English dry-bodied stoneware was the ultimate ceramic expression of the neoclassical wave which erupted in England and on the Continent in the mid-eighteenth century. Initially basalt commanded the scene, with its imposing black stoneware forms imitating Greek vases. However, it was Wedgwood's invention of the jasper body which was to be the tour de force associated with his name. Wedgwood's jasper vases, purchased by gentry and nobility alike, were soon imitated by a myriad of potters. This book is the first to explore the vast subject of English dry-bodied stoneware with discussions on the antecedents of the eighteenth century neoclassical wares, the red stonewares of the seventeenth century, as well as the other bodies produced by Wedgwood and his contemporaries: caneware, white felspathic stoneware and, of course, the flagship of the Wedgwood name, jasper. The authors have, for the first time, utilised Wedgwood's surviving sales records from 1774-1794 and these have made it possible to allow
This is a wide-ranging narrative history of the world from the beginning of civilization to the early Renaissance and the Reformation.
One of the most momentous and destructive wars in European history, the Thirty Years War has long been studied for its diplomatic, political, and military consequences. Yet the actual participants in this religiously motivated, seemingly endless conflict have largely been ignored. Hans Medick and Benjamin Marschke reveal the Thirty Years War from the perspective of those who lived it. Their introduction provides important insights into the roiling religious and political landscape from which the war emerged, as well as a thoughtful examination of the war's stages and enduring significance. An unprecedented collection of personal accounts, many of them translated for the first time into English, combine with visual sources to convey directly to students the experience of early modern warfare. Incisive document headnotes, maps and illustrations, a chronology, questions to consider, and a bibliography enrich students' understanding of this fateful war.
Literaturverz. S. 187
The trial and execution of Charles I shocked all Europe. On 20 November 1648 the Puritan army - Cromwell's army - demanded before the House of Commons that the king be brought to trial. Just over two months later on 30 January 1649, he was beheaded. In her acclaimed account C.V. Wedgood recreates the exciting events of those ten weeks, bringing vividly before us the main actors in this tragic drama: the calm and lonely Charles I and the daunting, iron-willed Cromwell.