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The Principles of European Cooperative Law (PECOL) focus on the 'ideal' legal identity of cooperatives. Drafted by a team of legal scholars, the PECOL aim to describe the common core of European cooperative law based on both existing cooperative law in Europe, and the EU regulation on the societas cooperativa europaea. The Principles are accompanied by commentaries which illustrate the rationale and legislative background of each principle, and link them to the key features of co-operative identity. The PECOL are articulated into five chapters corresponding to the main aspects around which a cooperative's identity may be structured, namely the purpose pursued, internal governance, financial ...
Posso dizer, enfim, que a professora Emanuelle aprofundou-se com muita seriedade no estudo das cooperativas no Brasil. Desde o exame doutrinário e normativo do direito concursal, pôde ela mostrar, com muita segurança, a evidente inadequação do regime jurídico concursal das sociedades cooperativas em nosso país. In prefácio de Newton De Lucca.
The degree of development reached by cooperatives of different sectors throughout the world, which among others led to the UN declaring 2012 as the International Year of Cooperatives, needs to be accompanied by a similar development of corresponding legislation. To this end, a better knowledge of cooperative law from the comparative point of view, as has already been established for other types of enterprises, becomes of great importance. This book strives to fill this gap, and is divided into four parts. The first part offers an analytic and conceptual framework with which to understand, study and assess cooperative law from a transnational and comparative perspective. The second part includes several chapters dealing with attempts to harmonize cooperative laws. The third part contains an overview of more than 30 national cooperative laws, while the last part summarizes and compares these national cooperative laws, thus laying the foundation for a comparative cooperative law doctrine.
Particularly in the humanities and social sciences, festschrifts are a popular forum for discussion. The IJBF provides quick and easy general access to these important resources for scholars and students. The festschrifts are located in state and regional libraries and their bibliographic details are recorded. Since 1983, more than 639,000 articles from more than 29,500 festschrifts, published between 1977 and 2010, have been catalogued.
Centrando-se no capital social, esta obra pretende ser uma reflexão sobre os aspetos mais significativos do regime económico das cooperativas no Direito Português: o regime jurídico das entradas para o capital social nas cooperativas, o confronto entre aquelas e a chamada «massa de gestão económica», a determinação e distribuição de resultados, as funções do capital e das reservas, nomeadamente as reservas obrigatórias, e a problemática do aumento e redução do capital social cooperativo. Além disso, tendo como assente que a questão do capital diz respeito aos fundamentos do sistema económico cooperativo, procuraram-se respostas jurídicas adequadas para alguns dos proble...
Encara que les normes que regulen la impugnació dels acords en la cooperativa són gairebé exclusivament una translació literal dels textos legals de les societats de capital, aquest treball presenta l'especial identitat cooperativa que dota de trets específics la institució.
¿Qué impacto ha tenido la crisis en el tercer sector europeo y en el tercer sector español en particular? ¿Las políticas de austeridad han destruido realmente tejido asociativo y de ONGs? ¿Las crecientes necesidades sociales derivadas de la crisis han recibido mayor atención por parte del tercer sector? ¿Ha habido diferencias entre el tercer sector de los diferentes países europeos? ¿Qué políticas públicas se pueden proponer para dar un nuevo impulso al tercer sector? Estas han sido las principales cuestiones que han sido abordadas por un equipo de investigación interdisciplinar de ocho países y varias universidades europeas, a través de un proyecto de investigación financiado por el 7º Programa Marco de la UE entre 2014 y 2016. Esta obra recoge una síntesis de los principales resultados, especialmente aquellos relativos al caso español.