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  • Language: id
  • Pages: 166


Sumber daya manusia merupakan aset paling berharga bagi setiap organisasi. Di tengah persaingan global yang semakin ketat, kemampuan untuk mengelola SDM dengan efektif dan efisien menjadi kunci utama keberhasilan. Inovasi dalam manajemen SDM tidak hanya mencakup penerapan teknologi terkini, tetapi juga melibatkan pendekatan-pendekatan baru dalam pengembangan, motivasi, dan retensi karyawan.

Manajemen Kompensasi & Hubungan Industrial
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 135

Manajemen Kompensasi & Hubungan Industrial

Kompensasi adalah semua pendapatan yang berbentukuang, barang langsung atau barang tidak langsung yang diterima karyawan sebagai imbalan dan jasa yang diberikan pada perusahaan. Kompensasi finansial atau non finansial diberikan berdasarkan kebijaksanaan perusahaan terhadap semua karyawan dan usaha meningkatkan kesejahteraan mereka seperti tunjangan hari raya dan uang pensiun. Dapat dikatakan pula bahwa kompensasi adalah suatu imbalan baik secara finansial maupun non-finansial (financial reward) yang diberikan terhadap karyawan atas pekerjaan yang telah dilakukan dalam suatu organisasi. Kompensasi dapat berupa finansial atau uang atau segala sesuatu yang dapat di ukur dengan uang, atau bisa juga dalam bentuk non-finansial yaitu bisa berupa penghargaan, jabatan, kondisi kerja dan lainnya. Kompensasi juga bisa diberikan secara langsung terhadap karyawan, ataupun tidak langsung seperti tunjangan kesehatan, dimana karyawan menerima kompensasi dalam bentuk-bentuk non-finansial.

  • Language: id
  • Pages: 147


Banyak orang mengakui bahwa berbicara di muka umum merupakan sebuah keterampilan yang penting dalam hidup sehari-hari maupun dalam kerja. Namun banyak orang yang merasa kurang percaya diri untuk berbicara di muka umum. Padahal sebenarnya Public Speaking sama seperti pelajaran lainnya, bisa dipelajari dan dilatih, karena Public Speaking adalah ke-terampilan. Semakin sering kita melakukannya maka kita semakin terampil dan percaya diri.

Peran Ulama Banjar Dalam Kepemimpinan Era Soceity 5.0
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 176

Peran Ulama Banjar Dalam Kepemimpinan Era Soceity 5.0

Judul : Peran Ulama Banjar Dalam Kepemimpinan Era Soceity 5.0 Penulis : Dr. Agustina Rahmi, Makiah, S. Pd., Fahriani S.Pd., La ila n A lfisyah, S.Pd ., Drs. H. Radiansyah., Hapizah Riski, S.Pd., Pariana Noprianti, S.Pd., Firda Rahayu, S.Pd., Eni Fitriani, S.Pd ., Hediyanti Rahayu, S.Pd., Nur Safitri, S. Pd., dan Jumratul Fauziah, S.Pd. Ukuran : 15,5 x 23 cm Tebal : 178 Halaman Cover : Soft Cover No. ISBN : 978-623-505-054-6 No. E-ISBN : 978-623-505-055-3 (PDF) SINOPSIS Ulama menduduki posisi strategis ditengah umat karena keilmuan, akhlak, kesalehan, dan peran serta tanggungjawab mereka dalam Masyarakat dan negara. Ulama sebagai sebagai pemimpin spiritual dan pemimpin umat yang bertugas untu...

Transforming the Future of Learning with Educational Research
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 407

Transforming the Future of Learning with Educational Research

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2015-01-31
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  • Publisher: IGI Global

The field of education is a vital component of today’s society, enriching and facilitating the attainment of new knowledge. Progress continues to be achieved in this area as new methods are envisioned that increase education’s value. Transforming the Future of Learning with Educational Research brings together diverse perspectives that underscore the importance of research practices toward the enrichment of teaching. Highlighting themes of learning, diversity, education communities, and student wellbeing, this book is an essential reference source for teacher educators, researchers, teaching practitioners, and professionals interested in the value of research within the field of education.

Mathematical Methods
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 673

Mathematical Methods

Intended to follow the usual introductory physics courses, this book contains many original, lucid and relevant examples from the physical sciences, problems at the ends of chapters, and boxes to emphasize important concepts to help guide students through the material.

Social Competence in Children
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 300

Social Competence in Children

In this book, readers will discover a developmental view of social functioning in children at different stages. Chapters are based in transactional theory in that the environment plays a role in the development of social competence skills as well as the biological contributions the child brings to his/her experiences. The familial and school contributions to social understanding are discussed in this volume.

If You Believe in Mermaids... Don't Tell
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 162

If You Believe in Mermaids... Don't Tell

Some things you just can't say, even to your parents. "Dad, did you ever want to be a mermaid?" Nope. Don't say it. Not if you're a boy. You gotta keep it inside. Maybe thirteen-year-old Todd Winslow is the best diver at summer camp. If only diving could save him. Underwater is a much kinder world, a secret mermaid world that no one else can know about - not Dad, and definitely not Brad, the camp's numero uno bad boy. Todd tries to fit in, playing nice with flirty model-wannabe Sylvie and shunning nature-nerd Olivia - but you can only fool people for so long. Brad is watching every move, ready to expose all that's different about Todd. Then there's the doll thing. And Dad finds out. How will...

Vocational Education
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 274

Vocational Education

This book discusses what constitutes vocational education as well as its key purposes, objects, formation and practices. In short, it seeks to outline and elaborate the nature of the project of vocational education. It addresses a significant gap in the available literature by providing a single text that elaborates the scope and diversity of the sector, its key objectives (i.e. vocations and occupations), its formation and development as an education sector, and the scope of its purposes and considerations in the curriculum. The volume achieves these objectives by discussing and defining the concept of vocational education as being that form of education that seeks to advise individuals abo...

Waldo and the Desert Island Adventure
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 28

Waldo and the Desert Island Adventure

Michael and his dog Waldo, walking along a rainy beach, pool their imaginations to share a possible adventure involving a band of pirates and several monsters.