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This volume gathers the perspectives of teachers in higher education from all over the world on the topic of New Testament scholarship. The goal is to understand and describe the contexts and conditions under which New Testament research is carried out throughout the world. This endeavor should serve as a catalyst for new initiatives and the development of questions that determine the future directions of New Testament scholarship. At the same time, it is intended to raise awareness of the global dimensions of New Testament scholarship, especially in relation to its impact on socio-political debates. The occasion for these reflections are not least the present questions that have been posed with the corona pandemic and have received a focus on the "system relevance" of churches, which is openly questioned by the media. The church and theology must face this challenge. Towards that end, it is important to gather impulses and suggestions for the discipline from a variety of contexts in which different dimensions of context-related New Testament research come to the fore.
This book presents the Proceedings of The 4th Brazilian Technology Symposium (BTSym'18). Part I of the book discusses current technological issues on Systems Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences, such as the Transmission Line, Protein-modified mortars, Electromagnetic Properties, Clock Domains, Chebyshev Polynomials, Satellite Control Systems, Hough Transform, Watershed Transform, Blood Smear Images, Toxoplasma Gondi, Operation System Developments, MIMO Systems, Geothermal-Photovoltaic Energy Systems, Mineral Flotation Application, CMOS Techniques, Frameworks Developments, Physiological Parameters Applications, Brain Computer Interface, Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Vis...
In many different parts of the world modern furniture elements have served as material expressions of power in the post-war era. They were often meant to express an international and in some respects apolitical modern language, but when placed in a sensitive setting or a meaningful architectural context, they were highly capable of negotiating or manipulating ideological messages. The agency of modern furniture was often less overt than that of political slogans or statements, but as the chapters in this book reveal, it had the potential of becoming a persuasive and malleable ally in very diverse politically charged arenas, including embassies, governmental ministries, showrooms, exhibitions...
Conto de Guy de Maupassant que relata a comovente história dos irmãos Javel e sua trágica viagem. Vale a pena deixar a família para trás e se embrenhar em uma aventura naval cujo os prêmios podem ser colossais, mas as desgraças podem ser ainda maiores? "No Mar", que inspirou a aclamada HQ Pobre Marinheiro, é o primeiro e-book curto da Balão Editorial em uma nova proposta de trazer livros menores e mais baratos.
A fascinating look at modernist urban planning and spatial theories in Brazilian 20th-century art and architecture Exploring the intersections among art, architecture, and urbanism in Brazil from the 1920s through the 1960s, Adrian Anagnost shows how modernity was manifested in locally specific spatial forms linked to Brazil's colonial and imperial past. Discussing the ways artists and architects understood urban planning as a tool to reorganize the world, control human action, and remedy social problems, Anagnost offers a nuanced account of the seeming conflict between modernist aesthetics and a predominately poor and historically disenfranchised urban public, with particular attention to regionalist forms of urban development. Organized as a series of case studies of projects such as Flávio de Carvalho's performative urbanism, the construction of the Ministry of Education and Public Health building, Lina Bo and Pietro Maria Bardi's efforts to modernize Brazilian museums, and Hélio Oiticica's interstitial works, this study is full of groundbreaking insights into the ways that modernist theories of urbanism shaped the art and architecture of 20th-century Brazil.
As origens das famílias Fortes e Bustamante, sua difusão pelo mundo e a árvore genealógica com a relação de descendentes do patriarca no Brasil até os dias atuais.
A obra é um mergulho literário e artístico na identidade nacional. Esta obra, fruto de uma autoria coletiva liderada por Thay Coelho — professora de Literatura Brasileira no projeto — e pelos alunos-autores do Centro Educacional 308 (CED 308) do Recanto das Emas, apresenta uma rica diversidade de expressões artísticas. Além de poesias e narrativas reflexivas, o leitor encontrará pinturas, esculturas e até jogos, compondo um retrato multifacetado do Brasil e de sua cultura. Cada página é um convite para redescobrir as múltiplas facetas culturais, sociais e históricas do país, celebrando a diversidade e o espírito resiliente que definem os brasileiros. Uma experiência imersiva e sensível que explora a essência de ser brasileiro.
Mais conhecida por sua poesia, Florbela Espanca também deixou uma coleção de contos que também abrangem suas temáticas preferidas como o amor não correspondido, a morte e o sobrenatural. Após perder o irmão, Florbela se voltou para os estudos espiritualistas e as sessões espíritas, em voga na época. As experiências nessa seara levaram-na a escrever vários contos sobrenaturais, como este, "Os mortos não voltam".
Com sua larga história de compromisso com as lutas feministas, a professora Eva Blay oferece aqui uma análise estruturada de um conjunto de dados - frutos de extensa pesquisa na imprensa, em boletins policiais e em processos criminais - especialmente revelador sobre a avalanche de assassinatos de mulheres a que assistimos no Brasil. Uma obra de referência para todos aqueles que lidam com Direitos Humanos em nosso país.