A union list of serials commencing publication after Dec. 31, 1949.
In light of public concerns about sustainable food production, the necessity for human and environmental protection, along with the evolution of herbicide resistant weeds, call for a review of current weed control strategies. Sustainable weed control requires an integrated approach based on knowledge of each crop and the weeds that threaten it. This book will be an invaluable source of information for scholars, growers, consultants, researchers and other stakeholders dealing with either arable, row, cash, vegetables, orchards or even grassland-based production systems. The uniqueness of this book comes from the balanced coverage of herbicide effects on humans and environment in relation to best weed control practices of the most important cropping systems worldwide. Furthermore, it amalgamates and discusses the most appropriate, judicious and suitable weed control strategies for a wide range of crops. It reviews the available information and suggests solutions that are not merely feasible but also optimal.
Includes entries for maps and atlases.
"No other official record or group of records is as historically significant as the 1790 census of the United States. The taking of this census marked the inauguration of a process that continues right up to our own day--the enumeration at ten-year intervals of the entire American population" -- publisher website (June 2007).
While scholars increasingly recognize the importance of religion throughout American history, The Bible in American Law and Politics is the first reference book to focus on the key role that the Bible has played in American public life. In considering revolting from Great Britain, Americans contemplated whether this was consistent with scripture. Americans subsequently sought to apply Biblical passages to such issues as slavery, women’s rights, national alcoholic prohibition, issues of war and peace, and the like. American presidents continue to take their oath on the Bible. Some of America’s greatest speeches, for example, Lincoln’s Second Inaugural and William Jennings Bryan’s Cros...