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Proceedings of the 1st Bengkulu International Conference on Economics, Management, Business and Accounting (BICEMBA 2023)
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 295

Proceedings of the 1st Bengkulu International Conference on Economics, Management, Business and Accounting (BICEMBA 2023)

This is an open access book. The first Bengkulu International Seminar on Economics, Management, Business, and Accounting (1st BICEMBA) will be held in Bengkulu, Indonesia, on October 4th, 2023. 1st BICEMBA aims to bring together academia, researchers, and scholars to exchange information and share experiences as well as research results in boosting optimism and revitalization by the scientific framework. This event provides an opportunity for all to network, share ideas, and present their research to a worldwide community. Discussion on these fields' latest innovations, trends, practical concerns, and challenges is also encouraged.

Buku Ajar Teori Ekonomi 1
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 189

Buku Ajar Teori Ekonomi 1

Buku Ajar Teori Ekonomi 1 ini disusun sebagai buku panduan komprehensif yang menjelajahi kompleksitas dan mendalamnya tentang teori ekonomi. Buku ini dapat digunakan oleh pendidik dalam melaksanakan kegiatan pembelajaran di bidang ilmu ekonomi dan diberbagai bidang Ilmu terkait lainnya. Selain itu, buku ini juga dapat digunakan sebagai panduan dan referensi mengajar mata kuliah teori ekonomi 1 dan menyesuaikan dengan rencana pembelajaran semester tingkat perguruan tinggi masing-masing. Secara garis besar, buku ajar ini pembahasannya mulai dari dasar-dasar penawaran dan permintaan, teori konsumen, permintaan individu dan permintaan pasar, perilaku konsumen, teori produksi dan biaya produksi, monopoli, monopsoni dan strategi harga dengan kekuatan pasar, game theory dan strategi Bersaing, Pasar Faktor Produksi. Selain itu, ada beberapa materi penting lainnya yang tentunya membuat buku ajar ini menjadi buku yang sangat tepat dan relevan untuk digunakan sebagai bahan ajar. Buku ajar ini disusun secara sistematis, ditulis dengan bahasa yang jelas dan mudah dipahami, dan dapat digunakan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran.

Reducing Maternal and Neonatal Mortality in Indonesia
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 202

Reducing Maternal and Neonatal Mortality in Indonesia

The Republic of Indonesia, home to over 240 million people, is the world's fourth most populous nation. Ethnically, culturally, and economically diverse, the Indonesian people are broadly dispersed across an archipelago of more than 13,000 islands. Rapid urbanization has given rise to one megacity (Jakarta) and to 10 other major metropolitan areas. And yet about half of Indonesians make their homes in rural areas of the country. Indonesia, a signatory to the United Nations Millennium Declaration, has committed to achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). However, recent estimates suggest that Indonesia will not achieve by the target date of 2015 MDG 4 - reduction by two-thirds of th...

SSIK 2023
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 375

SSIK 2023

This book contains the Proceedings of Regional Seminar on Community Issues (SSIK) 2023. The conference is co-hosted by Universitas Halu Oleo (Indonesia), Institute for Social Science of Universiti Putra Malaysia (Malaysia), Universitas Teuku Umar (Indonesia), and Universitas Abulyatama (Indonesia). The event was held on September 20, 2023, in Kendari City, South East Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. The collaboration includes joint committees and support from keynote speakers from each university. This year’s conference provides an interdisciplinary forum for researchers, educators, practitioners, and policymakers to discuss the latest trends and issues on the theme and offer challenges and solutions within a given scope. Research articles, literature reviews, and position papers are welcome.

Global Burden and Challenges of Melioidosis
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 272

Global Burden and Challenges of Melioidosis

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019-03-26
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  • Publisher: MDPI

This book is the definitive reference regarding the global status of melioidosis in 2018. Melioidosis is one of the most neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), so much so that it is not even included in the WHO list of NTDs. Yet modeling suggests that it kills more people worldwide every year than diseases that are much better known, such as leptospirosis and dengue. The reasons for this under-recognition are numerous, including the fact that it mainly affects the disadvantaged rural poor in areas that are poorly supplied with the diagnostic capability to make the diagnosis. In 22 separate articles, expert authors from around the world have summarized what is known about the burden of the disea...

ICED-QA 2019
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 361

ICED-QA 2019

The quality improvement of higher education is needed to guarantee the quality of the graduates for the future competitiveness. Due to the local and global changes and the issue of Industrial Revolution 4.0, higher education needs to compliance the paradigm. Labor requirement’s competence requires curriculum reformation from input-based education to outcome-based education. In learning, the paradigm friction appears from instructional paradigm to learning paradigm. To solve the related proportion, LP3M (Institute of Educational Development and Quality Assurance) Universitas Andalas initiated the International Conference on Educational Development and Quality Assurance (ICED-QA 2). This conference was attended expert and researchers from different countries to discuss the issues about “Educational Quality Development in Industrial Revolution 4.0”.

  • Language: id
  • Pages: 73


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2020-07-01
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  • Publisher: LAKEISHA

Segala puji dan syukur peneliti panjatkan atas rahmat dan karunia Allah SWT sehingga dapat menyelesaikan penyusunan monograf dari penelitian dosen pemula dengan Judul “Bird Repellent Device sebagai Optimasi Panen Dalam Bidang Pertanian Berbasis Internet of Things”. Pada kesempatan ini, peneliti ingin menyampaikan ucapan terima kasih kepada berbagai pihak yang telah membantu dan memberikan kontribusi baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung sampai selesainya penyusunan laporan akhir penelitian dosen pemula. Adapun ucapan terima kasih kami berikan kepada: Allah SWT Tuhan seluruh alam yang sudah memberikan kesehatan dan limpahan rezeki. DRPM (Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) Di...

Cultivating Communities of Practice
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 306

Cultivating Communities of Practice

Today's economy is fueled by knowledge. Every leader knows this to be true, yet few have systematic methods for converting organizational knowledge into economic value. This book argues that communities of practice--groups of individuals formed around common interests and expertise--provide the ideal vehicle for driving knowledge-management strategies and building lasting competitive advantage. Written by leading experts in the field, Cultivating Communities of Practice is the first book to outline models and methods for systematically developing these essential groups. Through compelling research and company examples, including DaimlerChrysler, McKinsey & Company, Shell, and the World Bank,...

Teaching English to Children
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 115

Teaching English to Children

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1991
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  • Publisher: Unknown


An Introduction to Medicinal Herbs
  • Language: en

An Introduction to Medicinal Herbs

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021
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  • Publisher: Unknown

Medicinal plants always plaid and important role in the maintenance of health, wellbeing, and everyday life of a population worldwide. During the centuries, plant leaves, stems, flowers, seeds, berries, and roots were used for healing and maintenance of a different pathological conditions, as well as in beauty formulas, massage applications, foods preparations and beverages. This book, which is based on scientific findings and original research, represent a comprehensive and up-to-date introduction to medicinal plants from all over the world, describes their huge economic, and therapeutic potential, and analysing different aspects of their genotoxicity, and importance for human health and ho...