The Concept of Permanent Establishment in the Insurance Business
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 435

The Concept of Permanent Establishment in the Insurance Business

  • Categories: Law

siness models adopted by insurance companies; and comparative analysis of double tax treaty policies adopted in a number of countries with respect to the permanent establishment provision in the insurance business, highlighting Switzerland for comparative purposes. In a concluding chapter, the author proposes changes to the definition of the dependent agent permanent establishment currently enshrined in the model treaties and their respective commentaries, aligning such a definition to the regulatory framework in which insurance companies conduct their business in countries other than that of incorporation. As a highly significant and timely contribution to the study of the interplay between insurance regulation and tax implications, this very original work will prove of especial value to practitioners in international tax and insurance law, as well as professionals in the financial services sector and tax academics.

Anti-Abuse Rules and Tax Treaties
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 492

Anti-Abuse Rules and Tax Treaties

  • Categories: Law

As the struggle to combat tax abuse and tax avoidance gains momentum, ways of making a tax jurisdiction ‘manipulation-proof’ continue to proliferate, from new or revised provisions in model tax treaties to a dramatic increase in the number and variety of anti-abuse and anti-avoidance rules at all levels of government. These measures interact with national tax systems, general anti-abuse clauses and tax treaties. The conflicts and other legal difficulties that inevitably result deserve intensive scrutiny. This book provides an in-depth analysis of current issues concerning the relations of various anti-abuse rules to each other and their impact on the application of tax treaties. The topi...

Bulletin for International Fiscal Documentation
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 654

Bulletin for International Fiscal Documentation

  • Type: Book
  • -
  • Published: 2003
  • -
  • Publisher: Unknown


Democracy at Work
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 303

Democracy at Work

West Germany from 1949 to 1990 was a story of virtually unparalleled political and economic success. This economic miracle incorporated a well-functioning political democracy, expanded to include a social partnership system of economic representation. Then the Wall came down. Economic crisis in the East—industrial collapse, massive layoffs, a demoralized workforce—triggered gloomy predictions. Was this the beginning of the end for the widely admired German model? Lowell Turner has extensively researched the German transformation in the 1990s. Indeed, in 1993 he was at the factory gates at Siemens in Rostock for the first major strike in post-Cold War eastern Germany. In that strike, and ...

Judicial Interpretation of Tax Treaties
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 699

Judicial Interpretation of Tax Treaties

Judicial Interpretation of Tax Treaties is a detailed analytical guide to the interpretation of tax treaties at the national level. The book focuses on how domestic courts interpret and apply the OECD Commentary to OECD Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital. Adopting a global perspective, the book gives a systematic presentation of the main interpretive proposals put forward by the OECD Commentary, and analyses selected cases decided in domestic tax systems in order to assess whether and how such solutions are adopted through national judicial process, and indeed which of these are of most practical value. The book operates on two levels: firstly it sets out a clear and comprehensive framework of tax treaty law, which will be an important tool for any tax practitioner. Secondly, the book provides crucial guidance on issues of tax treaty law as applied at domestic level, such as investment or business income, dispute resolution and administrative cooperation.

Fundamentals of RF and Microwave Techniques and Technologies
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1554

Fundamentals of RF and Microwave Techniques and Technologies

The increase of consumer, medical and sensors electronics using radio frequency (RF) and microwave (MW) circuits has implications on overall performances if design is not robust and optimized for a given applications. The current and later generation communication systems and Internet of Thing (IoT) demand for robust electronic circuits with optimized performance and functionality, but low cost, size, and power consumption. As a result, there is a need for a textbook that provides a comprehensive treatment of the subject. This book provides state-of-the-art coverage of RF and Microwave Techniques and Technologies, covers important topics: transmission-line theory, passive and semiconductor d...

Non-discrimination in Tax Treaty Law and World Trade Law
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 706

Non-discrimination in Tax Treaty Law and World Trade Law

  • Categories: Law

Non-discrimination is a central obligation under both tax treaty and trade law. However, in seeking to strike a balance between national and international interests, its application differs in the two areas of practice. This deeply researched and authoritative work, which explains the policy issues and how non-discrimination analysis works, provides a comprehensive review of non-discrimination rules in WTO and tax treaty law, combining a critical commentary on case law with proposals for an innovative concept for solving cases of discrimination in tax treaty law. Among the practical issues affecting non-discrimination examined in detail are the following: implications that can be drawn from ...

Wohnsitzverlagerung nach Österreich und in die Schweiz
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 386

Wohnsitzverlagerung nach Österreich und in die Schweiz

Verena Schönwetter untersucht ausgehend von typisierten Vermögensstrukturen die steuerlichen Wirkungen eines Umzugs nach Österreich und in die Schweiz. Hierbei werden in einem Simultanplanungsmodell die erbschafts- und einkommenssteuerlichen Folgen dargestellt und Empfehlungen für die Wahl des steueroptimalen Zuzugsstaats abgeleitet.

Official Gazette of the United States Patent and Trademark Office
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 824

Official Gazette of the United States Patent and Trademark Office

  • Type: Book
  • -
  • Published: 2002
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  • Publisher: Unknown
