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Inspired by Frank Palmer's work, this book addresses a set of specific topics pertaining to the description of modality in English and places them in a broader context. A number of more general theoretical and typological matters are also raised, which bear upon the theory of syntax, semantics and pragmatics and their interfaces. The methodology adopted is mostly functional-typological, though some reference is made to various theoretical frameworks, ranging from cognitive linguistics to parametric variation. Modal meanings are seen to extend beyond particular lexical and grammatical exponents, through sentential semantics and into actual contexts of use. At the same time, the study of modality seems to challenge commonly held views on the relationship between different levels of linguistic analysis. Other languages discussed include Brazilian Portuguese, Classical and Modern Greek and Spanish.
This volume contains a selection of refereed and revised papers, originally presented at the 32nd Linguistics Symposium on Romance Languages, dealing with linguistic theory as applied to the Romance languages, and on empirical studies on the acquisition of Romance, with studies on Romanian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Romansch and Latin. The theoretical section contains contributions concentrating on specific properties of Romance at the syntax/semantics interface, on morphosyntactic issues, on subject licensing and case, and on phonology. The acquisition section includes contributions on first, bilingual and second language acquisition of functional structure, word structure, quantification and stress.
Twenty-one articles from the 31st LSRL investigate cutting-edge issues and interfaces across phonology, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, semantics, and syntax in multiple dialects of such Romance languages as Catalan, French, Creole French, and Spanish, both old and modern. Research in Romance phonology moves from the quantitative and synchronic to cover issues of diachrony and Optimality theory. Work within pragmatics and sociolinguistics also explores the synchronic/diachronic link while topicalizing such issues as change of non-pro-drop Swiss French toward pro-drop status, scalar implicatures, speech acts, word order, and simplification in contexts of language contact. Finally, debates in linguistic theory are resumed in the work on syntax and semantics within both a Minimalist perspective and an Optimality framework. How do Catalan and French children acquire AGR and TNS? Can Basque Spanish be compared to topic-oriented Chinese? If Spanish preverbal subjects occur in an A-position, can Spanish no longer be compared to Greek?
Research on left periphery phenomena has increased in the last 20 years, resulting in consistent studies from a wide range of languages and a fruitful debate on the functional projections within the CP system. Throughout these years, important contributions have been made on Brazilian Portuguese, especially on wh-interrogative sentences, focalization, topicalization and relative clauses. As for exclamative and imperative sentences, however, there is a considerable research gap in all grammatical levels. Regarding interrogatives, semantic and prosodic studies are still lacking (as well as research on the acquisition and processing of these constructions). This collected volume fills some of those gaps, gathering studies on wh-exclamatives, imperatives and wh-questions in Brazilian Portuguese which approach syntactical, semantical and prosodic aspects of these constructions through a rich and unregistered set of data. They also deliver novel acquisition and diachronic data that will further both the comprehension of Brazilian Portuguese grammar and the ongoing discussions on left periphery phenomena.
Esta obra, resultado do trabalho de pesquisadores renomados, trata da complexa situação lingüística e educacional de bilingüismo da pessoa surda. Para isso, discute problemas relacionados à transcrição das línguas de sinais (em busca de padronização); apresenta, de modo elucidativo as várias questões envolvidas na elaboração dos dicionários bilíngües e semi-bilíngües; analisa questões atinentes a propriedades morfossintáticas da interlíngua de surdos aprendizes de português (escrito), bem como o uso de ferramentas educacionais no desenvolvimento de conceitos científicos no processo de aquisição dessa segunda língua. A discussão acerca da lexicografia mostra as contribuições que os dicionários podem dar aos surdos-aprendizes de português escrito, bem como aos ouvintes-aprendizes de Libras, revelando, ainda, os avanços significativos proporcionados pela informática na representação das línguas de sinais. Aprofundando a compreensão do tema, a obra ressalta a importância da educação lingüística como atributo da cidadania.
Esta obra é resultado de pesquisas envolvendo diferentes perspectivas para o ensino de línguas e literaturas na Educação Básica. Conta com textos oriundos de distintas regiões brasileiras e de diferentes realidades. É um produto que pode ser consultado por estudantes de licenciaturas e por professores que já atuam, pois encontrarão propostas de ensino bastante atuais.
The minimalist notion of a phase has often been investigated with a view to the interfaces. ‘Phases’ provides a strictly syntax-internal perspective. If phases are fundamental, they should provide the grounds for a unifying treatment of different syntactic phenomena. Concentrating on displacement, the book argues that this expectation is borne out: there is an empirical clustering of properties, whereby the phrases that undergo pied-piping are also the phrases that host intermediate traces of cyclic movement. The same phrases also host partial and secondary movement. Finally, the immediate complements within these phrases never strand the embedding heads. The phrases that show this behav...
Um pouco da história dos surdos e seu caminho de inclusão, na escola e na vida, além da variedade de características contextuais da aprendizagem e da escolarização são abordadas em interessantes capítulos produzidos pela professora e alunas de curso de aperfeiçoamento em Tradução e Interpretação em Libras. Certamente, a leitura traz conhecimento e compreensão sobre o importante tema.
A Enciclopédia discursiva da Covid-19 tem como objetivo principal romper com as barreiras da comunicação, viabilizando o acesso a informações cientificamente relevantes por meio de linguagem acessível, mais abrangente e objetiva, concretizando, assim, o diálogo entre ciência, linguagem e público. O projeto consiste numa coletânea de textos que apresentam análises discursivas do funcionamento de alguns dos termos ou expressões que circularam com frequência na mídia brasileira no primeiro momento da pandemia, entre março e dezembro de 2020. Neste volume encontram-se dezessete verbetes que buscam evidenciar a intensa luta pela tomada polêmica da produção e circulação dos discursos sobre a Covid-19 no país.