Fiscal health of local governments and municipalities has remained an important issue since the crises of the 1970s in places like New York, Philadelphia and Cleveland. More recently, the bankruptcy of Orange County California raised the possibility of a different type of financial failure than earlier ones. The beginning of the 21st century has witnessed two major economic bubbles including the dotcom and housing bubbles. These economic cycles combined with increasing health care, pension and other structural costs continue to challenge the fiscal viability of many jurisdictions. In particular, the economic and financial crisis of 2007-2008 is likely to result in potentially serious fiscal challenges for local jurisdictions.
Announcements for the following year included in some vols.
Announcements for the following year included in some vols.
Chronologically arranged to demonstrate the evolution of ideas, this book explores major issues in public and government organization theory using classical philosophy. Containing over 2000 bibliographic citations, the book covers the influence Plato's ideas and Jesus' teachings on public administration theory, presents Machiavelli as the creator of the modern concept of public administration, details the effect of mercantilism on political governance, examines the ideas of Jeremy Bentham, John Locke, Adam Smith, and David Hume in American government, discusses the importance of Woodrow Wilson, the Progressive Reform Era, and the Bureau Movement on public administration, and more.
Corruption is a chronic public concern affecting America's cities. Greed, ethical lapses and lack of accountability have drained untold millions in tax dollars. Corrupt practices range from embezzlement, graft, bribery, kickbacks, extortion, nepotism and patronage to the misuse of funds, vehicles, equipment, supplies and other public resources. Court proceedings to investigate and prosecute perpetrators add to the cost. Media exposes have magnified the spectacle of abusive and unethical government. This book investigates the reasons behind corruption and imparts guidelines for better accountability.
Chapter Introduction -- chapter Social Politics, the State, Policy, Comparison: Gordon White's Contribution to China Studies -- chapter Gordon White and Development Studies: An Appreciation -- chapter Reform and the Role of the State in China -- chapter Managing Central-Local Relations During Socialist Marketisation: A Changing Role for the Chinese Communist Party -- chapter Treasuring the Word: Mao, Depoliticisation and the Material Present -- chapter State Enterprise Reform and Gender: One Step Backwards for Women? -- chapter Corporatist Capitalism: The Politics of Accumulation in South India -- chapter Bias and Capture: Corruption, Poverty and the Limitations of Civil Society in India -- ...