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Rebecca is a troubled teenager, not comfortable in the shoes of a good girl, she rebels to cover up her malaise. Alessia looks to the tarot cards “for something that would help her solve her enigma”, fill the void she has within. Anxiety torments Luigi, an apparently confident man, who is in fact rather lonely, and who finds comfort and relief in surrounding himself with thousands of books. In Jana’s eyes you can read her atavistic fear. They recount the intricate complexity of adapting to the social conventions typical of a small provincial town, on the borders of Italy. The delicate portrait of the elderly protagonist in “Alzheimer’s”, the drawer-full of memories in “Trieste” and the young broken life of Goran, all paint a portrait for the fragility of human relationships seeking, in love, the strength to fight illness and death. Will the reader, along this bumpy path, at times tortuous, at times easy, other times harsh, a metaphor for life itself, be able to find the deeper meaning, the common thread?
Il vecchio sa di essere ormai giunto alle battute finali della propria vita. È troppo stanco per potersi muovere dalla poltrona su cui siede e la sua mente alterna frangenti di lucidità a lunghi momenti di totale confusione. Prima di abbandonare questa terra vuole però fare un’ultima cosa: rivivere tutta la sua esistenza a ritroso riassaporandone ogni istante e lasciando che le asole lungo cui far scorrere il filo dei ricordi sia rappresentato dalle sue “ultime volte” (l’ultima volta che ha fatto una certa cosa o provato un determinata sensazione). Nasce così una sorta di inusuale dialogo teatrale in tre atti in cui il vecchio mette completamente a nudo la propria storia, le prop...
Forswears, murders, irrational decrees. Over the two millennium-long history of the Papacy, many, too many, mistakes and questionable and odd exploits have been carried out. In the present work, the author, far from attacking a single Pope, but rather with the clear intent of demolishing the dogma of Papal infallibility, lists all the barbaric acts of the Popes from the first century up to the present times. The work is marked by an innovative writing technique, one that has never been used before, characterized by extreme conciseness and a painstakingly precise bibliography of almost two-hundred works in order to provide quotes of the most relevant parts. The author wishes to push the reader to question the value of modern religious teaching with respect to the original teaching of Jesus, as well as to ask the reader what factors have caused Christianity to split into a variety of religious streams. He reminds us that the Catholic Church is the only one, among the three great doctrinal schisms, that has imposed celibacy upon its clergy. Could that be the reason?
Il settore Ittico rappresenta nel mondo una delle attività economiche più importanti in quanto è fonte di ricchezza, occupazione e sanità alimentare. Del resto, la pesca riduce - quando non elimina del tutto, soprattutto nei paesi sottosviluppati - la fame, dando un contributo fattivo al miglioramento della salute delle persone, riducendo drasticamente la loro povertà e arricchendo il loro pasto di proteine e fattori nutritivi indispensabili alla crescita.
An Italian story that began in 1959, in a small mining town, one of many, in the hinterland of Tuscany. The signs of well-being of the economic boom are upon us. People dream of a better life, a home, school for their children, some money to satisfy the simplest ambitions. The mine feeds everyone, but everyone suffer a lot. The miners in the first trade union movements, through strikes, they suffer badly to obtain improvements in wages and safety at work. And there's the sufferance of the families who live in the uncertainty of an increasingly small salary and in the fear of inevitable tragedy that can happen inside the unhealthy guts of the galleries. Marta, a seven-year-old girl, suddenly ...
Sono trascorsi pochi mesi da quando Perla, quarantenne e single residente da anni a Roma, ha perso sua madre. La morte dell’unico genitore che con amore l’ha cresciuta in una società puritana e maldicente è solo l’ultimo dei tanti dolori sopportati: si aggiunge al fallimento di una storia importante e a un aborto spontaneo che la gettano nello sconforto e la privano della fiducia nei confronti della vita. Ad aiutarla è l’amica di sempre, Maria, che la coinvolge in una vacanza in Medio Oriente. Un viaggio come momentanea fuga dalla realtà si rivela invece sovversivo: un nuovo amore, una missione sociale e la riconquista della fiducia nei confronti di sé stessa le restituiranno la...
In recent years, the field of literary studies at the international level has become more involved in the analysis of the so-called industrial literature, a literary genre that focuses on the literary representation of factory work and workers’ alienation. This book engages in the ongoing debate by offering a narratological analysis of Italian industrial novels in particular, while taking into consideration their paratexts and interrogating the possibility of the presence of a testimonial intent in the text. The study reconstructs the connections between visions of factory utopias and Italian industrial literature, starting with an overview of said visions of utopia and how they came into ...