Seasonal Hunger and Public Policies
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 221

Seasonal Hunger and Public Policies

Agricultural development through crop diversification, irrigation, high yielding crop varieties, and public investments in infrastructure has improved food security and its seasonal dimension worldwide in recent years. Consequently, the severity of seasonal hunger caused by agricultural crop cycles has lessened substantially. Yet in agricultural pockets scattered throughout Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia, seasonal hunger persists, especially among the rural poor, owing primarily to idiosyncratic shocks caused by agricultural seasonality. More than four-fifths of the world's poor live in rural areas and depend on agriculture for livelihoods. Because of seasonal income shocks, the poor who are ge...

Wage and Productivity Gaps
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 54

Wage and Productivity Gaps

Ghana's labor market is segmented, and the workforce adds more to firm level productivity than its cost would suggest. The more training and education workers have, the higher their wages and the greater their productivity. In short, investments in human capital improves productivity.

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 34



The National Politics of Nuclear Power
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 314

The National Politics of Nuclear Power

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2012
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  • Publisher: Routledge

This book offers a comprehensive assessment of the dynamics driving, and constraining, nuclear power development in Asia, Europe and North America, providing detailed comparative analysis. The book formulates a theory of nuclear socio-political economy which highlights six factors necessary for embarking on nuclear power programs: (1) national security and secrecy, (2) technocratic ideology, (3) economic interventionism, (4) a centrally coordinated energy stakeholder network, (5) subordination of opposition to political authority, and (6) social peripheralization. The book validates this theory by confirming the presence of these six drivers during the initial nuclear power developmental per...

The Impact of NAFTA and Options for Tax Reform in Mexico
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 64

The Impact of NAFTA and Options for Tax Reform in Mexico

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has had a profound impact on Mexico's economy and institutions. Mexico's tax reform should be guided not by NAFTA considerations, however, but by the objectives of higher revenues and a simpler, more efficient, and more equitable tax system.

The Evolution of Povetry and Welfare in Nigeria, 1985-92
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 100

The Evolution of Povetry and Welfare in Nigeria, 1985-92


Financial Safety Nets and Incentive Structures in Latin America
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 40

Financial Safety Nets and Incentive Structures in Latin America

October 1998 Three principles that should govern the safety net for a country's financial system, altering bank behavior and deepening financial intermediation by shifting some risk to the government. Well-designed bank safety nets should alter bank behavior and deepen financial intermediation by shifting some risk to the government. It is often said that the best safety net for a financial system is one that makes market participants behave as if the safety net did not exist. Brock examines issues associated with safety nets for financial systems in small open economies such as those in Latin America. He stresses three principles that should guide the design and operations of a financial sy...

The Quality of Growth
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 300

The Quality of Growth

Part of the World Bank's Millennium Program, this book offers a retrospective of the World Bank's development efforts since 1991.

Poverty Correlates and Indicator-based Targeting in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 119

Poverty Correlates and Indicator-based Targeting in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union

July 1998 Social protection systems in the transition economies have been inadequate to meet the challenges of transition, being both costly and poorly targeted. The largest group of poor people is the working poor-especially workers with little education (primary education or less) or outdated vocational or technical education. Grootaert and Braithwaite compare poverty in three Eastern European countries (Bulgaria, Hungary, and Poland) with poverty in three countries of the former Soviet Union (Estonia, Kyrgyz Republic, and Russia). They find striking differences between the post-Soviet and Eastern European experiences with poverty and targeting. Among patterns detected: * Poverty in Easter...

Insurance Against Poverty
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 484

Insurance Against Poverty

Poor people in developing countries are often affected by droughts, floods, illness, crop failure, job loss, and economic downturns. Much of their energy goes into coping with these shocks and into day-to-day survival. While insurance and credit markets, combined with widespread social security, provide an important cushion against poverty in rich countries, the need for immediate survival may lock the poor into persistent poverty in developing countries.The poor in developing countries do have informal mechanisms to cope with risk and misfortune. These are based on income diversification, risk avoidance, self-insurance by saving together with family, and community-based mutual assistance. N...