There are many books of many kinds and this volume properly classified would probably belong to the "sui generis," "sic trasit gloria mundi" variety. If the reader has grown a little rusty on classic Latin I do not mind saying to him further that the latter phrase has been sometimes translated, "My glorious old aunt has been sick ever since Monday," but I do not think that this revised version has been generally accepted as strictly orthodox. This book cannot be said to have been written without rhyme or reason for its pages hold more rhyme than poetry and three reasons at least, have conspired to give it literary existence. A hundred years and more from now it may be that some far descendant of the author, while fingering the musty shelves of some old library, may find some modest satisfaction in the thought that his ancient sire had "writ" a book.
The 1st Florida Union Cavalry was formed in 1863 from men primarily from south Alabama and northwest Florida. These men were both deserters from the Confederate Army and men who had avoided conscription or turned eighteen during the war. The regiment was stationed at Fort Barrancas in Pensacola, Florida and served along the upper Gulf Coast with other Union regiments and participated in the Battle of Marianna, FL, the Mobile Campaign and the occupation of Montgomery, AL. The book explores the history of the area before and during the early years of the war and the history of the regiment including information on any engagements the 1st Florida Union Cavalry participated in (locations - then and now, regimental opponents, victors and summaries of the engagements). In addition, it includes data on the individual men who served in the regiment (detailed military data-Union and Confederate, 1860 census, birth and death, burial, and pension information). Together the information provides a glimpse of this area of the deep South during the Civil War.
Joseph Ratzinger rates relativism as the greatest challenge of the Church today. What he describes is not a new phenomenon but his theology highlights its origins and magnitude. Stanley Hauerwas fights the same battle on the Protestant side. This book attempts to discover and streamline their deliberations, showing their meeting points and where they differ, and remedies they offer to combat the crisis. It seeks to argue out the best response to relativism that can most appropriately benefit both Western and African Christendom. Despite being a Western phenomenon, relativism is no longer an exclusively Western problem. It is, rather, imposing itself as the new world culture, depicting all ot...