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In Printing Spinoza Jeroen van de Ven systematically examines all seventeenth-century printed editions of Spinoza’s writings, published between 1663 and 1694, as well as their variant ‘issues’. In focus are Spinoza’s 1663 adumbration of René Descartes’s ‘Principles of Philosophy’ with his own ‘Metaphysical Thoughts’, the ‘Theological-Political Treatise’ (1670), and the posthumous writings (1677), including the famously-known ‘Ethics’. Van de Ven’s descriptive bibliography studies, contextualizes, and records all aspects of the publication history of Spinoza’s writings from manuscript to print and assesses their immediate reception. It discusses the printed books’ codicology, philology, typographical and textual relationships, illustration programmes, as well as their dissemination in early Enlightenment Europe, in view of the physical aspects of 1,246 extant copies and their provenance.
Benedictus Spinoza (1632-77) was among the most important of the post-Cartesian philosophers of the second half of the seventeenth century and is still widely studied today. He made original contributions in every major area of philosophy and is best known for his Ethics, which is often held up as a supreme example of a self-contained metaphysical system intended to explain the universe. The Bloomsbury Companion to Spinoza is the first to offer an accessible, encyclopaedic account of Spinoza's life and ideas, his influences and commentators, and his lasting significance. Some of the best features include an annotated chronology of Spinoza's life, bibliographies of his major influences and critics, a substantive dictionary of key Spinozan concepts, summaries of Spinoza's principal writings and concludes with a chapter on Spinoza's place in modern academic scholarship. The volume is also updated with words on the recent major event in Spinoza scholarship with the discovery of the Vatican manuscript of Spinoza's Ethics. The Bloomsbury Companion to Spinoza is a valuable research tool for anyone interested in Spinoza and the era of great change in which he lived and wrote.
From earliest times the Western Church has fiercely debated questions about the place of the ministry within the Church and Church government. What requirements should be met by candidates for holy orders and what do we expect of priests and ministers: personal holiness, training for their calling, social skills or merely the possession of official ordination? The Church has at different times produced very different answers and the 30 scholars from Britain, the Netherlands, and Belgium, whose papers in this volume follow the course of the debate concerning the good shepherd from the early church through to modern times, show on the one hand what happens to Christian communities that have lo...
The Dutch Review of Church History is a long-established periodical, primarily devoted to the history of Christianity. It contains articles in this field as well as in other specialised related areas. For many years the Dutch Review of Church History has established itself as an unrivalled resource for the subject both in the major research libraries of the world and in the private collections of professors and scholars. Now published as an annual the Dutch Review of Church History offers you an easy way to stay on top of your discipline. With an international circulation, the Dutch Review of Church History provides its readers with articles in English, French and German. Frequent theme issu...
Tracing key biblical topics recurrent in Grotian and Hobbesian discourses on the church-state relationship, The Sovereign and the Prophets examines Spinoza’s Old Testament interpretation in the Theologico-political Treatise and elucidates his effort to establish what Hobbes could not adequately offer to the Dutch: the liberty to philosophize. Fukuoka develops an original method for understanding seventeenth-century biblical arguments as a shared political paradigm. Her in-depth analysis reveals the discourses that converged on the question, ‘Who stands immediately under God to mediate His will to the people?’ This subtly nuanced theme not only linked major theoreticians diachronically—from the Remonstrants such as Grotius to the anti-Hobbesian jurist Ulrik Huber (1636–1694)—but also synchronically built the axis of resonances and dissonances between Leviathan and the Theologico-political Treatise.
Can philosophy be a source of hope? Today it is common to believe that the answer is no – that providing hope, if it is possible at all, belongs either to the predictive sciences or to religion. In this exciting and stimulating book, however, Alexander Douglas argues that the philosophy of Spinoza can offer something akin to religious hope. Douglas shows how Spinoza is able, without appealing to belief in any traditional afterlife or supernatural grace, to develop a profound and original theory of how humans can escape from the conditions of death and sin. Douglas argues that this theory of escape, which Spinoza calls beatitude, is the centrepiece of his entire philosophy, though scholars ...
The second and final volume of the most authoritative English-language edition of Spinoza's writings The Collected Works of Spinoza provides, for the first time in English, a truly satisfactory edition of all of Spinoza's writings, with accurate and readable translations, based on the best critical editions of the original-language texts, done by a scholar who has published extensively on the philosopher's work. The centerpiece of this second volume is Spinoza’s Theological-Political Treatise, a landmark work in the history of biblical scholarship, the first argument for democracy by a major philosopher, and a forceful defense of freedom of thought and expression. This work is accompanied ...
An extensively updated guide to all aspects of Spinoza's philosophy written by leading scholars of his work and influence.
The purpose of this work is to critically assess Errol E. Harris’s process philosophy in the face of contemporary research in the special sciences. Harris devoted his life to grappling with the big questions concerning the relationships between nature, mind, and knowledge. His 70-plus year career was distinguished, his texts on the history of philosophy, philosophy of science, political philosophy, philosophy of religion, and consciousness were widely published, and yet his metaphysics has until now remained excluded from mainstream discussions. This book’s contention is that Harris’s work reveals as yet unnoticed connections between theories in numerous scientific disciplines ranging from psychology to cosmology and that an examination of certain theories within these disciplines may serve to strengthen his original arguments. This work maintains that the resulting metaphysics frames a transdisciplinary paradigm shift and provides a viable solution to the hard problem of consciousness.
Nadat in 313 het christendom door Constantijn de Grote als publieke religie was erkend, ontstonden zowel in juridisch als in liturgisch opzicht ook de eerste initiatieven voor de openbare, christelijke verloving en de huwelijkssluiting. Centraal staan in deze studie het ontstaan en de ontwikkeling van het verlovings- en huwelijksritueel in geschreven en gedrukte bronnen van juridische en liturgische aard, en de receptie daarvan in godsdienstige boeken en preekbundels uit de 15de tot de 18de eeuw. In de 12de eeuw werden de verloving en het huwelijk, om reden van openbaarheid en rechtsgeldigheid, uit de beslotenheid van de familiekring weggehaald en onder de jurisdictie van de kerkelijke overh...