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"Pengantar Ilmu Hukum" adalah buku yang menjelaskan dasar-dasar ilmu hukum dan memberikan pandangan komprehensif tentang konsep-konsep hukum yang mendasarinya. Dalam buku ini, pembaca akan dibawa dalam perjalanan yang meliputi berbagai aspek ilmu hukum. Buku ini dimulai dengan membahas makna dan peran ilmu hukum dalam masyarakat. Pembaca akan diperkenalkan kepada sejarah perkembangan hukum dari zaman kuno hingga masa kini, menggambarkan bagaimana sistem hukum telah berkembang seiring waktu. Buku ini juga menjelaskan berbagai sistem hukum yang ada di dunia, seperti sistem hukum kontinental, sistem hukum umum, dan sistem hukum adat. Ini membantu pembaca memahami keragaman pendekatan hukum di b...
Buku Pengantar Hukum Indonesia” adalah buku yang dirancang untuk memberikan pemahaman dasar mengenai sistem hukum di Indonesia. Buku ini membahas berbagai aspek penting hukum Indonesia, termasuk sejarah perkembangan hukum, sumber- sumber hukum, serta institusi-institusi yang berperan dalam penegakan hukum di negara ini. Melalui penjelasan yang jelas dan terstruktur, pembaca diajak untuk memahami bagaimana hukum di Indonesia dibentuk, diimplementasikan, dan dipertahankan. Buku ini juga mengulas prinsip-prinsip hukum yang mendasari sistem peradilan di Indonesia, termasuk hukum perdata, hukum pidana, hukum tata negara, dan hukum administrasi. Dengan pendekatan yang komprehensif, “Pengantar Hukum Indonesia” sangat cocok bagi mahasiswa hukum, praktisi hukum, maupun masyarakat umum yang ingin mengenal lebih dalam mengenai dasar-dasar hukum di Indonesia.
We are delighted to introduce the proceedings of The International Conference on Environment and Technology of Law, Business and Education on Post Covid 19 – 2020 (ICETLAWBE 2020). This conference is organized by Faculty of Law Universitas Lampung, Coorporation With Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Pulau Pinang Malaysia, STEBI Lampung Indonesia, Asia e University Malaysia, Rostov State University Russia, University of Diponegoro Indonesia, IAIN Palu Indonesia, Universitas Dian Nusantara Jakarta Indonesia, Universitas Islam Indonesia Yogyakarta Indonesia, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura Indonesia, STEBIS IGM Palembang Indonesia, Universitas Katolik Parahyangan Bandung Indonesia, Universitas ...
The Proceeding book presented the International Conference of Economics, Business & Entrepreneurship (ICEBE), which is an international conference hosted by Faculty of Economics & Business Universitas Lampung (FEB-UNILA) in collaboration with Magister Manajemen Teknologi Universitas Multimedia Nusantara. Total 50 full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 85 submissions with the topics not limited to Finance, Accounting, Marketing and Digital Innovation. The ICEBE 2020 Conference was conducted virtually, on 01 October 2020 which had been attended by academics and researchers from various universities worldwide including practitioners with the theme Innovation and Sustainability in the Digital Age.
We are delighted to introduce the Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Progressive Education (ICOPE) 2020 hosted by the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Lampung, Indonesia, in the heart of the city Bandar Lampung on 16 and 17 October 2020. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we took a model of an online organised event via Zoom. The theme of the 2nd ICOPE 2020 was “Exploring the New Era of Education”, with various related topics including Science Education, Technology and Learning Innovation, Social and Humanities Education, Education Management, Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, Teacher Professional Development, Curriculum and Instructions, A...
In the decade since the establishment of the WTO, the great majority of disputes between member states resolved and decided through the dispute settlement system of the WTO arose in the field of trade remedies law, a fact which clearly shows the high demand by the trade community for the rule of law in this area. Responsive to such needs, the fourth volume encompasses the whole range of trade remedies regulation under the auspices of the WTO in the respective articles of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and the related multilateral agreements on trade in goods, i.e., Articles VI, XII, XIX GATT 1994; the Understanding on the Balance-of-Payments; the Agreement on Implementatio...
One of the main challenges faced by all entrepreneurs, is the need to growth. Growth is part of all organizations, it implies continuous growth of sales, purchases, number of employees, profit and thus the growth of the enterprise. Most innovations that are part of the organizations are derived from the internal organization. Industrial Revolution 4.0 provides both opportunities and challenges to all entrepreneurs to grow their business. The rapid development of technology and all digital aspects create opportunities of innovation in organizations. These proceedings provide details beyond what is possible to be included in an oral presentation and constitute a concise but timely medium for the dissemination of recent research results. It will be invaluable to professionals and academics in the field of business, entrepreneurship and economics to get an understanding of recent research developments.