Offers an A-Z guide to animals that have yet to be officially recognized in science, discussing where these animals live and why they remain a mystery.
A comprehensive guide to cryptozoology—the quest to identify animals that have not been officially catalogued by science and to place these unknown animals into their proper zoological categories. In this fascinating two-volume encyclopedia, author George M. Eberhart provides a comprehensive catalog of nearly 1,000 cryptids—unknown animals usually reported through eyewitness accounts and not yet described by science. Cryptids are the stuff of folklore, hoaxes, and genuine scientific breakthroughs. There are 400 now-classified cryptids once considered either extinct or pure fantasy. The cryptozoologist's job is to strip away the myth, misidentification, and mystery—and separate fact fro...
This book list every aerial victory credited to the AAF in WW2. It gives the name, rank, serial number, Squadron, Group and date of every victory.
There is more to teaching than purely translating academic concepts to children. Teaching is a vocation. The book creates a framework by which training institutions can use so that our children are getting the best teachers.