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Rock Climbing
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 219

Rock Climbing

Rock Climbing provides basic information on belaying, leading and rappelling techniques and offers advice on useful equipment and respect for the environment. Like every climber you will come to the point where you want to leave the climbing gym and exchange plastic handles for real rock beneath your palms. You want to breathe in fresh air, enjoy the sun, wind, and the scenery surrounding you. But in order to do that safely, you first have to train for it. When rock climbing, unlike indoor climbing, you are responsible for protecting yourself. While this promises excitement and a more intense experience, it also requires additional knowledge and both physical and mental strength. This book will cover the right techniques, crucial safety procedures, and essential equipment that allows you to successfully master the first steps in rock climbing. Numerous photos illustrate the challenging and complex sequences and movements in an easy-to-understand way. A brief introduction to indoor climbing is also included.

Olympische Winterspiele im Kinderturnen
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 99

Olympische Winterspiele im Kinderturnen

Eine Sammlung von Fingerspielen, Liedern, Bewegungsgeschichten und Spielen zum Thema "Olympische Winterspiele" für Kindergarten, Schule und Verein, herausgegeben von der Deutschen Turnerjugend.

Klettern in der Halle
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 140

Klettern in der Halle

Die Herausforderung, eine steile Wand zu erklimmen und sich dabei voll auf seinen Sicherungspartner zu verlassen, verspricht Spannung pur. Damit dieses „Abenteuer“ in Freizeit und Schule rundum sicher gestaltet werden kann, gibt das vorliegende Buch eine praxisorientierte, klar strukturierte und gut bebilderte Anleitung zum Klettern im Toprope. Dabei liegt der Schwerpunkt zunächst auf dem Erlernen der Sicherungstechniken. Aufbauend auf den ersten Klettererlebnissen, helfen Techniktipps beim Erreichen hoher Ziele. Klettern stellt ein faszinierendes Schul- und Vereinssportangebot dar. Die mehrperspektivischen Möglichkeiten dieser Sportart werden anschaulich erläutert. Ausgehend von grundlegenden Lernvoraussetzungen, wird eine methodische Vorgehensweise zur Bewältigung einer Kletterlandschaft aus Turngeräten beschrieben. Klettergelegenheiten in der Sporthalle fordern zum Nachmachen auf. Das Buch richtet sich an alle Kletterinteressierten, Eltern und Lehrer, die Klettern als Freizeit- oder Schulaktion, als Ausflug oder Klassenfahrt durchführen möchten. Hinweise zur Organisation von Kletterprojekten sowie Kontaktadressen helfen beim Einstieg.

  • Language: de
  • Pages: 140



Da guckst du in die Röhre
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 100

Da guckst du in die Röhre


The Ultimate Parkour & Freerunning Book
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 332

The Ultimate Parkour & Freerunning Book

The increasing number of followers of the two movement cultures, Parkour and Freerunning, has given rise to the need for safe, methodical orientation, which the reader will find in this book. Parkour, a new movement culture from France, is all about moving as efficiently as possible between points A and B by sprinting fluently over obstacles. The sport of Freerunning has developed from it, involving developing and showing off the most creative, extreme, flowing, acrobatic moves possible on obstacles. This book contains precise illustrations for the teaching of all basic techniques, easy-tofollow movement breakdowns and methodical tips for indoor and outdoor training. All the most common terms from the scene are listed for reference in English and French. History, philosophy, rules of behavior, training advice based on the latest sports science knowledge, interviews from the scene about motivations and trends, advice for schools and explanations of competitions and competition criteria are a few examples of the book’s contents.

Chasing the Elements
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 178

Chasing the Elements

Dieser hochwertig ausgestattete, englischsprachige Bildband verbindet erstklassige Fotos mit Interviews namhafter Sportler und zeigt damit die ganze Bandbreite des Extremsports. Die Autorin portraitiert Sportler u.a. aus den Bereichen BMX, Surfing, Snowboarding und Skating und gibt einzigartige Einblicke in die Szene. Der Leser lernt die Persönlichkeit jedes Einzelnen kennen und erfährt, was Menschen dazu bringt, ein Leben abseits des "Normalen" zu verbringen. "Chasing the Elements" ist nicht nur für Extremsportler interessant, auch Fotografen und Bildbandliebhaber bekommen einen einmaligen Einblick in die Sportfotografie. With a background of writing about action sports on her extreme sp...

9 Out of 10 Climbers Make the Same Mistakes
  • Language: en

9 Out of 10 Climbers Make the Same Mistakes

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2009-11
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  • Publisher: Unknown

"9 out of 10 climbers are stuck. They are stuck on the same things. Some of the things that hold climbers back from improving their climbing standard are the same as they were twenty years ago: motivation, managing time, and not being able to analyse and correct their own basic technical or tactical errors. But they are also stuck for a new set of reasons. Twenty years ago, the problem was that no one knew how to train for climbing. Information was scarce and couldn't travel fast among the participants. Today, it's the opposite problem. Book after book lists techniques for climbing, exercises for climbing, tips for climbing. Navigating this barrage of information, filtering out the irrelevant and homing in on what matters to your life, your climbing and your circumstances has been the limiting step for today's climber."--Page 4 of cover.

Adressbuch der Stadt Karlsruhe
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 924

Adressbuch der Stadt Karlsruhe

  • Type: Book
  • -
  • Published: 1979
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Stand Firm
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 120

Stand Firm

The pace of modern life is accelerating. To keep up, we must keep on moving and adapting – constantly striving for greater happiness and success. Or so we are told. But the demands of life in the fast lane come at a price: stress, fatigue and depression are at an all-time high, while our social interactions have become increasingly self-serving and opportunistic. How can we resist today's obsession with introspection and self-improvement? In this witty and bestselling book, Danish philosopher and psychologist Svend Brinkmann argues that we must not be afraid to reject the self-help mantra and 'stand firm'. The secret to a happier life lies not in finding your inner self but in coming to terms with yourself in order to coexist peacefully with others. By encouraging us to stand firm and get a foothold in life, this vibrant anti-self-help guide offers a compelling alternative to life coaching, positive thinking and the need always to say 'yes!'