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This book interrogates the role of gender and class in shaping women’s everyday leisure practices. Drawing on empirical research in urban Turkey, the book explores how leisure is perceived and practised by women within their communities. The book examines the relationship of women’s leisure to their labour, women’s access to and uses of public leisure spaces, and the dynamics of their everyday sociability within their neighbourhoods. It is the first book to apply Skegg’s concept of ‘respectability’ – socially recognised judgments and standards which label the ‘right’ practices, that hold morality and power in a given context – as a theoretical tool with which to understan...
This book interrogates the role of gender and class in shaping women's everyday leisure practices. Drawing on empirical research in urban Turkey, the book explores how leisure is perceived and practised by women within their communities. The book examines the relationship of women's leisure to their labour, women's access to and uses of public leisure spaces, and the dynamics of their everyday sociability within their neighbourhoods. It is the first book to apply Skegg's concept of 'respectability' - socially recognised judgments and standards which label the 'right' practices, that hold morality and power in a given context - as a theoretical tool with which to understand leisure in a count...
This book provides an interdisciplinary collection of theoretical and methodological contributions critically exploring the connections between leisure and wellbeing. It expands the field of leisure studies to highlight the contribution of international scholars to a developing agenda in leisure and wellbeing research. Authors from many different countries engage with the complexity of subjective wellbeing through the lenses of diverse leisure cultures. Collectively, the chapters represent rigorous high-quality social science research, informed by innovative methods that can build knowledge about the intricate ways leisure cultures and subjective wellbeing are related to each other. The book serves to deepen the knowledge and understanding of the complexity of wellbeing experiences, and the diversity of contexts in which wellbeing is enhanced or reduced through taking part in leisure pursuits. The chapters in this book were originally published as a special issue of the journal Leisure Studies.
“Kamu Yönetiminde Güncel Sorunlar, Tartışmalar ve Çözüm Önerileri” başlıklı bu eser, yapıcı eleştirilerle kamu yönetimindeki mevcut sorunlara çözüm üretmek amacıyla hazırlanmıştır. Eseri, kamu yönetimi alanındaki diğer eserlerden farklı ve özel kılan bazı özellikler mevcuttur. Öncelikle eserin içeriğini oluşturan başlıklar, yaklaşık üç yıllık bir zihin çalışmasının ürünü olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. Eser hazırlanırken kamu yönetimi alanındaki öğretim üyelerinden ve bürokratlardan yardım alınmıştır. Esere katkı sunan bilim insanlarına uzman oldukları konular özel teklif ile sunulmuştur. Eserde “seçme yazı” tekni...
For the first time, this book examines the strategies of leaders of emerging nations to use sport as a tool for reaching social, economic, cultural, political, technological or environmental goals and gaining international prestige. It assesses whether sport can really be an effective tool in international development. The book explores the unique challenges, issues and opportunities offered by sport for development in emerging nations. Bringing together case studies of sport and development in countries including Brazil, China, Czech Republic, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Poland, Qatar, South Africa, South Korea and Turkey, the book looks at policies designed to achieve development th...
This Handbook provides a succinct overview of sport in the Middle East, drawing in scholars from a wide variety of geographical and disciplinary backgrounds (history, politics, sociology, economics and regional studies), with different methodological approaches, to create the ‘go-to’ text on the subject. After the introduction, 33 chapters from leading subject experts cover areas including history, politics, society, economy and nationhood. The authors help shed light on how certain Middle Eastern countries have become increasingly active in international sports, and the efforts made to positioning themselves as the new global ‘sports hubs’. Split into five sections, the book offers ...
Modern toplum hayatında devlet tarafından üretilen hizmetler olmadan günlük ihtiyaçlarımızı karşılamak pek mümkün görünmemektedir. Kamu yönetimi, bu kamusal hizmetlerin üretilip vatandaşlara ulaştırılmasında önemli bir vazife görmektedir. Nüfusun artması, toplumsal ve siyasal yapının değişmesi, teknolojinin ilerlemesi gibi bir çok sebep, kamu hizmetlerine olan taleplerin çeşitlenmesine ve artmasına sebep olmuştur. Bu taleplere yönelik olarak üretilecek politikaların yürütme gücü olması nedeniyle, kamu yönetimi gün geçtikçe daha önem arz etmekte ve üzerinde daha fazla durulmaktadır. Bu açıdan kamu yönetimini daha etkin kılmak amacıyla kam...
Feminisms in Leisure Studies acknowledges and advances the contribution of feminist theories to leisure knowledge and research. Building upon the strong history of feminist leisure scholarship, the book reviews key feminist theories and offers an overview of a fourth wave of feminism and its relevance to leisure. Written by a team of leading international feminist scholars, each chapter addresses a particular theoretical perspective, using examples from each author’s research to unpack methodological and substantive issues essential to leisure studies. Critically, this book moves beyond women, the emphasis of much gender scholarship to date, to focus on issues of feminism as connected to leisure scholarship more broadly. This book is an important and engaging read for students and scholars of diversity, women’s studies, multiculturalism, social justice, gender studies, leisure studies, LGBTQQ studies, and feminist research.
Akdeniz medeniyetinin içinde yer alan ve göç ve ticaret yolları üzerinde antik çağdan beri konumlanmış olan Antakya, yüzyıllar boyunca çeşitli medeniyetlere ev sahipliği yapmıştır. Doğu ile batının kaynaşma noktasında olması nedeniyle birçok kültürün kendini ifade etmesini ve yaymasını sağlamış; kültürel zenginlik ve çeşitliliğin yan yana durması kentin tarihî dokusuna sinmiş ve hoşgörülü bir ortamın gelişmesini sağlamıştır. Osmanlı idaresinin farklı etnik ve dinî kimliklere karşı gösterdiği adil yönetim tarzı da hoşgörü ortamının yaygınlaşıp kökleşmesinde önemli bir faktör olmuştur. Antakya merkezli Hatay, bünyesinde...
This open access book explores the use of visual methods in migration studies through a combination of theoretical analyses and empirical studies. The first section looks at how various visual methods, including photography, film, and mental maps, may be used to analyse the spatial presence of migrants. The second section addresses the processual building of narratives around migration, thereby using formats such as film and visual essay, and reflecting upon the ways they become carriers and mediators of both story and theory within the subject of migration. Section three focuses on vulnerable communities and discusses how visual methods can empower these communities, thereby also focusing o...