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This book provides an innovative analysis of the survival movie genre from an Orthodox Christian anthropological perspective. Grounded in the Orthodox tradition, the approach builds from the first chapter of Genesis where man is described as made in the ‘image’ and after the ‘likeness’ of God. It offers a nuanced theological exploration of the concept of the survival movie and examines a number of significant cinematic creations, illustrating how issues of survival intersect romantic, Western, science fiction and war films. The author reflects on how survival movies offer a path for the study of human nature given they depict people in crisis situations where they may reveal their true characters. As well as discussing the role of a ‘limit situation’ as a narrative element, the book highlights the spiritual aspect of survival and points to the common hope in survival movies for something more than biological survival. It is valuable reading for scholars working in the field of religion and film.
Based on the idea that there is a considerable difference between reality and discourse, the author points out that history is constantly reconstructed, adapted and sometimes mythicized from the perspectives of the present day, present states of mind and ideologies. He closely examines historical culture and conscience in nineteenth and twentieth century Romania, particularly concentrating on the impact of the national ideology on history. Boia's innovative analysis identifies several key mythical configurations and shows how Romanians have reconstituted their own highly ideologized history over the last two centuries. The strength of History and Myth in Romanian Consciousness lies in the author's ability to fully deconstruct the entire Romanian historiographic system and demonstrate the increasing acuteness of national problems in general, and in particular the exploitation of history to support national ideology.
Captures the multiple voices of Christian theology in a diverse and interconnected world through in-depth studies of representative figures and overviews of key movements Providing an unparalleled overview of the subject, The Modern Theologians provides an indispensable guide to the diverse approaches and perspectives within Christian theology from the early twentieth century to the present. Each chapter is written by a leading scholar and explores the development and trajectory of modern theology while presenting critical accounts of a broad range of relevant topics and representative thinkers. The fourth edition of The Modern Theologians is fully updated to provide readers with a clear pic...
This book explores the theological power of film and seeks to render a properly theological account of cinematic art. It considers: What theology and theological practice does cinematic art give rise to? What are the perceptual and affective potentials of film for theology, and what, if anything, is theological about the cinematic medium itself? The author argues that film is a fundamentally embodied art form, a haptic and somatic medium of perception-cum-expression. This, combined with the distinct temporal aesthetic of film, invests cinema with profound theological potentials. The chapters explore these potentials through theological-cinematic analysis, emphasising the themes of encounter, embodiment, time, and contemplation, as well as three intimately connected doctrines of Christian theology: creation, incarnation, and eschatology. Throughout the book, the films and writings of the Russian director Andrei Tarkovsky emerge as a singular illustration of the theological power of film, becoming a crucial resource for theologicalcinematic analysis.
This book examines the connections between film and Christianity, considering how films express and depict Christian faith and spirituality and provide experiences associated with it. The notion of movement as immobility (from Simone Weil) is employed to describe film and its images in motion. Its movements can reconnect us with the movements of the world, those motions in which a mysterious sense of order, what Weil calls "immobility," arises. Film is understood as a privileged form to access inscrutable spiritual (in)visibilities that can be linked with Christian concepts and practices. The chapters in Exploring Film and Christianity offer new studies of famous directors such as Andrei Tarkovsky and Robert Bresson combined with analyses of recent notable films, including Terrence Malick’s Knight of Cups, Martin Scorsese’s Silence, and Denis Villeneuve’s Blade Runner 2049. Organized around the productive topics of theory, expression, depiction and experience, this volume is a valuable contribution to interdisciplinary research on film and Christianity.
The present work contains a number of prosopographic and statistical studies regarding the elite of the Romanian national movement in Transylvania between 1861 and 1918, chronologically ordered in the form of chapters and accompanied by a high number of tables and graphs. The interested reader should find the entire composition of the Romanian national movement’s leadership, minimal biographical data about the members of the elite (year of birth, denomination, place of residence, profession and so on), as well as the analysis of some statistical indicators meant to illustrate its evolution. This book was not intended to be a history of the Romanian political elite in Transylvania and Hungary, nor a substitute for the lack of such a history. Its content is rather technical, being conceived firstly for historians, mainly for those outside Romania, whose access to the multitude of local biographical sources is limited. It can be viewed as a commented catalogue of part of the elite.
Denumirile de străzi, plăcile memoriale și monumentele publice sunt „locuri ale memoriei” care definesc o geografie politică a comemorării. Cine sunt personalitățile, evenimentele istorice și valorile politice după care sunt botezate străzile și care sunt figurile alese pentru a fi imortalizate în piatră sau bronz reflectă modul în care o comunitate alege să își cultive propriul trecut. Cartea de față examinează dintr-o perspectivă interdisciplinară etosul ideologic reflectat în artefactele materiale (busturi, statui, monumente) și nominale (nomenclatorul urban) care alcătuiesc peisajul memorial al Sibiului. Situată la intersecția dintre istoria politică, geografia culturală si sociologia memoriei, lucrarea îmbină analizele documentare cu cele statistice pentru a evidenția, în perspectivă istorică, politicile memoriei așa cum a fost aceasta spațializată într-un „oraș memorial” precum este Sibiul.
This book presents research efforts in the field of heritage. According to the principle “Open Minds-Open Science”, the approach of the researchers helps us to define, establish and affirm heritage in the cultural, social and political dimension of today’s world based on what we have achieved and be specific to the realities of the 21st century. Cultural heritage is made up of many big and small things. It is preserved through books, artifacts, objects, images, photographs, art and oral tradition. Sometimes we can touch and see what a culture is, other times it is intangible. From this point of view, this book, Heritage, is transdisciplinary, and contains the most diverse topics related to culture, art, nature, science, diplomacy and cultural policy.
Revista Intelligence Info este o publicație trimestrială din domeniile intelligence, geopolitică și securitate, și domenii conexe de studiu și practică. Cuprins: EDITORIAL / EDITORIAL Nicolae SFETCU Ontologia amenințărilor la securitatea națională Ontology of National Security Threats INTELLIGENCE / INTELLIGENCE Narcis ZĂRNESCU Ethics and Intelligence Etica și intelligence George V. SCRIPCARIU Adapting Romania's Counterintelligence Strategy: Lessons from the US National Counterintelligence Strategy Adaptarea strategiei de contrainformații a României: Lecții din strategia națională de contrainformații a SUA ISTORIA / HISTORY Lucian Ștefan COZMA, Daniela Georgiana GOLEA The...