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Statistics: Unlocking the Power of Data, 3rd Edition is designed for an introductory statistics course focusing on data analysis with real-world applications. Students use simulation methods to effectively collect, analyze, and interpret data to draw conclusions. Randomization and bootstrap interval methods introduce the fundamentals of statistical inference, bringing concepts to life through authentically relevant examples. More traditional methods like t-tests, chi-square tests, etc. are introduced after students have developed a strong intuitive understanding of inference through randomization methods. While any popular statistical software package may be used, the authors have created StatKey to perform simulations using data sets and examples from the text. A variety of videos, activities, and a modular chapter on probability are adaptable to many classroom formats and approaches.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Drawing upon his passion for statistics and teaching, Mike Sullivan addresses the needs of today’s students, the challenges teachers face, and changes in the statistics community. With feedback from his own students and classroom experience, Fundamentals of Statistics provides the tools to help students learn better and think statistically in a concise, friendly presentation. The CD conatins all the student supplement content , the data sets, graphing calculator manual, excel manual, a PDF of the Formula and Table card from the back of the book, and a guide to using statcrunch with the title. Note: This is just the standalone book and CD, it does not come with an Access Card. If an Access Card is required ask your instructor for the ISBN of the package which would include the Book & CD plus the Access Card..
The new Sixth Edition brings the acclaimed IPS approach to a new generation, with a number of enhancements in the text and with breakthrough media tools for instructors and students. It demonstrates how statistical techniques are used to solve real-world problems, combining real data and applications with innovative pedagogy, both in the text and via electronic media. New Format Options Introduction to the Practice of Statistics, Sixth Edition is available as: • A core book containing the first 13 chapters in hardcover (1-4292-1622-0) or paperback (1-4292-1621-2). Companion chapters 14-17 are available on the book's CD and web site. • Extended Version (hardcover; includes chapters 1-15): 1-4292-1623-9
Honing your drinking skills can be more than fun. It also brings about health benefits and tasting pleasures. This book helps you to perfect your drinking, be it water, coffee, tea, wine, beer, liquor or something else. Main focus is on alcoholic beverages, since many common beliefs on the effects of alcohol and alcohol policy are biased. You'll be surprised. Learn how to shun the enemies of perfect drinking. Protect yourself from moral panic, well-meant nannying and patronizing. Know the health risks. Avoid the dangers of alcoholism. Seek to oppose counterproductive alcohol policies. The author is a doctor of medical science and adjunct professor in public health at the University of Helsinki, Finland. His research has focused on the causes and consequences of alcohol intake. He was the Research Director at the Finnish Foundation for Alcohol Studies before he retired to write this book. The second edition has been revised and updated. It has a lot of important new information.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Statistical Reasoning for Everyday Life, Fourth Edition, provides students with a clear understanding of statistical concepts and ideas so they can become better critical thinkers and decision makers, whether they decide to start a business, plan for their financial future, or just watch the news. The authors bring statistics to life by applying statistical concepts to the real world situations, taken from news sources, the internet, and individual experiences. Note: This is the standalone book If you want the Book/Access Card you can ord...
Normal 0 false false false We live in a data-driven world, and this is a book about understanding and working with that data. In order to be informed citizens, authors Rob Gould and Colleen Ryan believe that learning statistics extends beyond the classroom to an essential life skill. They teach students of all math backgrounds how to think about data, how to reason using data, and how to make decisions based on data. With a clear, unintimidating writing style and carefully chosen pedagogy, Introductory Statistics: Exploring the World through Data makes data analysis accessible to all students. Guided Exercises support students by building their confidence as they learn to solve problems. Snapshots summarize statistical procedures and concepts for convenient studying. While this text assumes the use of statistical software, formulas are presented as an aid to understanding the concepts rather than the focus of study. Check Your Tech features demonstrate how students will get the same numerical value by-hand as when using statistical software.
Statistics: Unlocking the Power of Data, 2nd Edition continues to utilize these intuitive methods like randomization and bootstrap intervals to introduce the fundamental idea of statistical inference. These methods are brought to life through authentically relevant examples, enabled through easy to use statistical software, and are accessible at very early stages of a course. The program includes the more traditional methods like t-tests, chi-square texts, etc. but only after students have developed a strong intuitive understanding of inference through randomization methods. The focus throughout is on data analysis and the primary goal is to enable students to effectively collect data, analyze data, and interpret conclusions drawn from data. The program is driven by real data and real applications.
Oehlert's text is suitable for either a service course for non-statistics graduate students or for statistics majors. Unlike most texts for the one-term grad/upper level course on experimental design, Oehlert's new book offers a superb balance of both analysis and design, presenting three practical themes to students: • when to use various designs • how to analyze the results • how to recognize various design options Also, unlike other older texts, the book is fully oriented toward the use of statistical software in analyzing experiments.
The second edition of a bestselling textbook, Using R for Introductory Statistics guides students through the basics of R, helping them overcome the sometimes steep learning curve. The author does this by breaking the material down into small, task-oriented steps. The second edition maintains the features that made the first edition so popular, while updating data, examples, and changes to R in line with the current version. See What’s New in the Second Edition: Increased emphasis on more idiomatic R provides a grounding in the functionality of base R. Discussions of the use of RStudio helps new R users avoid as many pitfalls as possible. Use of knitr package makes code easier to read and ...
Participar de bancas avaliadoras de projetos de investimento e novos negócios em disciplinas de business games foi o ponto de partida para “As 10 habilidades estratégico-financeiras dos gestores modernos”. Quanto mais analisava times de projetos formados por alunos em conclusão de MBA, mais o autor se questionava sobre três pontos importantes. Os alunos em conclusão de cursos de MBA não sabem montar um planejamento, não têm a dimensão exata do que é ser gestor e são despreparados para lidar com finanças. Pois bem, esta obra é uma valiosa contribuição sobre a questão de finanças para profissionais que busquem desenvolver suas habilidades financeiras e gerenciais, sejam gestores de qualquer área, sejam aspirantes ao cargo de gestor. Mesmo sem formação em áreas relacionadas a finanças, conhecer o básico de matemática financeira e ser curioso sobre o que faz um negócio girar já é meio caminho andado.