A new edition of the authoritative source on hydrazine chemistry In the past century, hydrazine, an important intermediate in the synthesis of countless chemicals with N-N bonds, has grown into a major industrial commodity with a wide range of uses. It is used as a fuel in rocket propulsion, as a boiler feedwater deoxygenating agent, and in the manufacture of foamed plastics, pharmaceuticals, and biodegradable pesticides and herbicides, to name just a few uses. Since the first edition of Hydrazine and Its Derivatives: Preparation, Properties, Applications was published in 1984, there has been considerable development in this field and many new aspects of hydrazine chemistry and applications ...
This book considers the various advanced hydrogen materials and technologies of their synthesis. It presents the consideration of the physics, chemistry, thermodynamics and kinetics of processes of energy conversion, which occur at hydrogen production, storage, transportation and with its use. It also discusses the pioneering attempts to transform motor transport, airplanes, domestic technics, illumination and industrial manufacture of hydrogen fuel.
The Chemistry of Cationic Polymerization covers the fundamental aspects of organic chemistry that provide significant insights into the many facets of cationic polymerization processes and products. Each chapter deals with individual and groups of monomers. Considerable chapters examine the chemistry of oxygen compounds. Other chapters describe the techniques for cationic polymer analysis and detection. This text also considers sulfur compounds, particularly their polymerizations by radical and anionic mechanisms. The remaining chapters explore the polymerization and products of carbonium ions, related organic reactions and comparison with radical and anionic polymerizations, as well as the conspectus of kinetics and mechanism. This book is of great value to organic and polymer chemists.
Spectroscopic Properties of Inorganic and Organometallic Compounds provides a unique source of information on an important area of chemistry. Divided into sections mainly according to the particular spectroscopic technique used, coverage in each volume includes: NMR (with reference to stereochemistry, dynamic systems, paramagnetic complexes, solid state NMR and Groups 13-18); nuclear quadrupole resonance spectroscopy; vibrational spectroscopy of main group and transition element compounds and coordinated ligands; and electron diffraction. Reflecting the growing volume of published work in this field, researchers will find this Specialist Periodical Report an invaluable source of information on current methods and applications. Specialist Periodical Reports provide systematic and detailed review coverage in major areas of chemical research. Compiled by teams of leading experts in their specialist fields, this series is designed to help the chemistry community keep current with the latest developments in their field. Each volume in the series is published either annually or biennially and is a superb reference point for researchers. www.rsc.org/spr
Ya. B. Zeldovich was certainly one of the greatest physicists and cosmologists of the 20th century. This volume presents reminiscences of this exemplary academician, providing biographical and historical insights from colleagues who knew him best. Zeldovich's achievements are outlined, including those in relativistic astrophysics and cosmology, the
:This book emphasizes the numerical methods of solving boundary problems for nonlinear equations of aerohydrodynamics, especially partial differential and integro-differential equations. Topics discussed include an analysis of transonic gas flows and three-dimensional supersonic flows, the simulation of viscous fluid flows, perturbation development in a boundary layer, and approaches to constructing adaptive grids. The book will appeal to professional aeronautical engineers, applied physicists, applied mathematicians, and geophysicists. @
Selected Works of Ya. B. Zeldovich is a two-volume collection of over 100 articles spanning half a century of work by the late Soviet scientist Yakov Borisovich Zeldovich. The breadth and depth of Zeldovich's work is staggering. Author of over twenty books and more than 500 scientific articles, he made fundamental contributions in chemical catalysis and kinetics, combustion and the hydrodynamics of explosive phenomena, nuclear chain reactions and nuclear energy, the physics of elementary particles, and the large-scale structure of the universe and cosmology. The importance of this collection lies not only in its documentary value as a collection of key scientific works by a man whose genius ...