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konsep mempertahankan umur produk-produk hortikultura adalah dengan menghambat laju respirasi yang terjadi untuk mencegah degradasi nutrisi-nutrisi di dalamnya. Untuk itu digunakan pelapisan di permukaan buah. Salah satu cara yang telah banyak dikenal adalah dengan melakukan coating. Untuk melakukan coating pada buah dan sayuran, banyak bahan alami yang dapat digunakan, misalnya dari jenis selulosa, kasein, zein, protein kedelai, dan citosan. Komoditas buah-buahan dan produk hortikultur lainnya memiliki sifat khas, yaitu cepat rusak dan masih terus berespirasi setelah dipanen kemudian akan mengalami penguraian kandungan nutrisinya. Konsep dari mempertahankan umur produk-produk hortikultura adalah dengan menghambat laju respirasi yang terjadi untuk mencegah degradasi nutrisi-nutrisi di dalamnya. Untuk itu digunakan pelapisan di permukaan buah, salah satu cara yang telah banyak dikenal adalah dengan mclakukan coating. Untuk melakukan coating pada buah dan sayuran, banyak bahan alami yang dapat digunakan, misalnya dari jenis selulosa, kasein, zein, protein kedelai, dan chitosan.
Kinerja pembangunan pertanian nasional secara umum masih jauh dari harapan berbagai pemangku kepentingan. Impor berbagai komoditas pangan, hortikultura, dan peternakan bahkan cenderung meningkat. Pembangunan pertanian belum bisa meningkatkan kemakmuran dan kesejahteraan bagi para pelaku produksi seperti petani, pekebun, petani hutan, pembudi daya ikan, nelayan, peternak, serta pelaku lain yang terkait. Kebijakan pembangunan pertanian yang tambal sulam dan parsial belum memberikan perubahan yang fundamental bagi perbaikan kesejahteraan masyarakat pertanian. Dalam buku ini, berbagai isu strategis pada berbagai komponen pembangunan pertanian dan pangan guna mewujudkan kedaulatan pangan dikelomp...
Buku ini sengaja disajikan cukup ringan tetapi tetap ilmiah dengan isi yang agak luas. Secara garis besar, isinya dapat dipilah menjadi tiga bagian. Pertama, paparannya dimulai dari uraian ringkas mengenai makna buah-buahan bagi kesehatan, potensi, prospek dan tantangan dalam pengembangan agribisnis buah-buah tropis di Indonesia. Karakteristik buah-buahan secara umum dan faktor-faktor penyebab kerusakan, baik dari aspek sifat bawaan maupun dari pengaruh faktor lingkungan biotik maupun abiotik diuraikan secara singkat. Potensi kerusakan akibat penanganan pascapanen hingga penyimpanan, pengemasan dan pengangkutan buah segar juga dikemukakan. Bagian kedua buku ini mengemukakan secara umum menge...
The 4th Annual Conference of Engineering and Implementation on Vocational Education (ACEIVE-2022) is a scientific forum for scholars to disseminate their research and share ideas. This conference was held virtually on October 20, 2022, conducted by the Faculty of Engineering of Universitas Negeri Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia. The 4th ACEIVE’s 2022 theme is Development of Vocational Talent for Educational and Society IR 4.0. Consist of sub-themes, Teaching Learning and Vocational Education, Engineering, ICT, Food Nutrition, and Social Science. The conference was attended by researchers, experts, practitioners, and observers from around the globe to explore various issues and debates on research and experiences and discuss ideas of empowering technology in education to develop talent through vocational education for society IR 4.0.
Buku ini (yang sebenarnya merupakan tesis dari pe-nulis ketika menyelesaikan kuliah magister sains akuntan-si minat akuntansi syari'ah) adalah salah satu bentuk tang-gung jawab peradaban untuk melakukan Islamisasi Pe-ngetahuan di bidang akuntansi yang harus terus digu-lirkan. Islamisasi pengetahuan di bidang akuntansi, yang biasanya disebut dengan Akuntansi Syari'ah atau Akun-tansi Islam telah lebih dari tiga puluh tahun dilakukan. Gagasan dan wacana filosofis teoretis akuntansi syari'ah telah banyak dihasilkan, saatnya membangun bentuk konkret akuntansi syari'ah dalam bentuk teknologinya, yaitu laporan keuangan syari'ah. Laporan keuangan syari'-ah yang bukan hanya melakukan foto kopi akuntansi konvensional dan melakukan “tip-ex sana-sini' dan kemu-dian “menempel tulisan yang bernuansa syari'ah'. Tetapi Laporan keuangan syari'ah yang memang diturunkan dari Nilai-nilai Islam (Islamic Values) dan sesuai tujuan syari'ah (magasid syari'ah).
Ultrasound is an emerging technology that has been widely explored in food science and technology since the late 1990s. The book is divided into three main areas.Chapters 1 to 5 focus on the basic principles of ultrasound and how the technology works on microbial cells, enzymes, and the chemistry behind the process. Chapters 6 to 15 cover the application of ultrasound in specific food products and processes, discussing changes on food quality and presenting some innovations in food ingredients and enhancement of unit operations. Finally, Chapters 16 to 20 present some topics about manufacture of ultrasound equipment and simulation of the process, the use of the technology to treat food industry wastewater, and an industry perspective. The laws and regulations concerning emerging technologies, such as ultrasound, are also discussed, including the new Food Safety Modernization Act.
The book provides information on recent advancements in bioenergy engineering to graduates, post-graduates, research scholars, faculty members, academician, researchers and practitioners studying and working in field of the bioenergy engineering. It is an invaluable information resource on biomass-based biofuels for fundamental and applied research, catering to researchers in the areas of biogas technology, densification techniques, biomass gasification, torrefaction of biomass, biochar production, micro algae production, improved biomass cookstoves, bio-ethanol production and the use of microbial processes in the conversion of biomass into biofuels. It will also be useful to faculties and researchers to understand the present status, advancements and policies in implementation of bioenergy technologies in India. This book will definitely provide a direction to the young researchers in identification of thrust areas of research in the field of bioenergy. The book concludes with research and development endeavours and aspects relating to implementation of advance bioenergy technologies.
The only comprehensive reference on this popular and rapidly developing technique provides a detailed overview, ranging from fundamentals to applications, including a section on the evaluation of GC-MS analyses. As such, it covers all aspects, including the theory and principles, as well as a broad range of real-life examples taken from laboratories in environmental, food, pharmaceutical and clinical analysis. It also features a glossary of approximately 300 terms and a substance index that facilitates finding a specific application. The first two editions were very well received, making this handbook a must-have in all analytical laboratories using GC-MS.
This comprehensive reference and handbook covers all aspects of ultrasound for analytical applications. Besides classical extraction techniques, it also provides an overview of ultrasound applications and devotes two chapters to proteomics and polymer technology. From the contents: * Common ultrasonic devices * Elemental speciation * On-line applications * Accelerated extraction of semivolatile and volatile organics * The ultrasonic bath vs. the ultrasonic probe * Liquid-liquid, liquid-solid and solid-liquid extraction * Solid-phase (micro)extraction * Stir bar sorptive extraction * Sonochemistry for organic and inorganic synthesis * Electrochemical applications * Applications to polymer science * Power ultrasound meets proteomics Of great interest to researchers in academia and industry, as well as analytical and natural products chemists, and those working in trace analysis.
Analyzing the findings of 20 studies, involving more than 5,000 people, this book explores the decision making process of the crime victim in the immediate aftermath of victimization. Using a broad range of innovative research techniques, the authors assess the effects of rape, robbery, burglary, and theft on individuals from diverse nationalities and ethnic backgrounds. This work will be of value to people who work directly with crime victims, and to researchers who are interested in the process of decision making under stressful circumstances.