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The purpose of this edition is to provide an English translation of three essays about Tomás de Mercado’s book, Deals and Contracts of Merchants and Traders. This translation has been made from the 1569 edition of the book published in Salamanca. The book was later the object of new editions and it was expanded by two more chapters, with an Italian translation appearing in 1571. However, an English edition had never been made before. The 1569 edition is composed of four Books: the first dedicated to merchants and their contracts, the second to currency and loans, the third to usury and the fourth to the question of the obligation of restitution when a reprehensible action is committed.
Early modern travelers often did not form part of classic ‘diaspora’ communities: they frequently never really settled, perhaps remaining abroad for some time in one place, then traveling further; not ‘blown by the wind,’ but by changing and complex conditions that often turned out to make them unwelcome anywhere. The dispersed developed strategies of survival by keeping their distance from old and new temporary ‘homes,’ as well as by using information from and manipulating foreign representations of their former countries. This volume assembles case studies from the Mediterranean context, the Americas and Japan. They explore what kind of ‘power(s)’ and agency dispersed people had, counterintuitively, through the connections they maintained with their former homes, and through those they established abroad. Contributors: Eduardo Angione, Iordan Avramov, Marloes Cornelissen, David Do Paço, José Luis Egío, Maria-Tsampika Lampitsi, Paula Manstetten, Simon Mills, David Nelson, Adolfo Polo y La Borda, Ana M. Rodríguez-Rodríguez, Cesare Santus, Stefano Saracino, and Cornel Zwierlein.
This 1992 book shows how the discovery of the new world affected Europe intellectually, economically, and politically.
Go deeper than the Black History you may think you know! Black American History For Dummies reveals the terrors and struggles and celebrates the triumphs of Black Americans. This handy book goes way beyond what you may have studied in school, digging into the complexities and the intrigues that make up Black America. From slavery and the Civil Rights movement to Black Wall Street, Juneteenth, redlining, and Black Lives Matter, this book offers an accessible resource for understanding the facts and events critical to Black history in America. The history of Black Americans is the history of Americans; Americans dance to Black music, read Black literature, watch Black movies, and whether they ...
Presentamos el facsímil de la primera edición de la obra del dominico Tomás de Mercado Tratos y contratos impresa en Salamanca en 1569, que fue rápidamente reeditada con el título de Suma de tratos y contratos y traducida al italiano antes de terminar el siglo. Tratado de moralidad mercantil de su época, es una obra pionera en el análisis de las relaciones entre Europa y América a partir de la importación de metales americanos al viejo continente. El ejemplar original se custodia en la Biblioteca de Reserva de la Universidad de Barcelona y presenta en su portada el ex libris de la librería del Convent del Carme de la misma ciudad.
This book has two purposes. The first is clearly historical, the second is more philosophical and interpretive. Its success in the former will be less arguable than its attainment of the latter. The contribution to the history of Spanish letters consists in critically establishing the fact that the sources of Fray Luis de Le6n's moral and spiritual thought are Hebraic and that he can be seen to stand as one in a long line of Christian Hebraists, both scholastic and humanist. His philosophical views are cast in an Hebraic tradition, not in an Hellenic one as supposed by nearly every other commentator. I have stressed the presence of a living Hebrew culture in Spain after 1492, and I have sugg...
This book brings the history of Latin American philosophy to an English-speaking audience through the prominent voices of Mauricio Beuchot, Horacio Cerutti-Guldberg, María Luisa Femenías, Jorge J. E. Gracia, Oscar R. Martí, León Olivé, Carlos Pereda, and Eduardo Rabossi. They argue that Spanish is not a philosophically irrelevant language and that there are original positions to be found in the work of Latin American philosophers. Part I of the book looks at why the history of philosophy has not developed in Latin America. A range of theoretical issues are explored, each focusing on specific problems that have hindered the development of a solid history. Part II details the complex task of writing a history of philosophy for a region still haunted by the specter of colonialism.
En este libro se hace un recorrido por la economía andaluza desde el siglo XVI hasta el XX, de la mano de sus principales protagonistas en el ámbito del pensamiento económico -desde Tomás de Mercado a Alfonso García Barbancho- que han sido seleccionados por ser andaluces de nacimiento o por su estrecha vinculación con Andalucía. Con espíritu crítico y denuncia de las injusticias, se recogen en esta obra sus principales aportaciones teóricas y recomendaciones para fomentar el desarrollo económico y el bienestar material, tanto de los andaluces como del conjunto de los ciudadanos españoles. En total se presentan 34 biografías y 10 estudios introductorios, distribuidos en los cinco capítulos que componen este volumen. Para ello se ha contado con destacados especialistas en las materias tratadas, procedentes de catorce universidades españolas y una portuguesa, lo que ha permitido que por primera vez se recojan en una publicación las biografías de los economistas andaluces más destacados en 500 años de historia.