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Critical Social Theory and the End of Work
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 212

Critical Social Theory and the End of Work

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2016-04-22
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  • Publisher: Routledge

Critical Social Theory and the End of Work examines the development and sociological significance of the idea that work is being eliminated through the use of advanced production technology. Granter’s engagement with the work of key American and European figures such as Marx, Marcuse, Gorz, Habermas and Negri, focuses his arguments for the abolition of labour as a response to the current socio-historical changes affecting our work ethic and consumer ideology. By combining history of ideas with social theory, this book considers how the 'end of work' thesis has developed and has been critically implemented in the analysis of modern society. This book will appeal to scholars of sociology, history of ideas, social and cultural theory as well as those working in the fields of critical management and sociology of work.

Critical Management Studies
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 272

Critical Management Studies

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2016-02-22
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  • Publisher: Routledge

Critical Management Studies (CMS) is often dated from the publication of an edited volume bearing that name (Alvesson and Willmott, 1992). In the two decades that have followed, CMS has been remarkably successful in establishing itself not just as a ‘term’ but as a recognizable tradition or approach. The emerging status of CMS as an overall approach has been both encouraged and marked by a growing range of handbooks, readers and textbooks. Yet the literature is dominated by writings from the UK and Scandinavia in particular, and the tendency is to treat this literature as constituting CMS. However, the meaning, practice, constraints and context of CMS vary considerably between different countries, cultures and language communities. This volume surveys fourteen various countries and regions where CMS has acquired some following and seeks to explore the different ways in which CMS is understood and the different contexts within which it operates, as well as its possible future development.

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 474


The majority of people around the world are experiencing oppressive and destructive forces which manifest themselves in starvation, income polarisation, joblessness, stress, violence, and so on. What is the nature of these forces? If we call them "globalisation", can there be good globalisation as well as bad globalisation? Is this a new phenomenon or just a continuation of history as it has always been? This book brings together a wide range of expertise addressing these problems from a world-systems perspective.

Capitalism, Social Privilege and Managerial Ideologies
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 207

Capitalism, Social Privilege and Managerial Ideologies

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019-06-04
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  • Publisher: Routledge

Originally published in 2005. This book analyzes the evolution of administrative thought from the nineteenth century to the present, considering it as ideological discourse. Rather than merely being a succession of fads, Gantman shows how each successive discourse about the organization of work serves to legitimate social interests. The book's compelling conclusion is that instead of a tendency towards increasing theoretical refinement, what is more evident is a trend towards fictionalization, which ends in the contemporary paradigm of flatter, more participative and democratic organizational forms. Students and scholars interested in organization theory, management history, the sociology of work or critical management will gain many new insights from this historical reconstruction of the evolution of management thought.

American Book Publishing Record
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 838

American Book Publishing Record

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2003
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Welche Organisationsformen produzieren Wissenschaft?
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 387

Welche Organisationsformen produzieren Wissenschaft?

Wie haben die Institutionen des deutschen Hochschul- und Wissenschaftssystems die Entwicklung wissenschaftlicher Produktivität beeinflusst? Jennifer Dusdal zeigt, welche Organisationsformen Wissenschaft produzieren und wie sich ihre Ziele, Aufgaben und Arten der Forschung unterscheiden. Sie hat Zeitschriftenartikel aus den Natur- und Technikwissenschaften sowie der Medizin untersucht, die zwischen 1900 und 2010 publiziert wurden. So wird deutlich, dass die Universität die wichtigste Wissenschaft produzierende Organisationsform geblieben ist und die wissenschaftliche Produktivität aufgrund gestiegener Forschungskooperationen exponenziell gewachsen ist. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/

Taylorism Transformed
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 415

Taylorism Transformed

This intellectual history interprets recent American business management ideas as political theory, describing their underlying assumptions about power and value. According to Stephen Waring, most business management theory descends from either Frederick Taylor's 'bureaucratic' theory of scientific management or Elton Mayo's 'corporatist' idea of human relations. Waring discusses the subsequent evolution of several management theories and techniques, including organization theory, computer simulation, management by objectives, sensitivity training, job enrichment, and innovations usually attributed to the Japanese, such as quality control circles.

Responsabilidad social corporativa: revisión crítica de una noción empresarial
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 330

Responsabilidad social corporativa: revisión crítica de una noción empresarial

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2018-10-29
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  • Publisher: CIS

En esta investigación nos acercamos al estudio de la responsabilidad social corporativa (RSC) producida por el mundo de los negocios, con la intención de conocer en qué verdad está, cómo la produce y qué es lo que realmente está en juego en este asunto de la RSC. Para ello, y en primer lugar, hemos realizado una aproximación genealógica a los significados y sentidos de las principales elaboraciones teóricas sobre RSC desarrolladas en las escuelas anglosajonas de negocios, así como en el proceso de promoción pública europea y española. Asimismo, en un segundo momento, hemos analizado el discurso de las empresas transnacionales españolas sobre la responsabilidad social siguiendo...

A Regency of Women
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 540

A Regency of Women

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2007
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Diversidad y heterogeneidad en redes de colaboración científica.
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 60

Diversidad y heterogeneidad en redes de colaboración científica.

En esta investigación doctoral el autor presenta una importante contribución a la sociología del conocimiento en administración y a los estudios organizacionales. El autor examina el desempeño de las escuelas de administración de América Latina, en términos de su contribución al conocimiento académico en las disciplinas propias en que se ocupan. Plantea la importancia del manejo de la diversidad y la heterogeneidad en las redes de colaboración científica, nutriéndose de los aportes teóricos del institucionalismo organizacional, de la ecología de poblaciones y de los estudios sociales de la ciencia. El resultado es un análisis teórico y empírico sobre el campo institucional de la educación superior en negocios en América Latina que es un ejemplo de trabajo académico de calidad y constituye un aporte al entendimiento de las redes de colaboración y su impacto en la creación de capital científico. Este libro representa una lectura recomendada no sólo para académicos en administración y sociología de la ciencia, sino para quienes desean mejorar la educación superior en América Latina.