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Following the Communist takeover of Romania in 1945, Dr. Stanciu Stroia refused to join the party, suffering professional humiliation and political persecution. He was arrested in 1951 and sentenced to seven years in prison; his estate was nationalized, his family exiled, and his practice confiscated. Ill with scurvy, he survived the prison ordeal and wrote his memoir, despite the risk of being detained again. "Stanciu Stroia's fortitude is astonishing...My Second University has an important place in the prison literature published since 1989." - Keith Hitchins, Professor of History, University of Illinois "An utterly impressive prison memoir...a most necessary and valuable contribution to o...
Techniques in Protein Chemistry VII, a valuable bench-top reference tool for protein chemists, features the most up-to-date advances in protein methodologies. Key Features * Protein sequencing and amino acid analysis * Mass spectral analysis of peptides and proteins * Posttranslational processing * High-sensitivity protein and peptide separations * Protein folding and NMR * Functional domain analysis * Protein design and engineering
The central focus of this volume is social constructionism in all its dimensions, including its sociological, ontological, epistemological, methodological, ethical, and pragmatic features. It pays particularly close attention to the social construction of reality as a communicative action, extending this area to include social pragmatics. It also interprets social action as a discursive-seductive strategy of exercising power in the public space, utilising a constructionist understanding, in which public space is represented by any part of the co-construction of reality through social or communicative action. In addition, at the methodological level, the book proposes a new semiotic strategy, called “fractal constructionism”, which analyses the interpretative drift of certain key concepts that are valued as social constructs.
International Perspectives on Pragmatism combines, in a very appealing manner, a pragmatist approach of democracy with practical politics and history of ideas. The result is a meditation on contemporary society, while in the background there is a continuous debate on the concept of democracy, as defining mark of Western culture. Both its critics and its supporters talk about a decay of democracy, which would not justify an idealist perspective anymore. Arguments for this transpire from both the practical politics section of the volume, as well as from the second part that focuses more on the theoretical side of the discussion on democracy. On a more practical direction, there are contributors maintaining the idea that democracy is corrupt (and examples from today’s world are offered), while the theoretical perspective brings up the Rortian view, manifested through the well-known debate between the foundationalist and the anti-foundationalist perspectives. There’s also a very interesting debate on community and art, from a pragmatist point of view, which offers the volume a special serenity.
Demersul interpretativ al Constantinei Buleu pare stimulat (ca să nu spunem: „îndrăgostit”…) tocmai de caracterul la limită non-definibil, misterios, ireductibil mitopetic al „puterii” şi al reprezentărilor sale din secolul al XIX-lea. Fie că ne prezintă metodologii de obedienţă structuralistă, neomarxistă, jungiană, lacaniană, funcţionalist-simbolică sau fenomenologică, autoarea e constant fascinată de un fenomen care, la un capăt al său, presupune ordine, alegere raţională, logică instrumentală, iar, la celălalt, revelaţie, intensitate, magnetism, charismă, într-un cuvânt: magie. Cartea are darul de a înfăţişa, mai degrabă decât o „paradigmă...
Al treilea volum din Măștile Zeului, seria monumentală în patru volume a lui Joseph Campbell „Ca și celelalte cărți ale sale, Mitologia occidentală se evidențiază printr-o remarcabilă erudiție, claritate și putere de pătrundere. Sunt convins că oricine este cu adevărat interesat de știința omului va descoperi în lucrările lui Joseph Campbell un volum impresionant de date, disecate în profunzime și explicate în așa fel încât să fie pe înțelesul tuturor." - Erich Fromm Puține lucrări din domeniul mitologiei au fost scrise cu mai multă ambiție și profunzime decât cele din seria Măștile Zeului. Pe parcursul a patru volume, Joseph Campbell face un cuprinzăt...