Quantum Mechanics
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 344

Quantum Mechanics

Why does one theory "succeed" while another, possibly clearer interpretation, fails? By exploring two observationally equivalent yet conceptually incompatible views of quantum mechanics, James T. Cushing shows how historical contingency can be crucial to determining a theory's construction and its position among competing views. Since the late 1920s, the theory formulated by Niels Bohr and his colleagues at Copenhagen has been the dominant interpretation of quantum mechanics. Yet an alternative interpretation, rooted in the work of Louis de Broglie in the early 1920s and reformulated and extended by David Bohm in the 1950s, equally well explains the observational data. Through a detailed his...

They Did Not Dwell Alone
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 324

They Did Not Dwell Alone

Drawing of his experience as former Dutch ambassador to the USSR, Petrus Buwalda recounts the full story of the "refuseniks", whose immigration to Israel was by way of Holland.

Foreign Consular Offices in the United States
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 644

Foreign Consular Offices in the United States

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1970
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Nico Bloembergen
  • Language: nl
  • Pages: 438

Nico Bloembergen

Nicolaas Bloembergen is een Nederlands-Amerikaans natuurkundige en Nobelprijswinnaar. Hij leverde een cruciale bijdrage aan één van de meeste vernieuwende technologieën van de moderne tijd: de laser. Bloembergen, geboren in 1920, studeerde natuurkunde in Utrecht, en vertrok na de Tweede Wereldoorlog naar de Verenigde Staten, waar hij in 1958 Amerikaans staatsburger werd. Aan de Universiteit van Harvard verrichtte hij baanbrekend werk in kernspinresonantie (NMR), de MRI, in niet-lineaire optica en lasertheorie. In 1978 werd hij onderscheiden met de Lorentz Medaille. Voor zijn bijdrage aan de ontwikkeling van de laser ontving hij in 1981, samen met Arthur Schawlow en Kai Siegbahn, de Nobelp...

Tangled Worlds
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 78

Tangled Worlds

This story centres on the time Maria Hertogh spent in Singapore in 1950, when she became the innocent focus of a tangle of cultures and religions which aroused world-wide interest. There are introductory chapters outlining Maria's origins and an epilogue sketching what happened to her afterwards. The author was at the time head of the Singapore Social Welfare Department which was intimately involved. The account is thus largely based on firsthand knowledge.

Navigating History: Economy, Society, Knowledge, and Nature
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 375

Navigating History: Economy, Society, Knowledge, and Nature

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2018-12-24
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  • Publisher: BRILL

In Navigating History: Economy, Society, Knowledge, and Nature the contributors present new research that touches on the core themes developed in Karel Davids’s work. The book reflects Davids’s omnivorous character as a scholar. Nevertheless, there are common strands that run throughout the introduction and fourteen chapters gathered here. Major themes include resources of knowledge, cultures of learning, and humans and their natural environment. Together, these fourteen essays provide a fascinating panorama of social, economic, and environmental history of the past millennium. The book seeks to bring back the different levels of geographical scope, fusing the local, the national and the global. Contributors are: Ulbe Bosma, Pepijn Brandon, Jaap Bruijn, Petra van Dam, Victor Enthoven, Sabine Go, Marjolein ’t Hart, Raoul De Kerf, Jan Lucassen, Karin Lurvink, Joel Mokyr, Marijn Molema, Bert de Munck, Pál Nyiri, Harm Pieters, Matthias van Rossum, Joost Schokkenbroek, Jeroen Touwen, Wybren Verstegen, and Jan Luiten van Zanden.

How Modern Science Came Into the World
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 825

How Modern Science Came Into the World

Once upon a time 'The Scientific Revolution of the 17th century' was an innovative concept that inspired a stimulating narrative of how modern science came into the world. Half a century later, what we now know as 'the master narrative' serves rather as a strait-jacket - so often events and contexts just fail to fit in. No attempt has been made so far to replace the master narrative. H. Floris Cohen now comes up with precisely such a replacement. Key to his path-breaking analysis-cum-narrative is a vision of the Scientific Revolution as made up of six distinct yet narrowly interconnected, revolutionary transformations, each of some twenty-five to thirty years' duration. This vision enables him to explain how modern science could come about in Europe rather than in Greece, China, or the Islamic world. It also enables him to explain how half-way into the 17th century a vast crisis of legitimacy could arise and, in the end, be overcome.

Weer en wind
  • Language: nl
  • Pages: 459

Weer en wind

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2024-12-05
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  • Publisher: Prometheus

Christoph Buys Ballot (1817-1890), oprichter van het KNMI, was een van 's werelds beroemdste meteorologen. Als zoon van een rijke dominee studeerde hij in Utrecht letteren én natuurwetenschap, tot de laatste zijn volle aandacht eiste. Toen zijn materietheorie op onbegrip stuitte, nam een gefrustreerde Buys Ballot de 'speelpop' van de meteorologie ter hand. Met succes. Op bolwerk Sonnenborgh verrees een weerkundig observatorium dat dankzij Thorbecke, die het nut zag van snellere en veiligere vaarroutes naar Indië, in 1854 promoveerde tot rijksinstituut. Internationale roem bracht de ontdekking van het verband tussen luchtdrukverdeling en wind: de wet van Buys Ballot. Weer en wind portrettee...

Social Digitalisation
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 308

Social Digitalisation

This book shows how many previously contingent social processes have gradually been re-organised and transformed into entangled processes of ‘discontinuance’ and ‘continuance’ through the implementation of digital logic. Together with the necessary co-evolution of our collective digital literacy, this persistent process of transformation throughout modernity is theorised here as one of ‘social digitalisation.’ Social digitalisation highlights the ways in which material digital technology, like preceding material technologies, has been fitted into the longer term trajectory of digital transformation. This new social theory thus reverses prevailing accounts of the ‘digital revolu...

Einstein's Unification
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 225

Einstein's Unification

Shedding new light on Einstein's study of unified field theory, this book will interest physicists, historians and philosophers of science.