraffe pays for its long neck? The neck increases its blood pressure to pump blood up to its brain, which endangers its life every time it bends down to drink. Or have you thought about how female nightingales decide which male will share the burdens of parenthood with them? They listen to prospective candidates' songs to gauge if they'd make good fathers. And did you know that glassfrogs pee on their eggs and the gender of bearded dragons is fixed by sex chromosomes or temperature?In Every Creature Has a Story, Janaki Lenin draws us towards the wonders of the natural world in evocative and witty words. She uncovers the surprising, sometimes bizarre but always amazing ways in which creatures breed and survive, from spiders salivating during sex and snails entombing their parasites into their shells to elephants developing immunity to cancer. After reading this book, you'll never look at nature in the same way again.

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 788


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2009
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Call the Bee Doctor!
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 52

Call the Bee Doctor!

Audisee® eBooks with Audio combine professional narration and sentence highlighting for an engaging read aloud experience! Honey bees are among the world’s most important insects. They help pollinate many of the crops we depend on for food. Without them, the global food supply would be in great danger. In 1998, beekeepers in Europe made a shocking discovery—almost all of the honey bees had disappeared from their hives. Several years later, beekeepers in the United States found that many of their honey bees had vanished too. Scientists called this disappearance colony collapse disorder (CCD), and at first, no one knew why it was happening. It was time to call the bee doctors! Join author Sandra Markle as she explores what apiologists—scientists who study bees—have learned about CCD and what they are doing to prevent it from spreading further.

자연에 답이 있다
  • Language: ko
  • Pages: 489

자연에 답이 있다

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2024-11-05
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  • Publisher: 김영사

혁신의 돌파구가 필요한 시대 인류가 주목해야 할 것은 ‘자연’이다! 자연으로부터 영감을 받은 인류의 발견이자 곧 현실이 될 혁신기술들에 관한 생생한 이야기. 꽁꽁 얼어붙은 빙벽을 타고, 모하비 사막의 개미를 따라다니며, 조간대를 샅샅이 뒤지고, 곳곳의 연구소와 과학자들을 찾아다니며 현재 진행 중인 광범위한 생체모방 연구의 세계로 독자를 안내하는 책. 천체의 엑스선을 포착할 수 있는 망원경을 개발할 때 천문학자들은 바닷가재에서 답을 찾았으며, 제2형 당뇨병 치료제를 개발할 때 의사들은 파충류 힐라몬스터...

  • Language: de
  • Pages: 602


Über ein Jahrhundert hinweg wurde uns von der Wissenschaft die Vorstellung von Tieren als Reiz-Reaktions-Automaten vermittelt, die unbewusst, instinktgesteuert und ihren Trieben unterworfen durchs Leben laufen, fliegen, schwimmen. Nur ist dies alles einfach nicht wahr. Die moderne Verhaltensforschung hat in wenigen Jahren mit einer Flut an Erkenntnissen über das geistige und seelische Innenleben der anderen Tiere aufgedeckt, dass die sorgfältig konstruierte Grenze zwischen Menschen und allen anderen Tierarten ein Hirngespinst ist. Von der Mücke bis zum Menschenaffen verbindet uns eine gemeinsame Struktur, die uns durch das Leben leitet: die der Gefühle und Gedanken. Dieses Buch bringt dafür eine Fülle an Belegen: Ameisen können zählen, Krabben berechnen Wege und Guppy kann lesen. Hühner führen inhaltliche Gespräche, Mäuse empfinden Mitleid und der Rhesusaffenmann schaut sich gerne Pin-ups an. Wir begegnen Seelenverwandten, in denen wir uns wiedererkennen können. Das Fundament für ein neues Wir-Gefühl.

Nature's Wild Ideas
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 239

Nature's Wild Ideas

A lively and endlessly fascinating deep-dive into nature and the many groundbreaking human inventions inspired by the wild. "Delightful."—The Guardian "Fans of Helen Scales won't want to miss this."—Publishers Weekly STARRED Review When astronomers wanted a telescope that could capture X-rays from celestial bodies, they looked to the lobster. When doctors wanted a medication that could stabilize Type II diabetic patients, they found their muse in a lizard. When scientists wanted to drastically reduce emissions in cement manufacturing, they observed how corals construct their skeletons in the sea. This is biomimicry in action: taking inspiration from nature to tackle human challenges. In ...

The Zoological Record
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 452

The Zoological Record

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2003
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Homo Viridae: человек как вирус
  • Language: ru
  • Pages: 341

Homo Viridae: человек как вирус

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-05-21
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  • Publisher: Litres

Scientae Vulgaris – это известный блог, цель которого – популяризация науки. Автор, скрывающийся под аббревиатурой SV, уже более 5 лет занимается изучением истории медицины.В своей книге SV расскажет, как от поедания спрессованных листьев тропического дерева великий и могучий род Homo дошёл до изобретения первой вакцины, как в результате непрерывной межвидовой борьбы Homo, превратив медицину в оружие, распространился по Земле, подобно вирусу.В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет.

Zoological Record
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1138

Zoological Record

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2003
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  • Publisher: Unknown
