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Current fashion is a complex phenomenon. In a constant state of constant flux, contemporary fashion combines a mix of the different cultural aspects that inform the modern individual. Atlas of Fashion Designers is born out of this proposition, and features a compilation of the most important fashion designers and their work in the past five years, selected from a multi-disciplinary perspective that display the heterogeneous mix of today’s fashion world. Featured designers all have one trait in common: they were singled out, not only for the quality of their work, but also because they illustrate different perspectives in their approach to fashion. This book includes designers with a w...
More than 150 fashion designers are featured from around the world Current fashion is a complex phenomenon.
Unlike most boys growing up, Valentino Garavani never wanted to be a fireman, a policeman, a forest ranger, or an airline pilot.
Daniel Canogar's photographs and photographic installations have long dwelt on issues of immersion and realism, of corporeal images and sensations, of light instrumentalized to reveal figments and traces of visual matter. His consistent use of photography undermines and transcends simple questions of photographic realism through play and variable scales, obsessive pseudo-repetition, and disconcerting projection procedures and surfaces. The Zero Gravity opus contains Departure, a forest of manipulable fiber optic cables that obliges spectators to blaze their own image trails; Pulse of Darkness projects an endless wall-to-wall loop of photographed bones; and Leap of Faith adopts a panoramic cylindrical structure as an ethereal white surface charged with dozens of floating bodies. Daniel Canogar was born in 1964 in Madrid, where he continues to live and work. He studied visual communications and received a Master's in photography from New York University and the International Center for Photography.
Fashion Design, Referenced is a comprehensive guide through the art and industry of fashion design, richly illustrated with over 1,000 photographs and drawings. Within the framework of four central categories, Fashion Design, Referenced examines the many interwoven elements that form the tapestry of fashion. “Fundamentals” provides an overview of the essential structure of the fashion profession (its organization, specializations, and centers) and looks at shifts in style over time and in ever-faster cycles going forward. “Principles” introduces the steps in creating a collection, from design to production, and explores directions suggested by sustainability and technology. “Dissem...
O estilo, a beleza, a mobilização do gosto e das sensibilidades impõem- se a cada dia que passa como imperativos estratégicos das marcas: o capitalismo do hiperconsumo é um modo de produção estética. As indústrias de consumo, o design, a moda, a publicidade, a decoração, o cinema criam, de forma massificada, produtos plenos de sedução, tentando assim veicular afectos e sensibilidade, num universo estético heterogéneo que vai proliferando. E o real vai-se construindo como uma imagem com dimensão estética, que se tornou cada vez mais importante na concorrência entre as marcas globais. É isto o capitalismo artístico, que se caracteriza pelo peso crescente das experiências e sensações, por um trabalho sistemático de estilização dos bens e dos locais comerciais, pela integração generalizada da arte, do visual e do afecto na esfera do consumo. Ao criar uma paisagem económica caótica a nível mundial estilizando o universo do quotidiano, «o capitalismo é menos um ogre que devora os seus próprios filhos do que um Jano de duas faces».
O autor de O império do efêmero assina esse acurado ensaio que revela como a estética está a serviço do mercado, apelando à sensibilidade dos consumidores. Destruição das paisagens, esgotamento das matérias-primas e colapso dos trabalhadores – o capitalismo é uma máquina de decadência estética e de "enfeamento" do mundo. Será mesmo? O estilo, o design e a beleza se impõem a cada dia como imperativos estratégicos das marcas, apelando ao imaginário e à emoção dos consumidores. No design, na moda, no cinema, produtos carregados de sedução são criados em massa. Arte e mercado nunca antes se misturaram tanto, inflando a experiência contemporânea de valor estético. Gilles Lipovetsky, autor dos incontornáveis O império do efêmero e O luxo eterno, investiga com o crítico de arte Jean Serroy esse oximoro da atualidade: o capitalismo artista.
Ideal for high school and college students studying history through the everyday lives of men and women, this book offers intriguing information about the jobs that people have held, from ancient times to the 21st century. This unique book provides detailed studies of more than 300 occupations as they were practiced in 21 historical time periods, ranging from prehistory to the present day. Each profession is examined in a compelling essay that is specifically written to inform readers about career choices in different times and cultures, and is accompanied by a bibliography of additional sources of information, sidebars that relate historical issues to present-day concerns, as well as relate...
La estetización del mundo de Lipovetsky y Serroy no es una obra de sociología corriente. Al igual que en La felicidad paradójica y en La pantalla global, volvemos a encontrarnos no con un ensayo parcial que aborda aspectos puntuales de la sociedad contemporánea, sino con una obra general, de gran aliento, con un fuerte contenido teórico, que viene a resumir las propuestas de obras anteriores, sin olvidar la tesis central del sociólogo parisino: la economía ya no se rige por el oportunismo de la oferta y la demanda, sino por una lógica basada en la dinámica de la moda: producción de mercancías crecientemente diferenciadas y renovadas y búsqueda de una parcelación del consumo que ...