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The volume offers an overview of the theories and practices of Italian legal feminism, presenting both the main themes addressed and the main protagonists of Italian feminist legal theory. The book is divided into two parts. The first is dedicated to deepening crucial issues that directly concern women’s knowledge and lives from a feminist perspective, such as the interconnection between law, rights and justice; diversity, difference and equality; sex, sexuality and reproduction; citizenship and borders; deviance, criminal matters and security; and victims, victimology, and vulnerability. Each set of thematic issues is analysed by a current Italian feminist legal scholar, who engages with ...
This book explores the criminalisation of irregular migration in Europe. In particular, it investigates the meaning, purpose, and consequences of criminalising unauthorised entry and stay. From a theoretical perspective, the book adds to the debate on the persistence of irregular migration, despite governments’ attempts at deterring it, by taking an interdisciplinary approach that draws from international political economy and criminology. Using Italy and France as case studies, and relying on previously unreleased data and interviews, it argues that criminalisation has no effect on migratory flows, and that this is due to factors including the latter’s structural determinants and the likely creation of substitution effects. Furthermore, criminalisation is found to lead to adverse consequences, including by contributing to vicious cycles of irregularity and insecurity.
EU criminal law is one of the fastest evolving, but also challenging, policy areas and fields of law. This Handbook provides a comprehensive and advanced analysis of EU criminal law as a structurally and constitutionally unique policy area and field of research. With contributions from leading experts, focusing on their respective fields of research, the book is preoccupied with defining cross-border or ‘Euro-crimes’, while allowing Member States to sanction criminal behaviour through mutual cooperation. It contains a web of institutions, agencies and external liaisons, which ensure the protection of EU citizens from serious crime, while protecting the fundamental rights of suspects and criminals. Students and scholars of EU criminal law will benefit from the comprehensive research present in this Handbook. National and EU policy-makers, as well as judges, defence lawyers and human rights lawyers will find the analysis of current legal action, combined with proposed solutions, useful to their work
Focusing on femicide, this book provides a contemporary re-evaluation of Carol Smart’s innovative approach to the law question as first outlined in her ground-breaking book, Feminism and the Power of Law (Routledge 1989). Smart advocated turning to the legal domain not so much for demanding law reforms as construing it as a site on which to contest gender and more particularly, gendered constructions of women’s experiences. Over the last 30 to 40 years, feminist law scholars and activists have launched scathing trans-jurisdictional critiques of the operation of provocation defences in hundreds of femicide cases. The evidence unearthed by feminist scholars that these defences operate in p...
The aim of this book is to provide an insight into the landmark rulings of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in European Criminal Law (ECL). As in other areas of EU law, the decisions of the CJEU have been a driving force for development and integration. By analysing the impact of these leading cases on EU and national law, the book provides a diachronic and multifaceted picture of the Court's approach to criminal law.
Mario Losano è uno studioso eccellente, la cui produzione scientifica sconfina nei più disparati campi del sapere giuridico e oltre: ha arricchito le nostre conoscenze nella filosofia del diritto, nella teoria generale del diritto, nella storia del diritto, nell'informatica giuridica, nel diritto comparato, nella filosofia politica, solo per citare i settori nei quali è una riconosciuta autorità scientifica. È poi un intellettuale mosso da un'autentica passione civile e politica, e anzi un raro esempio di intellettuale: i suoi lavori spiccano per la tensione interdisciplinare, oltre che per caratteristiche decisamente poco diffuse in un mondo sempre più animato da tecnocrati dediti all'iperspecializzazione. Gli autori e le autrici di questi Scritti sono studiosi attivi nel diritto comparato, nella filosofia e nella teoria generale del diritto che hanno inteso celebrare, tra le tante, una particolare virtù dell'Onorato: aver gettato un ponte tra queste discipline, segnandone in modo indelebile l'agenda e lo statuto epistemologico
250 Millionen Frauen weltweit wurden vor ihrem 15. Lebensjahr verheiratet, 700 Millionen vor dem Erreichen ihrer Volljährigkeit. Sie werden als Objekte an Erwachsene verkauft, die in der Regel viel älter sind als sie, oft sogar an Greise. Viele von ihnen bekommen schon Kinder, obwohl sie selbst noch Kinder sind. Diese Mädchen erleiden schwersten Missbrauch, sie sind Opfer von Pädophilie. Die psychischen und physischen Auswirkungen für die Mädchen sind verheerend: Schwere Krankheiten wie HIV und psychische Störungen sind die Folge, ebenso wie durch Teenagerschwangerschaften verursachte Krankheiten bis hin zu einer hohen Zahl geburtsbedingter Todesfälle von Mutter und Kind. Doch es gibt Hoffnung. Dieses Buch erzählt auch die Geschichten vieler kleiner und großer Helden, die sich unermüdlich gegen diese schwerwiegenden Missstände engagieren. Die weltweit tätige Organisation «Girls Not Brides» hat es sich zum Ziel gesetzt, Kinderheiraten bis zum Jahr 2030 vollständig abzuschaffen.
Saggi 1. FEDERICO SOFRITTI, Pitirim Aleksandrovich Sorokin. Ascesa, declino e ritorno di un maestro del pensiero sociologico; 2. MAURO LENCI, Considerazioni sul metodo storico-sociale. Problemi di storia intellettuale e del pensiero politico; 3. FRANCESCO GIACOMANTONIO, Dalla coscienza del tragico alla tragedia della coscienza. Evoluzioni e questioni della sociologia della conoscenza; 4. MASSIMO CERULO, Il luogo terzo caffè come spazio di interazioni. Il comportamento in pubblico tra socievolezza, sfera pubblica e capitale sociale; 5. SANDRO VANNINI, Media education e insegnanti 2.0; Recensioni 6. IRENE PAGANUCCI, Franco La Cecla, Elogio dell'Occidente; 7. LUCA CICCARESE, Anselm Strauss, Specchi e maschere. La ricerca dell’identità, a cura di Giuseppina Cersosimo.