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The European Union in the Twenty-First Century
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 257

The European Union in the Twenty-First Century

The European Union in the Twenty-First Century: Major Political, Economic and Security Policy Trends unpacks some of the most prominent issues faced by the EU over the last two decades and considers how they may shape its future, as well as the future of international politics.

2014 Crisis in Ukraine. Perspectives, Reflections, International Reverberations
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 183

2014 Crisis in Ukraine. Perspectives, Reflections, International Reverberations

This book is a collective attempt to present a wide-ranging picture of international attitudes towards the events currently ongoing in Ukraine. As some experts have already tended to claim, in 2014 this post-Soviet state lying in the Eastern part of the European continent has become a scene of the most serious geopolitical standoff since the end of the Cold war. It would be in place here to remind a well-known clear-cut maxim, formulated by Zbigniew Brzeziński in late 1990s and concerning Ukraine’s key role in shaping the Russian imperial self-identity: “Without Ukraine Russia ceases to be a Eurasian empire”. So what may readers expect to find in this book? It has been divided into two parts, reflecting the perspectives on Ukrainian crisis: first, the perspective of Ukraine’s close neighbours from Central Eastern Europe and Turkey; second, the perspectives of the global players like the EU, the US or China. We hope that such a publication focused on the above-mentioned problems and embedded in the actual reality will be useful both for professionals in the field of political science, as well as for those who have an influence on the shape of the foreign policy.

Interdisciplinary Rheumatology
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 318

Interdisciplinary Rheumatology

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2024-12-30
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  • Publisher: CRC Press

Ask rheumatologists what is one thing that they most desire and they will say: “I wish I knew more about nephrology so I could care for patients whose rheumatologic diseases manifest with renal complications. Nephrologists feel just the same, seeking to understand the implications that autoimmune diseases have for their patients.” As part of the Interdisciplinary Rheumatology book series, this book will serve as a dialogue between rheumatologists and nephrologists and provide a masterclass from world-renowned experts on these topics. Led by a team of international editors with in-depth knowledge and cutting-edge research on topics like vasculitis and systemic lupus erythematous, among others. Key Features: Provides a clinical approach to the patient with nephrologic manifestations of rheumatic disease. Details cutting-edge research with inputs from the world’s leading experts, for both nephrologists and rheumatologists. Discusses possible future directions for research and advancement.

Global Migration and Illiberalism in Russia, Eurasia, and Eastern Europe
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 353

Global Migration and Illiberalism in Russia, Eurasia, and Eastern Europe

Russia, Eurasia, and Eastern Europe remain an important hub for migration, with significant implications for both the societies in the region and migrants themselves. Migration can affect illiberal practices by contributing to political polarization, the adoption of restrictive immigration policies, the spread of xenophobia and discrimination, and economic competition. Global Migration and Illiberalism in Russia, Eurasia, and Eastern Europe analyses how illiberal states manage migration to absorb resistance and how migration impacts the illiberal political agenda. With this dual perspective, the contributions provide an understanding of how migration becomes a pivotal factor in shaping polit...

Dünyadan Farklı Ülke Örnekleriyle Gençlik Politikaları
  • Language: tr
  • Pages: 422

Dünyadan Farklı Ülke Örnekleriyle Gençlik Politikaları

Bugün dünya nüfusunun %16’sı genç nüfustan oluşmaktadır. Genç nüfus, bir toplum için ekonomik ve sosyal kalkınmanın teminatı olarak görülmektedir. Bu nüfusun eğitim ve istihdam olanaklarıyla buluşturulması gençlik politikalarında temel hedeftir. Her toplumun kendine özgü gençlik algısı ve gençliğe bakışı, politika üretmesi söz konusudur. Bulunduğu ulus devlet sınırında gençliğin mevcut durumunu; sorunlarını, olanaklarını, ülkedeki gençlere yönelik mevzuatın varlığını, gençlere yönelik merkezi ve yerel düzeydeki kurumsal yapılanmayı ve gençlerin sivil toplumla birlikte ne gibi katılım araçlarına sahip olduğu gibi farklı başlıklarda beş ayrı kıtadan 16 farklı ülke örneği üzerinden GENÇLİK POLİTİKALARI bu çalışmada irdelenmektedir.

Law & Justice Review 24. Sayı
  • Language: tr
  • Pages: 122

Law & Justice Review 24. Sayı

  • Categories: Law


Edebiyat Gazetesi Sayı 01
  • Language: tr
  • Pages: 5

Edebiyat Gazetesi Sayı 01

Aylık Çevrimiçi Edebiyat Gazetesi ISSN 2980-0447 / Şubat 2023 / Sayı 01 1932 yılında yayımlanan Edebiyat Gazetesi'nin izinden yürüyen gazetenin ilk sayısı okurla buluştu. Genel Yayın Yönetmenliğini Veysel Altunbay’ın yaptığı gazetenin ilk sayısında yer alan isimler: İsrafil Baran, S. Ali Ellikci, Muhammed Aytekin, Coşkun Bulut, Kadir Ersoy, İlkay Coşkun, İsmail Hilal, Hüseyin Yıldız, Yücel Aydın

Açık Yeşil: Teorisi ve Pratiği ile Bir Ekoloji Rehberi
  • Language: tr
  • Pages: 306

Açık Yeşil: Teorisi ve Pratiği ile Bir Ekoloji Rehberi

On yılı aşkın süredir Açık Radyo’da devam eden, Türkiye ve dünya çapında ekoloji mücadelesinin seyrini kayıt altına alan Açık Yeşil’den bir ekoloji rehberi. Üstelik teorisi ve pratiği ile. Açık Yeşil’in bu birinci kitabı, her gün 150 ila 200 canlı türünün yok olduğu, iklim krizinin tüm dünyanın gündemine oturduğu İnsan Çağı’nda (Antroposen) çevre ve iklim hareketlerinin teorik temellerini ortaya koymanın yanı sıra, Türkiye’nin ve dünyanın dört bir yanından alan kayıtları ve mülakatlara yer verilen bir başvuru kaynağı niteliği taşıyor. Yeşil düşüncenin köklü tarihinden düşünürler ve aktivistler hakkında özel dosyaların da yer aldığı bu rehber kitap, çevre muharibi ve grevci Greta Thunberg’in, “Evimiz yanıyor!” diyerek işaret ettiği iklim krizinden hep birlikte nasıl çıkabileceğimize ilişkin yeni bakış açılarına kaynaklık ederken, kâinattaki yegâne evimize karşı sorumluluklarımızı da yeniden gözden geçirmeye davet ediyor.

Handbook of Research on Digital Violence and Discrimination Studies
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 837

Handbook of Research on Digital Violence and Discrimination Studies

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2022-04-08
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  • Publisher: IGI Global

Digital violence continues to increase, especially during times of crisis. Racism, bullying, ageism, sexism, child pornography, cybercrime, and digital tracking raise critical social and digital security issues that have lasting effects. Digital violence can cause children to be dragged into crime, create social isolation for the elderly, generate inter-communal conflicts, and increase cyber warfare. A closer study of digital violence and its effects is necessary to develop lasting solutions. The Handbook of Research on Digital Violence and Discrimination Studies introduces the current best practices, laboratory methods, policies, and protocols surrounding international digital violence and discrimination. Covering a range of topics such as abuse and harassment, this major reference work is ideal for researchers, academicians, policymakers, practitioners, professionals, instructors, and students.