The Ocean Sunfishes: Evolution, Biology and Conservation is the first book to gather into one comprehensive volume our fundamental knowledge of the world-record holding, charismatic ocean behemoths in the family Molidae. From evolution and phylogeny to biotoxins, biomechanics, parasites, husbandry and popular culture, it outlines recent and future research from leading sunfish experts worldwide This synthesis includes diet, foraging behavior, migration and fisheries bycatch and overhauls long-standing and outdated perceptions. This book provides the essential go-to resource for both lay and academic audiences alike and anyone interested in exploring one of the ocean’s most elusive and captivating group of fishes.
During recent years our enthusiasm for this field has continually increased. This book presents expert contributions describing the fundamental principles for the widespread use of radiative decay engineering in the biological sciences and nanotechnology.
Beer in Health and Disease Prevention is the single comprehensive volume needed to understand beer and beer-related science. Presenting both the concerns and problems of beer consumption as well as the emerging evidence of benefit, this book offers a balanced view of today's findings and the potential of tomorrow's research. Just as wine in moderation has been proposed to promote health, research is showing that beer – and the ingredients in beer – can have similar impact on improving health, and in some instances preventing disease. This book addresses the impact of beer and beer ingredients on cancers, cardiovascular disease, anti-oxidant benefits, and other health related concerns. It...
Pollution threatens the Laurentian Great Lakes and is a serious problem. This book examines what is known about the major classes of persistent toxic organic pollutants. Agricultural runoff, urban waste, industrial discharge, landfill leachate, and atmospheric deposition, are all to blame. Contamination of the various ecosystems is reviewed, and what is known about the effects of this pollution. This volume provides an invaluable resource for those in environmental research, measurements, and decision making concerning the Great Lakes.
In 1906 and 1907 I gave, as a part of my regular work at the Summer School of Harvard University, an “Introduction to Ethics, with Special. Reference to the Interests of Teachers” A few lectures, summing up the main principles that lay at the basis of this ethical course as it had been given in the summer of 1906, were delivered in January and February, 1907, before a general academic audience, during a brief visit of mine at the University of Illinois. In several other places, both in the West and in the East, I have also presented portions of my views upon ethics; and in the summer of 1907 four general lectures on the topic were repeated before the Summer School of Theology at Harvard....
Explains the principles and current thinking behind plasmon enhanced Fluorescence Describes the current developments in Surface Plasmon Enhanced, Coupled and Controlled Fluorescence Details methods used to understand solar energy conversion, detect and quantify DNA more quickly and accurately, and enhance the timeliness and accuracy of digital immunoassays Contains contributions by the world’s leading scientists in the area of fluorescence and plasmonics Describes detailed experimental procedures for developing both surfaces and nanoparticles for applications in metal-enhanced fluorescence
This book, divided in two volumes, originates from Techno-Societal 2018: the 2nd International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Societal Applications, Maharashtra, India, that brings together faculty members of various engineering colleges to solve Indian regional relevant problems under the guidance of eminent researchers from various reputed organizations. The focus is on technologies that help develop and improve society, in particular on issues such as the betterment of differently abled people, environment impact, livelihood, rural employment, agriculture, healthcare, energy, transport, sanitation, water, education. This conference aims to help innovators to share their best practices or products developed to solve specific local problems which in turn may help the other researchers to take inspiration to solve problems in their region. On the other hand, technologies proposed by expert researchers may find applications in different regions. This offers a multidisciplinary platform for researchers from a broad range of disciplines of Science, Engineering and Technology for reporting innovations at different levels.
Today, flavor chemists can generate copious amounts of data in a short time with relatively little effort using automated solid phase micro-extraction, Gerstel-Twister and other extraction techniques in combination with gas chromatographic (GC) analysis. However, more data does not necessarily mean better understanding. In fact, the ability to extr
The Turkish mafia dominates the world's heroin trade. Customs officers estimate they supply 80% of the 'smack' that reaches Britain. Yet they have remained a mysterious and deadly group, little understood. In this landmark book, the authors trace the intriguing history of the babas, or godfathers, and reveal for the first time the historic conclave in September 1980 when the babas carved up Europe between them and changed the face of the international drug trade. Today, the babas have moved into the ecstasy trade and people smuggling. This is their untold story.
Difference Methods for Singular Perturbation Problems focuses on the development of robust difference schemes for wide classes of boundary value problems. It justifies the ε-uniform convergence of these schemes and surveys the latest approaches important for further progress in numerical methods. The first part of the book e