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The Politics of the Eurogroup
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 166

The Politics of the Eurogroup

The Politics of the Eurogroup provides an intriguing look inside the euro crisis and the secretive forum of finance ministers that came to dominate it. The history of the European Union is a history of crises and the leaps of integration they triggered. As the pandemic, the war in Ukraine, and global power competition are clouding the prospects of the European economies, the member states are looking for solutions. Yet they find their options highly constrained by the economic and political realities created in the decade of the euro crisis. This book fuses a critical political economy perspective on structural relations within the Economic and Monetary Union with a power- based approach to ...

Turning Points
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 422

Turning Points

Turning Points: Challenges for Western Democracies in the 21st Century centers around the strikingly under-researched concept of turning points and its application in political science, including various theories, fields, and sub-disciplines. The chapters provide theoretical discussion and conceptual clarity by distinguishing a set of turning points at different analytical levels. Based on a wide range of case studies, the authors illustrate where, when and how different types of turning points occur (or not) against the backdrop of current challenges in and for Western democracies. The conceptual and empirical variety of the volume allows scholars and practitioners in policymaking to develop and apply their own frameworks when dealing with turning point dynamics.

The Governance of Financialization in Latin America and East Asia
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 234

The Governance of Financialization in Latin America and East Asia

The Governance of Financialization in Latin America and East Asia analyses how states in these areas have adopted different monetary, financial, and foreign exchange policies to govern financialization, which have induced varying levels of state control over financial markets. The book analyzes the puzzling observation of policy divergence by investigating how countries have reacted differently to major financial crises since the 1970s. It shows how Argentina and Japan selected a governance approach to financialization that followed Western prescriptions by propelling unregulated financialization; but also how Chile and South Korea, by contrast, crafted policies to reduce the negative effect...

Neue Segel, alter Kurs?
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 309

Neue Segel, alter Kurs?

Der Sammelband gibt einen Überblick über die zentralen Veränderungen, die sich im europäischen Wirtschaftsregieren seit dem Ausbruch der Weltfinanz- und Eurokrise vollzogen haben. Die Beiträge befassen sich mit den neuen Kompetenzen und politischen Instrumenten, ebenso den wirtschafts-, finanz- und sozialpolitischen Reformen und den damit verbundenen institutionellen Machtverschiebungen. Die Dynamiken des Krisenmanagements werden analysiert und einer kritischen Bewertung unterzogen. Hierbei wird auch darauf eingegangen, welche konzeptionellen Überlegungen die Reformen angeleitet haben, welche Interessenkonstellationen ihnen zugrunde lagen und welche alternativen Reformoptionen bestehen.

Political Economy as Theodicy
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 252

Political Economy as Theodicy

Political Economy as Theodicy: Progress, Suffering and Denial proposes that political economics operates within a theological symbolic order that dictates modern sociopolitical and economic life as a whole. This book revisits the work of key figures in the history of political economy and economic thought – primarily Adam Smith, Bernard Mandeville, David Hume, Thomas Malthus, W. Stanley Jevons, Alfred Marshall and John Bates Clark. Theodicy is a constitutive element of an international political economy (IPE) that often disavows moral evil, while it conversely redefines such evil as an actual good within economic life. Beginning with the Enlightenment thinkers and continuing through to the modern neoclasscial economists, this book traces the initial emergence of a natural theological basis for political economic thinking and concludes with a discussion of its application in modern IPE. Relying upon a postcolonial framework, the author seeks to provincialize economics, creating space for alternative modes of being and doing. This book will appeal to scholars and advanced students of IPE, political theology, international relations and postcolonial studies.

Lebensadern der Globalisierung
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 82

Lebensadern der Globalisierung

Infrastrukturen werden oft als gegeben betrachtet. Sie geraten nur dann ins Rampenlicht der öffentlichen Aufmerksamkeit, wenn sie als "Lebensadern" der alltäglichen Praktiken ausfallen oder nicht so funktionieren wie erwartet. Häufig ist dann von "kritischen" Infrastrukturen die Rede. Mal geht es um soziale Infrastrukturen wie Bildung, Erziehung, Pflege oder Gesundheit. Vermehrt richtet sich der Blick aber auch auf jene Infrastrukturen, die für die ökonomische Globalisierung von grundlegender Bedeutung sind: - Handelswege, also Seerouten, Kanäle, Häfen, Bahnstrecken oder Flugrouten; - die Systeme der Energieversorgung, vor allem Stromnetze und Öl- oder Erdgas-Pipelines; - digitalisie...

EU Law of Economic & Monetary Union
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1649

EU Law of Economic & Monetary Union

  • Categories: Law

Presenting a sweeping analysis of the legal foundations, institutions, and substantive legal issues in EU monetary integration, The EU Law of Economic and Monetary Union serves as an authoritative reference on the legal framework of European economic and monetary union. The book opens by setting out the broader contexts for the European project - historical, economic, political, and regarding the international framework. It goes on to examine the constitutional architecture of EMU; the main institutions and their legal powers; the core legal provisions of monetary and economic union; and the relationship of EMU with EU financial market and banking regulation. The concluding section analyses the current EMU crisis and the main avenues of future reform.

Differentiation and Dominance in Europe’s Poly-Crises
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 381

Differentiation and Dominance in Europe’s Poly-Crises

Against the backdrop of a more differentiated European Union, this book discusses the relationship between differentiation and domination in the EU in relation to how it has been transformed through the financial and refugee crises, the COVID-19 pandemic, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and in general, a more volatile and less rule-bound global context. In doing so, it assesses to what extent these adaptations represent significant change, generating new problems and challenges, or on the other hand, providing an opportunity for new solutions or even signalling a new approach to governance that can mitigate problems associated with domination. Differentiation is discussed not only from a legal perspective, but with special attention to structural and institutional arrangements, which includes patterns of path dependence and built-in biases. This book will be of key interest to scholars and students of public sector crisis management, international organisations, and EU politics and studies.

Differentiated Integration in a Nordic Perspective
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 251

Differentiated Integration in a Nordic Perspective

This book analyses differentiation in European integration from a Nordic perspective. Following an interdisciplinary approach and focusing on the idea of the Nordics as a laboratory of differentiation, the book explores specific Nordic concerns in policy fields such as the labour market, security and Justice and Home Affairs (JHA), EU institutions such as the European Commission and the Eurogroup, and legal issues such as the European Economic Area (EEA) law and European patent law. It discusses differentiation, particularly from the Nordic experiences, examines the lessons that can be learnt from them, and suggests more 'hidden' and less researched cases. This book will be of key interest to scholars and students of European studies, European integration, Nordic studies, differentiated integration and more broadly to comparative politics.

Remaking European Political Economies
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 193

Remaking European Political Economies

From 2009 to 2015, the euro area of the European Union (EU) experienced an existential socio-economic crisis. To secure its institutional integrity, the EU designed several new institutions to support member states in need but also to facilitate socio-economic adjustments. The European Stability Mechanism (ESM) lies at the centre of this strategy: it provides financial assistance to member states in severe crisis on an intergovernmental basis while demanding compliance with adjustment programs from program countries. Based on a comparative political economic analysis, Remaking European Political Economies shows that the EU’s financial assistance programs focused strongly on reforms that le...