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Sejak otoritas pasar modal dialihkan dari Bapepam-LK kepada Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK), perkembangan Pasar Modal Indonesia semakin baik. OJK adalah lembaga negara yang bersifat independen seperti Bank Indonesia (Bl), sehingga OJK tak lagi dapat diintervensi oleh pihak manapun termasuk pemerintah. Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) tergolong salah satu bursa yang kinerjanya terbaik di Asia Pasifik pada masa krisis global 2008. Namun sayang, partisipasi masyarakat untuk berinvestasi dan minat perusahaan untuk mencari dana di Pasar Modal Indonesia masih tergolong rendah. Banyak kalangan menganggap pasar modal sebagai barang mewah yang hanya layak bagi perusahaan besar dan investor besar. Buku ini ter...
Hak Kekayaan Intelektual (HKI) adalah aset berharga yang dapat dikembangkan menjadi bisnis waralaba, bisnis kreatif, bisnis digital dan bisnis tekfin. HKI khususnya Hak Cipta dan Paten sudah bisa dijadikan objek jaminan utang melalui Fidusia berdasarkan Pasal 16 UU Nomor 28/2014 tentang Hak Cipta dan Pasal 108 UU Nomor 13/2016 tentang Paten. Ketentuan tersebut sayangnya belum bisa diberlakukan pada jenis HKI lain, padahal semua jenis HKI dapat dijadikan jaminan utang melalui skema Fidusia. Implementasi aturan ini juga masih terkendala karena belum ada revisi Peraturan BI tentang agunan kredit serta belum ada Lembaga Penilai Aset HKI di Indonesia. Pemanfaatan HKI sebagai jaminan kredit sendir...
Pengantar Strategi Kreatif Advertising Era Digital
Buku ini membahas tentang faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kemampuan mendeteksi korupsi. Bangsa Indonesia menempati posisi ke-102 dari 180 negara dalam Corruption Perception Indeks (CPI) 2020 dengan nilai yang diperoleh sebanyak 37 dari skala 0-100. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa negara Indonesia merupakan negara yang tingkat korupsinya tinggi. Tentu saja perlu pengoptimalan kinerja dari aparat yang berwajib. Khususnya pada Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan RI (BPK RI) dimana dalam formasi kelembagaannya sebagai badan eksaminatif dalam hal ini merupakan badan yang menaruh tanggung jawab sentral terkait persoalan korupsi di negara Indonesia sebagai lembaga negara yang berkompeten dalam mendeteksi tindakan korupsi. Sehingga dalam tugasnya, pemeriksa dituntut untuk memiliki kompetensi yang mumpuni pada bidang audit dalam mendeteksi kemungkinan terjadi korupsi disuatu instansi ataupun entitas bisnis
This book provides a new interpretation of the relationship between consumption, drinking culture, memory and cultural identity in an age of rapid political and economic change. Using France as a case-study it explores the construction of a national drinking culture -the myths, symbols and practices surrounding it- and then through a multisited ethnography of wine consumption demonstrates how that culture is in the process of being transformed. Wine drinking culture in France has traditionally been a source of pride for the French and in an age of concerns about the dangers of 'binge-drinking', a major cause of jealousy for the British. Wine drinking and the culture associated with it are, f...
Featuring high-level analysis of Islamic law, this book examines fintech in Islamic finance from both theoretical and empirical perspectives. Whilst building on existing approaches, it also discusses the current application of fintech in promoting financial inclusion through innovative solutions in Muslim-majority countries, identifying future directions for policy-makers. With original chapters written by prominent academics, senior lawyers and practitioners in the global Islamic finance industry, this book serves as the first standalone pioneering reference work on fintech in Islamic finance. It also, for the first time, examines the position of Islamic law on cryptocurrencies, such as bit...
"Rapid advances in financial technology are transforming the economic and financial landscape, offering wide-ranging opportunities while raising potential risks. Fintech can support potential growth and poverty reduction by strengthening financial development, inclusion, and efficiency—but it may pose risks to consumers and investors and, more broadly, to financial stability and integrity. National authorities are keen to foster fintech’s potential benefits and to mitigate its possible risks. Many international and regional groupings are now examining various aspects of fintech, in line with their respective mandates. There have been calls for greater international cooperation and guidan...
That the individual shall have full protection in person and in property is a principle as old as the common law; but it has been found necessary from time to time to define anew the exact nature and extent of such protection. Political, social, and economic changes entail the recognition of new rights, and the common law, in its eternal youth, grows to meet the demands of society. Thus, in very early times, the law gave a remedy only for physical interference with life and property, for trespasses vi et armis. Then the "right to life" served only to protect the subject from battery in its various forms...
This book presents successful case studies in Muslim and Muslim minority countries that have revolutionized the redevelopment of idle waqf properties into productive land trusts. The revival of this institution over the last two decades shows the growing optimism in galvanizing the socioeconomic role of waqf by adopting its flexible shariah measures. Innovative ways of financing redevelopment allow Muslims to extend these roles to include new beneficiaries. New uses for these properties include providing services to the community, opening jobs for the majority of people, funding small entrepreneurs, educating the masses, providing health care, and sheltering the poor and needy. Countries under study include Sudan, Turkey, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, New Zealand, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, and Iran. Additionally, the book examines the International Development Bank's role in financing the development old waqf properties in different countries.
This book provides a comprehensive analysis of Waqf management and its impact on socio-economic development, specifically financial inclusion and sustainable development as well as of the legal issues in Waqf management in IsDB member countries and jurisdictions. It explores various aspects of Waqf management in IsDB member countries/jurisdictions as well as in non-Muslim majority countries such as Waqf regulation, its modernization, and relationship to Maqasid Al-Shari’ah; performance of Waqf activities; time and activity-wise distribution of Waqf resource management; the antecedents and consequences of Waqf assets (both physical and cash); the strategies and models to promote Waqf related activities for greater socio-economic development; good governance practices through the formulation of informed policies for Waqf projects, among others. Comprising different issues and perspectives adopted by various researchers, the work is specifically designed to meet the needs of academics and industry practitioners in the field of Islamic finance.