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Corporate Ethics, Governance, And Social Responsibility: Precepts And Practices
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 208

Corporate Ethics, Governance, And Social Responsibility: Precepts And Practices

Is profit-making the only goal of a business? Should an unbridled market mechanism drive corporate enterprise? To what extent should corporations compensate for the manifest and hidden costs that are incurred by the society at large? These are some of the questions that have engaged specialist economists, business barons, corporate heads and management experts for decades. A consensus has emerged that corporate practices cannot bypass the fundamental demands of ethical behaviour, that administration and policies of governance have to be more transparent and publicly accountable, and that businesses must be sensitive to the community and environment within which they are established. This has led to the emergence of three key concepts of contemporary businesses, namely, business or corporate ethics, corporate governance, and corporate social responsibility.

The Role of Air Tanzania in Air Transport in East Africa
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 191

The Role of Air Tanzania in Air Transport in East Africa

When President John Magufuli became the head of the Tanzanian Government in 2015, he immediately prioritized the tourism sector as a key to getting the country into the middle category of developing countries. A key player in this strategy is the Government owned Air Tanzania. It actually began in 1977 during the time of the East African Economic Community. Unfortunately, Air Tanzania has a long history of ups and downs, especially mismanagement by politicians and high corruption. Based on an extensive collection of newspaper clippings, this comprehensive book has been written on the history and experience of Air Tanzania. This material would be very helpful and valuable for other developing countries.

Manual for Guiding Techniques
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 112

Manual for Guiding Techniques

As far as I am aware, Tourist Guide Techniques have not previously been the subject of many manuals. I have decided, then, to offer the future tourist guides everything my long career in the tourism field has taught me about the technical aspects of guiding. This to help them to better understand their role as interpreters of what is observed and how to practise it efficiently. There is no such thing as a universal way in which to guide tourists since this art and profession derives its uniqueness from the spontaneity and individual charisma of each tourist guide. What is presented in this manual is a method based on assorted suggestions and procedures that will assist the tourist guides and establish a sound understanding of what they must know. This manual, therefore, does not intend to supply a set formula which must be followed slavishly, since that would inhibit the individual creativity which each tourist guide should possess. Instead, this manual provides a mean to better prepare them TECHNICALLY for their future tasks. [Author]

European Industrial Managers
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 571

European Industrial Managers

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2016-04-14
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  • Publisher: Routledge

First published in 1971, this collection of fourteen contemporaneous European research studies on managerial backgrounds and on the patterns, roles, and evolution of managerial careers examine managerial motivations in a broader context than the traditional analysis of psychological qualities. Most of the studies suggest or demonstrate the usefulness of a typology of industrial leaders — whether constructed from individual characteristics, the characteristics of the firm or the characteristics of the economy as a whole — that avoids isolating industrial executives from outside factors. This book will be of interest to students of business, sociology and industrial history.

Management and Labour Studies
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 432

Management and Labour Studies

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2005
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  • Publisher: Unknown


The Official Catholic Directory for the Year of Our Lord ...
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1962

The Official Catholic Directory for the Year of Our Lord ...

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1989
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Kode Etik Hakim
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 355

Kode Etik Hakim

  • Categories: Law

Sejauh mana prinsip peradilan ini berjalan dengan baik, tolok ukurnya dapat dilihat dari kemandirian institusi peradilan tersebut dalam menjalankan tugas dan kewenangannya di dalam menegakkan sistem hukum dan keadilan; maupun dari aturan perundang-undangan yang memberikan jaminan yuri dis adanya kemerdekaan kekuasaan kehakiman. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya pengaturan mengenai kode etik dalam profesi hukum yang dituangkan dalam aturan yang bersifat normatif, tertulis, dan memiliki kekuatan hukum (hukum positif). Kajian dan pembahasan buku ini antara lain mencakupi empat topik utama: (1) Etika, Profesi dan Kode Etik; (2) Etika Profesi dan Kode Etik Hakim dan Hukum Positif; (3) Kewajiban, Sanksi, dan Sumpah Hakim; dan (4) Hakim dalam Perspektif Agama (Islam, Kristen Protestan, Katolik, Hindu, Buddha). Buku persembahan penerbit prenadaMedia -PrenadaMedia-

Buku Ajar Etika dan Perilaku Kesehatan
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 137

Buku Ajar Etika dan Perilaku Kesehatan

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2023-07-05
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  • Publisher: Penerbit NEM

Buku ini berisi tentang teori etika dan perilaku tentang apa yang baik dan apa yang buruk dan tentang hak dan kewajiban moral (akhlak). Munculnya etika saat manusia merefleksikan unsur-unsur etis ke dalam pendapat-pendapat yang spontan. Kebutuhan akan refleksi tersebut bisa dirasakan, karena pendapat etis bisa saja berbeda dengan pendapat orang lain. Itulah mengapa akhirnya dibutuhkan etika, di mana tujuannya untuk mencari tahu apa yang harus dilakukan oleh manusia. Buku ini akan membahas tentang teori bagaimana etika dan filsafat, sistem filsafat moral, kebebasan dan tanggung jawab, bagaimana menjadi manusia yang baik, sekaligus membahas bagaimana nilai dan norma dalam kesehatan serta bagaimana hak dan kewajiban pasien, sehingga dapat dijadikan acuan dalam memberikan pelayanan kepada masyarkat. Selain itu, buku ini dapat bermanfaat bagi para pengajar dalam memberikan materi kepada peserta didik dan dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan bacaan bagi mahasiswa.

Manajemen Mutu dan Kepemimpinan Lembaga Pendidikan
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 203

Manajemen Mutu dan Kepemimpinan Lembaga Pendidikan

Di era disrupsi digital, VUCA, ChatGPT ini hampir tidak ada lagi sesuatu yang dapat diharapkan tetap. Buku ini mendukung Lembaga Pendidikan siap menghadapi aneka perubahan dahsyat tak terduga, dengan dikelola secara benar berbasis riset yang kredibel, sehingga terus melakukan transformasi dengan praksis manajemen yang berorientasi mutu menyeluruh: TQM dan ISO, yang intinya perbaikan berkelanjutan. Print on Demand

  • Language: id
  • Pages: 49


Peran serta guru sebagai orang tua di sekolah sangat dibutuhkan, terlebih memberi contoh moral dan etika yang baik. Guru "diGugu lan ditiRu" begitulah pepatah jawa berkata, selain anak melihat gerakan, tingkah laku, dan ucapan kita mereka juga meniru apa yang kita perbuat. diharapakan dengan buku ini, seorang guru mampu memberi contoh, memberi pengetahuan serta dapat mengembangkan Moral dan Etika para siswa.