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USAK Yearbook of Politics and International Relations: Volume 5
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 376

USAK Yearbook of Politics and International Relations: Volume 5

USAK Yearbook of Politics and International Relations, the fifth edition of which was published in 2012, is an annual, peer-reviewed, English language scholarly journal. The Editorial Office of the Yearbook is in the central building of the International Strategic Research Organization (USAK) in Ankara, Turkey. However, the Yearbook is an independent publication in terms of scholarly research and the editors decide its publication policies. Esteemed academics dispassionately evaluate all submitted articles to ensure their conformity with academic rules and formats. While the focal points of published articles converge on international relations, international law and political science, essen...

Crime Fiction and National Identities in the Global Age
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 270

Crime Fiction and National Identities in the Global Age

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2020-05-05
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  • Publisher: McFarland

To read a crime novel today largely simulates the exercise of reading newspapers or watching the news. The speed and frequency with which today's bestselling works of crime fiction are produced allow them to mirror and dissect nearly contemporaneous socio-political events and conflicts. This collection examines this phenomenon and offers original, critical, essays on how national identity appears in international crime fiction in the age of populism and globalization. These essays address topics such as the array of competing nationalisms in Europe; Indian secularism versus Hindu communalism; the populist rhetoric tinged with misogyny or homophobia in the United States; racial, religious or ...

Duty Free Art
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 251

Duty Free Art

  • Categories: Art
  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017-11-21
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  • Publisher: Verso Books

What is the function of art in the era of digital globalization? How can one think of art institutions in an age defined by planetary civil war, growing inequality, and proprietary digital technology? The boundaries of such institutions have grown fuzzy. They extend from a region where the audience is pumped for tweets to a future of “neurocurating,” in which paintings surveil their audience via facial recognition and eye tracking to assess their popularity and to scan for suspicious activity. In Duty Free Art, filmmaker and writer Hito Steyerl wonders how we can appreciate, or even make art, in the present age. What can we do when arms manufacturers sponsor museums, and some of the world’s most valuable artworks are used as currency in a global futures market detached from productive work? Can we distinguish between information, fake news, and the digital white noise that bombards our everyday lives? Exploring subjects as diverse as video games, WikiLeaks files, the proliferation of freeports, and political actions, she exposes the paradoxes within globalization, political economies, visual culture, and the status of art production.

Islam in Liberalism
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 405

Islam in Liberalism

Joseph Massad s "Desiring Arabs" (UCP, 2007) was an intellectual/literary history that sought out links between Orientalism and representations of sex and desire, rebutting in the meantime Western efforts to impose categories of heterosexual/homosexual where (in Islam) no such subjectivities exist. His new book broadens the purview to show us what Islam has become in today s world, attending fully to the multiplication of meanings of Islam. Islam in Liberalism is an intellectual/political history, enabling us to understand that history in terms of how Islam operated as a category within western liberalism; another way to phrase this is to say that Massad underscores how the anxieties about w...

Gazetecinin Ölümü
  • Language: tr
  • Pages: 144

Gazetecinin Ölümü

"İstasyonun otoparkı karanlık ve ıssızdı. Arabasına ulaşmak için merdivenden yukarı çıktı ve yürümeye başladı. Önünden bir araba geçti. Biraz daha yürüdüğünde yüz metre ileride siyah büyük bir araba çarptı gözüne. Arabanın camları koyu olduğu için içerisini göremiyordu. Plakası ise yoktu. 'Peşimdeler' diye geçirdi içinden." Ucu Amerikan devleti içindeki iktidar savaşlarına dokunan akıl almaz bir siyasi komplo... Bu komployu ortaya çıkarmaya çalışan Türk gazetecinin ölümü... Ülke gazetesinin Washington muhabiri Selin Uygar'ın çözmeye çalıştığı cinayet onu, Amerikan devleti içinde oynanan oyunlarla ABD'nin Ortadoğu siyasetinin karmaşık hesaplarının ortasına düşürecek ve büyük tehlikelerle burun buruna getirecek. Gazetecinin Ölümü, Elçin Poyrazlar'ın temposu yüksek, soluk soluğa okunan ilk romanı...

Ecel Çiçekleri
  • Language: tr
  • Pages: 199

Ecel Çiçekleri

Ecel Çiçekleri suçlulara cezalarını vermeye, güçsüzleri ayağa kaldırmaya geldiler... İstanbul'da birbiri ardına işlenen kanlı cinayetleri çözmeye kararlıdır Suat Komiser. Vahşice öldürülen ama ölüme direnmemiş görünen erkekleri birbirine bağlayan nedir? Katil, cesetlerin yanına neden beyaz kasımpatıları bırakır? Ecel Çiçekleri cezasız kalan vahşetin, adaletin ve intikamın romanı...

Çıplak Kalp
  • Language: tr
  • Pages: 206

Çıplak Kalp

Siyasi nedenlerle Çocuk Şube'ye yollanan Komiser Suat Zamir'in odasına bir gün Samet adlı bir çocuk gelir. Samet babasının kalbini bir kutuda bulduğunu ileri sürer. Diğer yandan iktidarın gözbebeği müteahhit Cüneyt Canipoğlu'nun gizemli bir şekilde kaybolması Emniyet'i alarma geçirmiştir. Birbirinden bağımsız görünen iki soruşturma Suat Zamir ve meslektaşları Selim ile Beren'i akıl almaz bir suç zincirine yönlendirir. Komiser Suat Zamir'in üçüncü macerası Çıplak Kalp, devlet, tarikatlar, çocuklar ve hurafeler ekseninde akan, gerilimi yüksek bir polisiye roman...

Kayıp Yüz
  • Language: tr
  • Pages: 249

Kayıp Yüz

Hayatındaki tek kadın benim En azından ben öyle sanıyordum. Ta ki telefonu çalana kadar. Ekranda isim yerine sayı vardı. Sıfır Gizli bir kod, bir şifre, bir sır? Genç bir kız dairesinden aşağı düşüp ölmüş, ev arkadaşı diğer kız ise ortadan kaybolmuştur. İntihar vakalarına sürülen Suat Zamir genç kızın ölümünü araştırmaya başlar. Bu sırada Emniyet'e gelen esrarengiz bir kadın, kocasının onu öldürdüğünü söyler.

Manufacturing Consensus
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 231

Manufacturing Consensus

An in-depth exploration of social media and emergent technology that details the inner workings of modern propaganda Until recently, propaganda was a top-down, elite-only system of communication control used largely by state actors. Samuel Woolley argues that social media has democratized today's propaganda, allowing nearly anyone to launch a fairly sophisticated, computationally enhanced influence campaign. Woolley shows how social media, with its anonymity and capacity for automation, allows a wide variety of groups to build the illusion of popularity through computational tools (such as bots) and human-driven efforts (such as sockpuppets--real people assuming false identities online--and ...

Official Congressional Directory
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1258

Official Congressional Directory

Contains biographies of Senators, members of Congress, and the Judiciary. Also includes committee assignments, maps of Congressional districts, a directory of officials of executive agencies, addresses, telephone and fax numbers, web addresses, and other information.